[1] http://www.w3.org/Submission/wadl/
Async: cool and useful
gzip: def, probably the easiest upgrade
Just like Joshua I think that some extra time can be given to get an important feature polished.I am happily working with 0.3.9 and I think so far suds is covering the needs of most users (leaving apart those who are looking for things that suds can't provide like writing a service, for example)As I opened a couple of tickets for enhancements (with patches included) I would like to know your view on such changes making it to 0.4
- Asynchrounous usage of suds (312)
- Exception improvement by having a general SudsError and deriving all exceptions from there (310). I see someone opened 324 reporting some base "Exceptions" being launched which I can confirm
- Transport with gzip support (311 and 318)
Best regardsDanielOn Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 18:15, Joshua J. Kugler <joshua@eeinternet.com> wrote:
On Friday 18 June 2010, Jeff Ortel elucidated thus:
> The 0.4 release is mostly ready to go out but I'm not completelySince the plugin feature is going to be a "big deal," I would lean
> happy with the 'plugins' API. I can either release as is with the
> caveat that it /may/ change. Or, I can wait and get it the way I
> want it first.
toward getting it right. You certainly want it to be well thought out,
clean, and easy to use. Releasing a poorly implemented feature gives a
project a bad reputation, and maybe worse: give the feature a bad
reputation, which means it will be used less or not at all.
We'll wait. I'd rather have a feature that works well than one I have
to hack around to get it to do what I want.
Joshua Kugler
Part-Time System Admin/Programmer
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