sssd version 1.15.0 running on Ubuntu Xenial.
In my setup sssd is not automatically refreshing computer account tickets after 30 days, for some reason.

I found te msktutil package, which has a cron job which runs msktutil --auto-update each day.
So far so good.

However  msktutil --auto-update fails but  msktutil --update works OK.
Can anyone drop me a hint please why this might be so?
Snippets from the verbose output below.

/usr/sbin/msktutil --verbose --auto-update
-- get_default_keytab: Obtaining the default keytab name: FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab
 -- create_fake_krb5_conf: Created a fake krb5.conf file: /tmp/.msktkrb5.conf-V1URdr
 -- reload: Reloading Kerberos Context
 -- finalize_exec: SAM Account Name is: and$
 -- try_machine_keytab_princ: Trying to authenticate for and$ from local keytab...
 -- try_machine_keytab_princ: Error: krb5_get_init_creds_keytab failed (Preauthentication failed)
 -- try_machine_keytab_princ: Authentication with keytab failed

/usr/sbin/msktutil --verbose --update
-- get_default_keytab: Obtaining the default keytab name: FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab
 -- create_fake_krb5_conf: Created a fake krb5.conf file: /tmp/.msktkrb5.conf-QXmuHN
 -- reload: Reloading Kerberos Context
 -- finalize_exec: SAM Account Name is: and$
 -- try_machine_keytab_princ: Trying to authenticate for and$ from local keytab...
 -- switch_default_ccache: Using the local credential cache: FILE:/tmp/.mskt_krb5_ccache-ZChBdy
 -- finalize_exec: Authenticated using method 1