After modifying system-auth as you suggested ( I removed the ldap definitions from system-auth and reordered the sssd definitions),
authok size came with the value 10 

and caching is working now. Thanks for your help.

I have another question; I also had to comment   #ldap_pwd_policy = shadow  
If I don't comment ldap_pwd_policy = shadow  line  I got below errors even I have  ShadowExpire and ShadowLastChange attriutes set.

(Fri Nov 18 16:00:14 2011) [sssd[be[]]] [get_port_status] (7): Port status of port 636 for server '' is 'working'
(Fri Nov 18 16:00:14 2011) [sssd[be[]]] [get_server_status] (7): Status of server '' is 'working'
(Fri Nov 18 16:00:14 2011) [sssd[be[]]] [be_resolve_server_done] (4): Found address for server []
(Fri Nov 18 16:00:14 2011) [sssd[be[]]] [fo_set_port_status] (4): Marking port 636 of server '' as 'working'
(Fri Nov 18 16:00:14 2011) [sssd[be[]]] [set_server_common_status] (4): Marking server '' as 'working'
(Fri Nov 18 16:00:14 2011) [sssd[be[]]] [find_password_expiration_attributes] (1): No shadow password attributes found, but shadow password policy was requested.
(Fri Nov 18 16:00:14 2011) [sssd[be[]]] [get_user_dn] (1): find_password_expiration_attributes failed.
(Fri Nov 18 16:00:14 2011) [sssd[be[]]] [be_pam_handler_callback] (4): Backend returned: (3, 4, <NULL>) [Internal Error (System error)]
(Fri Nov 18 16:00:14 2011) [sssd[be[]]] [be_pam_handler_callback] (4): Sending result [4][]
(Fri Nov 18 16:00:14 2011) [sssd[be[]]] [be_pam_handler_callback] (4): Sent result [4][]

On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 3:42 PM, Jan Zeleny <> wrote:
Aziz Sasmaz <> wrote:
> I am sure I am not sending zero-length pass. Can it be beacuse of the
> system-auth configuration?

Probably, you are using:

auth        sufficient use_first_pass

before pam_unix line. I suggest either moving it after that line or deleting
the use_first_pass argument
