On 02/11/15 13:15, mathias dufresne wrote:
Hi all,

I'm trying to define in my AD administrative accounts for Linux boxes. To do that I initially thought to create nominative account with some suffix (ex: <username>_adm) and give them UID=0 to make them root accounts.

As SSSD comes with filtering option to avoid some users or groups can connect on some given system using SSSD, I would have added these users to some groups and finally grant access to one admins group to a first bunch of systems, the secodn admins group to a second bunch of systems, etc...

Reading doc and man pages about SSSD sometimes it seems to say that is possible to have users retrieved by SSSD when they have UID = 0, sometimes it says it is not possible.

For example: man sssd.conf on Centos 7 (sssd 1.12.2 - 1.12.2-58.el7_1.17.x86_64) gives:
pam_trusted_users (string)
           Specifies the comma-separated list of UID values or user names that are allowed to access
           the PAM responder. User names are resolved to UIDs at startup.

           Default: all (All users are allowed to access the PAM responder)

           Please note that UID 0 is always allowed to access the PAM responder even in case it is
           not in the pam_trusted_users list.

As man pages says users with "UID 0 is always allowed..." I would expected this refers users retrieved by SSSD, so that SSSD accept to retrieve users with UID=0.

Unfortunately even adding "min_id = 0" in my sssd.conf SSSD refuse to show uid=0 users.

In SSSD logs I have ldapserach filter shown as follow:

Hi, never mind the root user, is that a search filter that sssd is using? it seems to search for a specific user and all users at the same time.


And somewhere I read this is by design that now SSSD refuses to allow users with UID=0.

As all that is not too clear for me, where are we now, are users with UID=0 allowed or not?



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