Hi Marcello,
Thanks for reaching out.

On Wed, Feb 7, 2024 at 10:28 AM <marcello.gambetti@staff.aruba.it> wrote:

Good afternoon,

we are an italian csp, and i am evaluating stratis as tier storage solution, but i have some questions, can i ask you?

  1. What happens when a generic new pool i create has 1TB space as default, but what happens when it reachs the 1TB limit? It is just a false limit?

If no filesystem limit is set (set using stratis fs set-fs-limit), the filesystem should continue to grow as you start running out of space. If a filesystem limit is set, it will not grow past the size you have set as the maximum.
  1. Thin provisioning is great, but can i also trim the space once the files are deleted? Otherwise that filesystem will run out of space sooner or later…

Are you referring to reclaiming space on the thin pool or shrinking the filesystem? fstrim can be run on filesystems to reclaim space on the thinpool after files have been deleted. This would be the recommended action if you're concerned about that. We have discussions open about supporting fstrim through a Stratis interface, but have not implemented it yet. If you're talking about shrinking the filesystem, XFS does not fully support shrink operations, so we recommend setting filesystem limits or using no overprovisioning mode to avoid growing filesystems past the maximum size you would like.


Thank you.




Marcello Gambetti

Engineering | Aruba Enterprise


Email: marcello.gambetti@staff.aruba.it

Mobile: (+39)348-2302308

UTC+2 (Rome time)

enterprise.aruba.it | datacenter.it | arubaracing.it


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