Hi all,
I'm scratching my head about this and have thrown already a good chunk of time into working on this, so I figured it might be reasonable to ask here, in case somebody had any ideas. We're working on getting a modified splash screen as before for Sugar on a Stick in time for the release (which is coming close, so I'm trying to get the done as soon as possible).
The required package with the images and the plymouth file has been packaged long ago [1] and we're replacing the original theme in the kickstart file by now [2]. However, on a machine that boots both on F13 Beta and RHEL 6 Beta using the graphical boot screen, SoaS comes only up with the blue bar at the bottom - the %post part of the RPM file fails according to the logs, though [3].
Ray Strode suggested that this might be caused by the fact that the plymouth theme gets installed past the kernel in the build process, and that if this was the case, it'd be required to rebuild the initrd in %post. Turns out that sugar-logos actually gets installed past the kernel. But even after calling dracut in the kickstart's %post part, nothing changes.
So. Does anybody have an idea how we can get the sugar-logos package installed *before* the kernel one? Or how we can get a working rebuild of the initrd into the spin? Any help to get this done in time would be really appreciated!
[1] http://cvs.fedoraproject.org/viewvc/devel/sugar-logos/sugar-logos.spec?view=... [2] http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=spin-kickstarts.git;a=blob;f=fedora-livec... [3] http://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/nightly-composes/soas/logs/
On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 19:49:12 +0200, Sebastian Dziallas sebastian@when.com wrote:
Ray Strode suggested that this might be caused by the fact that the plymouth theme gets installed past the kernel in the build process, and that if this was the case, it'd be required to rebuild the initrd in %post. Turns out that sugar-logos actually gets installed past the kernel. But even after calling dracut in the kickstart's %post part, nothing changes.
It might be more tricky than that. My (possibly incorrect) understanding is that the initial boot stuff is really outside of the install. So you might need to change something in livecd-creator and not just do stuff with the ks file.