import threading import Queue from twisted.web import xmlrpc, server from twisted.internet import reactor
class ThreadedSuds(threading.Thread): def run(self): # Prepare SOAP client # SServer is a class wrapper with some stuff specific to the # soap server I'm using, but basically sets up a suds client # instance soap = SServer(url='file:./wsdl', user='xxxx', passwd='xxxx')
# Make thread run until STOPped while True: try: data = seq_queue.get(True, 60) except Queue.Empty: # Checks for ticket validity and requests a new one if # expired soap.check_ticket() data = None
if data is not None: ticket, seq = data # Do your soap requests here (...) # Declare ticket as finished and return results soap_results[ticket] = results
class SequenceServer(xmlrpc.XMLRPC): """Broker calls """ def xmlrpc_ping(self): """Reply with pong to let know server is alive """ return 'pong'
def xmlrpc_includeseq(self, seq): """Put seq in queue """ # generate a new ticket (MD5) ticket = generate_ticket(seq)
# queue the sequence seq_queue.put([ticket, seq])
return ticket
def main(): # queue should be accessible to all threads global sequence_queue
# results should also be accessible to all threads global soap_results
sequence_queue = Queue.Queue(100) soap_results = dict()
# Start 5 threads for SOAP client threads = [ThreadedSuds() for x in range(5)] for thread in threads: # Daemonize threads - if (thread = daemon) program will close # without waiting for threads to finish # New API > 2.6.* thread.daemon = True # Old API < 2.5.* thread.setDaemon(True) # Start threads thread.start()
f = server.Site(SequenceServer()) reactor.listenTCP(7080, f, interface="localhost")
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Thanks a lot for for example - will try it soon !
On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Renato Alves wrote: