
sssd does not start as it sets the Principal name to [host/lx20@ADS.EXAMPLE.COM]
instead of [host/fqdn@ADS.EXAMPLE.COM], i.e. [host/lx20.example.com@ADS.EXAMPLE.COM].

Is there a way to set the principal name in a conf file ?

(Thu Jan  3 00:00:08 2013) [sssd[be[ads.example.com]]] [fo_new_service] (3): Creating new service 'KERBEROS'
(Thu Jan  3 00:00:08 2013) [sssd[be[ads.example.com]]] [fo_add_server] (3): Adding new server 'kdc01.ads.example.com', to service 'KERBEROS'
(Thu Jan  3 00:00:08 2013) [sssd[be[ads.example.com]]] [sss_krb5_verify_keytab] (4): Principal name is: [host/lx20@ADS.EXAMPLE.COM]
(Thu Jan  3 00:00:08 2013) [sssd[be[ads.example.com]]] [sss_krb5_verify_keytab_ex] (0): Principal [host/lx20@ADS.EXAMPLE.COM] not found in keytab [default]
(Thu Jan  3 00:00:08 2013) [sssd[be[ads.example.com]]] [setup_child] (0): Could not verify keytab
(Thu Jan  3 00:00:08 2013) [sssd[be[ads.example.com]]] [sssm_ldap_id_init] (1): setup_child failed [14][Bad address].
(Thu Jan  3 00:00:08 2013) [sssd[be[ads.example.com]]] [load_backend_module] (0): Error (14) in module (ldap) initialization (sssm_ldap_id_init)!
(Thu Jan  3 00:00:08 2013) [sssd[be[ads.example.com]]] [be_process_init] (0): fatal error initializing data providers
(Thu Jan  3 00:00:08 2013) [sssd[be[ads.example.com]]] [main] (0): Could not initialize backend [14]

lx20:~ # hostname -f
lx20:~ #
lx20:~ # klist -e -k -t /etc/krb5.keytab
Keytab name: FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab
KVNO Timestamp         Principal
---- ----------------- --------------------------------------------------------
   6 01/01/70 01:00:00 host/lx20.example.com@ADS.EXAMPLE.COM (AES-256 CTS mode with 96-bit SHA-1 HMAC)
lx20:~ #
lx20:~ # cat /etc/SuSE-release
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86_64)
lx20:~ #

Pleate note, that sssd version is 1.5.11 as this (old) version is shipped with sles11sp2:


kind regards

Stefan Schmid