As of revision 473+ ,0.3.5 (beta), suds provides page caching. The caching only pertains http (GET) of URLs not associated with WS method invocation. Pages such as WSDLs and XSDs are cached. This really helps performance for those of you creating lots of clients. Also, it will really help with any service using rpc/encoded since rpc/encoded wsds commonly imports the encoding schema lots of times.
Anyone using a custom transport will not get the caching since it is implemented in the default HttpTransport.
More info here:
Also, this commit has some refactoring of This module was refactored into a package. This should not affect anyone building custom transports since:
from suds.transport import Transport, Request
works just the same as before.
However, if you have subclassed either HttpTransport or HttpAuthenticated you will have to change your imports. Sorry.
Another notable change is Transport.send() has been changed to return a Reply object instead of the page content.
Also, the client.SoapClient was setting the transport.Request.message as a sax Element and getting away with it because the HttpTransport.send() was doing str(request.message). But no longer. So, your custom transports should expect transport.Request.message to be a string.