On 09. 04. 19 17:13, qrsBRWN wrote:
Yeah I saw that. I still have trouble getting wlroots to build on f30. That is probably because I'm doing things wrong. I'm not used to meson and not used to copr.
I will try to invest some time tonight and see if I can get wlroots sorted so I can get to sway.
If anyone sees something I'm obviously doing wrong please feel free to tell me. I'm always eager to learn.
Which specfile/COPR are you using? I'm willing to take a look, but I could not find a link in this thread.
I took a look at the wlroots spec at src.fp.o (master branch), and there are several places in which it can (and quite possibly should) be simplified – i.e. using pkg-config requires, removing explicit requires for the -devel subpackage, etc.
Good luck!