Hey there,
I wanna take a few spins for a quick vote;
== The Education Spin ==
My primary concern about maybe not being able to override --instLangs from within a localized kickstart inheriting this kickstart is lifted; it works like a charm. There are no further objections to this spin but concern over the reason as to why the spin needs to save so much space (yet ship two desktop environments).
This one gets a +1 from me.
== The BrOffice.org Spin ==
Just changed to use --instLangs en_US:pt_BR ;-) This has been a spin for Fedora 10 and should thus go through very smoothly.
This one also gets a +1 from me.
== The Games Spin ==
No further introduction needed. This spin however is still in Category:Incomplete_Spins !!
This one... apparently isn't ready to get any votes yet, but I wanted to mention it anyway.
Kind regards,
Jeroen van Meeuwen -kanarip
+1 for both from me (I'm new to the fedora live world so not sure if my +1 matters but I figured I'd throw it out there)
I was also wanting to mention the security spin. That's a project that I was hoping to work along with Lmacken in order to "bring it back". https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SecuritySpin
Not sure it will make the cut for F11 mainly because there are a number of packages still needing to be packaged up and other work to be done, but I did want to at least mention it.
On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 9:42 PM, Jeroen van Meeuwen kanarip@kanarip.com wrote:
Hey there,
I wanna take a few spins for a quick vote;
== The Education Spin ==
My primary concern about maybe not being able to override --instLangs from within a localized kickstart inheriting this kickstart is lifted; it works like a charm. There are no further objections to this spin but concern over the reason as to why the spin needs to save so much space (yet ship two desktop environments).
This one gets a +1 from me.
== The BrOffice.org Spin ==
Just changed to use --instLangs en_US:pt_BR ;-) This has been a spin for Fedora 10 and should thus go through very smoothly.
This one also gets a +1 from me.
== The Games Spin ==
No further introduction needed. This spin however is still in Category:Incomplete_Spins !!
This one... apparently isn't ready to get any votes yet, but I wanted to mention it anyway.
Kind regards,
Jeroen van Meeuwen -kanarip _______________________________________________ Fedora-spins mailing list Fedora-spins@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/fedora-spins
Em Sex, 2009-02-20 às 04:42 +0100, Jeroen van Meeuwen escreveu:
Hey there,
I wanna take a few spins for a quick vote;
== The Education Spin ==
My primary concern about maybe not being able to override --instLangs from within a localized kickstart inheriting this kickstart is lifted; it works like a charm. There are no further objections to this spin but concern over the reason as to why the spin needs to save so much space (yet ship two desktop environments).
I give a +1 for this one too. In my opinion this new approach will hit a broader audience than the spin created for F10.
== The BrOffice.org Spin ==
Just changed to use --instLangs en_US:pt_BR ;-) This has been a spin for Fedora 10 and should thus go through very smoothly.
I am the maintainer of this one. The kickstart file is almost the same previously approved for Fedora 10. I am keeping it as straightforward as possible. I think its download statistics are really good for a first release. For Fedora 11 we are including all BrOffice.org packages and I expect things to get even better.
Regards, Igor Pires Soares
Igor Pires Soares wrote:
Em Sex, 2009-02-20 às 04:42 +0100, Jeroen van Meeuwen escreveu:
Hey there,
I wanna take a few spins for a quick vote;
== The Education Spin ==
My primary concern about maybe not being able to override --instLangs from within a localized kickstart inheriting this kickstart is lifted; it works like a charm. There are no further objections to this spin but concern over the reason as to why the spin needs to save so much space (yet ship two desktop environments).
I give a +1 for this one too. In my opinion this new approach will hit a broader audience than the spin created for F10.
As I'm the maintainer, no vote from my side here. But I think you're mentioning exactly, what we're trying to achieve. We worked out a new approach and are now not anymore limited to mathematics or so...
== The BrOffice.org Spin ==
Just changed to use --instLangs en_US:pt_BR ;-) This has been a spin for Fedora 10 and should thus go through very smoothly.
I am the maintainer of this one. The kickstart file is almost the same previously approved for Fedora 10. I am keeping it as straightforward as possible. I think its download statistics are really good for a first release. For Fedora 11 we are including all BrOffice.org packages and I expect things to get even better.
And a +1 here! :) Looks very sane in my opinion.
Using the instLangs argument might help here to get the office suite better in (without dropping too much other stuff), yep...
Regards, Igor Pires Soares
Thanks, --Sebastian