Hi, folks
I have successfully setup sssd that the project members can login with
their LDAP credentials.
we also have gitlab installed in the same server, gitlab relies on the SSH
trigger (command="..." in authorized_keys file) for git ssh auth.
but the problem is I can't get git ssh auth login success because the
gitlab-shell comamnd not triggered:
cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
command="*date >> a.log;* /opt/git/gitlab-shell/bin/gitlab-shell
i added "date >> a.log" in front of the gitlab-shell, the expect result is
~/a.log should be generated and datetime are logged in the file.
(i test this on a normal server, which means without SSSD setup, it worked
as expected)
but on the SSSD enabled server, i did not see ~/a.log created, that means
the command not triggered.
so do you have any clue why the command not triggered?
let me know if need to provide more info, like conf file, etc.
Thanks & Best Regards!
(. .)
| Nick Tan |