sssd experts,

With an AD backend, by default the AD provider sets case_sensitive == False.  This has the desired action of lower-casing user names.  (and group names).  But not home directories.

How can we similarly lower case home directories?  Our AD admins have an edict to camel-case their home directory and user name entries in AD.  (Apparently, some high-level manager wishes to see user names in camel case.)

In our old commercial AD integration product, it had a setting:

lowercase-homedirs = true

and then it took whatever it found in AD and merely lower cased it. 

To sort of work around this problem when doing a sssd migration, we have set:


override_homedirs = /home/%u


This works.  But effectively, this is throwing out whatever is in AD and replacing it with /home/<lower case user name>

This only works because all our home dirs. are under /home.  What about other companies that need to lower-case their home dirs., but they’re not always under /home?  How would you lower-case home dirs. in sssd?
