Hi there,
I see no Feature pages yet for the Fedora 10 release, and I'm wondering why.
Is there a problem with getting the Feature pages up?
Am So 27.Juli 2008 schrieb Jeroen van Meeuwen:
Hi there,
I see no Feature pages yet for the Fedora 10 release, and I'm wondering why.
Is there a problem with getting the Feature pages up?
For me (and the KDE-"Spin") it's mostly my limited time atm. And in some way also that I don't really know yet what to write there.
A very rough first version is available here (but not really meant for public yet): https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SebastianVahl/KDESpin
Sebastian Vahl wrote:
Am So 27.Juli 2008 schrieb Jeroen van Meeuwen:
Hi there,
I see no Feature pages yet for the Fedora 10 release, and I'm wondering why.
Is there a problem with getting the Feature pages up?
For me (and the KDE-"Spin") it's mostly my limited time atm. And in some way also that I don't really know yet what to write there.
A very rough first version is available here (but not really meant for public yet): https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SebastianVahl/KDESpin
I have the feature page for the Education Math Spin here:
I'm just not sure, whether it's already "ready" for submission to FESCo... but apart from that, we'd just need to fix this pending generic-logos / kdm bug until final (I think Rex has an eye on it ;).
Em Dom, 2008-07-27 às 17:19 +0200, Jeroen van Meeuwen escreveu:
Hi there,
I see no Feature pages yet for the Fedora 10 release, and I'm wondering why.
Is there a problem with getting the Feature pages up?
I created the Feature Page for my spin at: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/BrOffice.orgSpin
I think the lack of Feature Pages for Spins is due to the bureaucracy it adds to the spin submission, probably people got confused with that.
Anyway, I did my best to express what I want to do. If you guys have something to help me in guidance please let me know. Tomorrow I will work a bit more on this page and set it to Fedora 10 Proposed Features.
Regards, Igor Pires Soares