Maybe Engineering Services could take this on.
-----Original Message----- From: "Matt Domsch" Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 16:38:08 To: The Spin Special Interest Group mailing Subject: Re: [Fedora-spins] Board SWG questions for Spins Owners
I ran into this just this week too. Isohybrid script is pretty small and could be re-written in C by someone who passed C 101 in a day or so I'd think.
-----Original Message----- From: Peter Robinson Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 17:08:06 To: The Spin Special Interest Group mailing Subject: Re: [Fedora-spins] Board SWG questions for Spins Owners
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 4:41 PM, Bill Nottingham wrote:
Christoph Wickert ( said:
The first is a policy issue that could be redressed. The second is unlikely to change (and would imply you'd be signing up to write your own if you didn't want to use anaconda/firstboot, which I can't imagine is what you want), and the third probably requires patch submissions.
(Note: due to the requirements for a window manager at installation time, anaconda may very well require metacity in the near future.)
Why not a virtual provide and let the spin maintainers and users decide? In F12 we changed anaconda to use any display manager that has a virtual provides for "service(graphical-login)" instead of hardcoding a list of display managers. We should do the same for window manager.
anaconda, firstboot, and whatever would need a mechanism to start random-window-manager of the day and adjust the configuration as needed. If that's important to people, they should submit patches.
It is not random but defined by the user or maintainer. All the spins except the Desktop Spin already (have to) configure /etc/sysconfig/desktop.
Getting arbitrary things into the anaconda image isn't trivial - it involves explicitly listing packages and files to use. firstboot's a little better, as it's actually working on an installed system. As I said, if you or others have interest in making this possible, the way to start is with patches or patch proposals. Get all the WMs that people might want for this providing something that can automatically determine the command to run. Make sure that they all do the right thing without needing random arguments passed to them. Then work from there with patches to apps.
I would like to see it support at least mutter, not sure that this should be too hard as its based on metacity anyway. For a gnome-shell based gnome or Mobline/Meego it seems a little overkill having metacity and deps just for install.
I'd also like to see the removal of the requirement of perl (via perl scripts in syslinux) as it added about 10% to the F-12 test LiveCDs I did off Moblin. Anaconda uses a single of these scripts and only for the creation of hybrid boot cds (see bugs 544136 and 559644 ), This is also relevant for the Sugar on a Stick spin as well. Its the last dep remaining on perl in both those spins (and I suspect the desktop spins as well).
Peter _______________________________________________ spins mailing list
On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 16:41:39 +0000, Matt Domsch wrote:
Maybe Engineering Services could take this on.
I swear this message wasn't in my inbox when I sent my last reply. It does seem to be something appropriate for that group.