It took a while until I was able to get the logs from a failed machine. There have been three occasions been logged where the client updated the AD Password. Both 2022-5-23 and 2022-05-31 have been fine only 2022-06-07 wasn't and locally the kvon was not updated, but on the DC it was. The only difference I can spot this.
Working: * Found computer account for LC015564$ at: CN=LC015564,OU=Computer,OU=Minden,OU=Germany,DC=wago,DC=local * Retrieved kvno '16' for computer account in directory: CN=LC015564,OU=Computer,OU=Minden,OU=Germany,DC=wago,DC=local * Sending NetLogon ping to domain controller: svdc01011.wago.local * Received NetLogon info from: SVDC01011.wago.local * Changed computer password * kvno incremented to 17 * Checking RestrictedKrbHost/lc015564.wago.local
Not working: * Found computer account for LC015564$ at: CN=LC015564,OU=Computer,OU=Minden,OU=Germany,DC=wago,DC=local * Retrieved kvno '17' for computer account in directory: CN=LC015564,OU=Computer,OU=Minden,OU=Germany,DC=wago,DC=local * Sending NetLogon ping to domain controller: svdc03002.wago.local * Found old kvno '17' * Changed computer password * Retrieved kvno '17' for computer account in directory: CN=LC015564,OU=Computer,OU=Minden,OU=Germany,DC=wago,DC=local * Sending NetLogon ping to domain controller: svdc03002.wago.local * Received NetLogon info from: SVDC03002.wago.local * Checking RestrictedKrbHost/lc015564.wago.local
I inclued all log output. To me it looks like the communication is done only in TCP allso I do not see any KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_REPEAT errors. So I believe I have a different problem then Spike. I do believe that the problem only occurs if the client is connect over VPN. But I have no data to prove this. It may also be related to the side the client is connected to. I have no idea what to check next. Maybe I will set one specific server to be used for updating the computer password.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
WAGO GmbH & Co. KG Sebastian Grebe IT Service Center phone: +49 571 887-9000 fax: +49 571 887-8658
WAGO GmbH & Co. KG Hansastraße 27 32423 Minden Deutschland http://www.wago.comhttp://www.wago.com/
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