Thanks Alexey! That github issue solved my problem. Do you know if this will get backported to Debian bullseye?


On 12/23/2021 2:07 PM, Alexey Tikhonov wrote:

(sorry if this my comments will be non-relevant)

On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 8:35 AM Aram Akhavan <> wrote:

Hi all,

I'm new to sssd and am working on deploying it in my homelab on a test VM.

So far, I've successfully joined my host to my very basic/vanilla Active Directory domain using realm join. I can log in via console and ssh using AD credentials, and sudo works great too.

I can't for the life of me get GSSAPI to work on ssh, though.

Please check if this might be similar to

My  relevant sshd_config options are:

# GSSAPI options
GSSAPIAuthentication yes
#GSSAPICleanupCredentials yes
#GSSAPIStrictAcceptorCheck yes
GSSAPIKeyExchange yes

I turned on debug logging on the ssh server and client and the only thing I can see that would suggest any issues are:

Dec 16 23:09:55 test sshd[6068]: debug3: userauth_finish: failure partial=0 next methods="publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,password" [preauth]

I do see this in the syslog when sssd is restarted, though everything else does still work:

Dec 16 23:10:20 test sssd[6102]: tkey query failed: GSSAPI error: Major = Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more information, Minor = Server not found in Kerberos database.

This email thread -
- mentions similar error message.


In my sssd_nub.lan.log file I have a few errors but from what I can tell they're all related to dynamic dns updates:

(2021-12-16 23:10:10): [be[nub.lan]] [ad_disable_gc] (0x0040): POSIX attributes were requested but are not present on the server side. Global Catalog lookups will be disabled
(2021-12-16 23:10:20): [be[nub.lan]] [child_sig_handler] (0x0020): child [6102] failed with status [2].
(2021-12-16 23:10:20): [be[nub.lan]] [nsupdate_child_handler] (0x0040): Dynamic DNS child failed with status [512]
(2021-12-16 23:10:20): [be[nub.lan]] [be_nsupdate_done] (0x0040): nsupdate child execution failed [1432158240]: Dynamic DNS update failed
(2021-12-16 23:10:20): [be[nub.lan]] [child_sig_handler] (0x0020): child [6106] failed with status [2].
(2021-12-16 23:10:20): [be[nub.lan]] [nsupdate_child_handler] (0x0040): Dynamic DNS child failed with status [512]
(2021-12-16 23:10:20): [be[nub.lan]] [be_nsupdate_done] (0x0040): nsupdate child execution failed [1432158240]: Dynamic DNS update failed
(2021-12-16 23:10:20): [be[nub.lan]] [ad_dyndns_sdap_update_done] (0x0040): Dynamic DNS update failed [1432158240]: Dynamic DNS update failed
(2021-12-16 23:10:20): [be[nub.lan]] [be_ptask_done] (0x0040): Task [Dyndns update]: failed with [1432158240]: Dynamic DNS update failed
(2021-12-16 23:25:20): [be[nub.lan]] [sss_ldap_init_sys_connect_done] (0x0020): ldap_init_fd failed: Bad parameter to an ldap routine. [23][cldap://arbiter.nub.lan:389]
(2021-12-16 23:25:20): [be[nub.lan]] [sdap_sys_connect_done] (0x0020): sdap_async_connect_call request failed: [5]: Input/output error.
(2021-12-16 23:25:20): [be[nub.lan]] [sss_ldap_init_sys_connect_done] (0x0020): ldap_init_fd failed: Bad parameter to an ldap routine. [24][cldap://ARBITER.nub.lan:389]
(2021-12-16 23:25:20): [be[nub.lan]] [sdap_sys_connect_done] (0x0020): sdap_async_connect_call request failed: [5]: Input/output error.
(2021-12-16 23:25:20): [be[nub.lan]] [ad_cldap_ping_done] (0x0040): Unable to get site and forest information [2]: No such file or directory

I noticed the sssd troubleshooting basics mention to use kinit for debug, which I did, and klist shows:

Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_7000_MM3M16
Default principal: aram@NUB.LAN

Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
12/16/2021 23:28:30  12/17/2021 09:28:30  krbtgt/NUB.LAN@NUB.LAN
        renew until 12/17/2021 23:28:27

I'm guessing my issue may be related to the service principal name used for sshd, but despite my best searching efforts, I couldn't find anything that tells me what it should be or how I might add it to AD.

I'm stuck! Any pointers or guidance would be greatly appreciated.



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