The following Fedora 38 Security updates need testing: Age URL 6 chromium-112.0.5615.165-1.fc38 4 apptainer-1.1.8-1.fc38 0 cloud-init-23.1.2-1.fc38
The following Fedora 38 Critical Path updates have yet to be approved: Age URL 23 dnf-4.15.0-1.fc38 18 binutils-2.39-11.fc38 9 fedora-appstream-metadata-20230419-1.fc38 8 Thunar-4.18.4-3.fc38 thunar-archive-plugin-0.5.1-1.fc38 tumbler-4.18.1-1.fc38 xfconf-4.18.1-1.fc38 4 akonadi-calendar-tools-23.04.0-1.fc38 akonadi-import-wizard-23.04.0-1.fc38 akonadiconsole-23.04.0-1.fc38 akregator-23.04.0-1.fc38 alligator-23.04.0-1.fc38 analitza-23.04.0-1.fc38 angelfish-23.04.0-1.fc38 ark-23.04.0-1.fc38 artikulate-23.04.0-1.fc38 audiotube-23.04.0-1.fc38 baloo-widgets-23.04.0-1.fc38 blinken-23.04.0-1.fc38 bomber-23.04.0-1.fc38 bovo-23.04.0-1.fc38 calindori-23.04.0-1.fc38 cantor-23.04.0-3.fc38 cervisia-23.04.0-1.fc38 colord-kde-23.04.0-1.fc38 dolphin-23.04.0-1.fc38 dolphin-plugins-23.04.0-1.fc38 dragon-23.04.0-1.fc38 falkon-23.04.0-1.fc38 ffmpegthumbs-23.04.0-1.fc38 filelight-23.04.0-1.fc38 ghostwriter-23.04.0-1.fc38 granatier-23.04.0-1.fc38 grantlee-editor-23.04.0-1.fc38 gwenview-23.04.0-1.fc38 juk-23.04.0-1.fc38 k3b-23.04.0-1.fc38 kaccounts-integration-23.04.0-1.fc38 kaccounts-providers-23.04.0-1.fc38 kaddressbook-23.04.0-1.fc38 kajongg-23.04.0-1.fc38 kalarm-23.04.0-1.fc38 kalendar-23.04.0-1.fc 38 kalgebra-23.04.0-1.fc38 kalk-23.04.0-1.fc38 kalzium-23.04.0-1.fc38 kamera-23.04.0-1.fc38 kamoso-23.04.0-1.fc38 kanagram-23.04.0-1.fc38 kapman-23.04.0-1.fc38 kapptemplate-23.04.0-1.fc38 kasts-23.04.0-1.fc38 kate-23.04.0-1.fc38 katomic-23.04.0-1.fc38 kblackbox-23.04.0-1.fc38 kblocks-23.04.0-1.fc38 kbounce-23.04.0-1.fc38 kbruch-23.04.0-1.fc38 kcachegrind-23.04.0-1.fc38 kcalc-23.04.0-1.fc38 kcharselect-23.04.0-1.fc38 kclock-23.04.0-1.fc38 kcolorchooser-23.04.0-1.fc38 kcron-23.04.0-1.fc38 kde-connect-23.04.0-1.fc38 kde-dev-scripts-23.04.0-1.fc38 kde-dev-utils-23.04.0-1.fc38 kde-partitionmanager-23.04.0-1.fc38 kde-print-manager-23.04.0-1.fc38 kdebugsettings-23.04.0-1.fc38 kdeedu-data-23.04.0-1.fc38 kdegraphics-mobipocket-23.04.0-1.fc38 kdegraphics-thumbnailers-23.04.0-1.fc38 kdenetwork-filesharing-23.04.0-1.fc38 kdenlive-23.04.0-1.fc38 kdepim-addons-23.04.0-1.fc38 kdepim-runtime-23.04.0-1.fc38 kdesdk-kioslaves-23.04.0-1.fc38 kdesdk-thumbnailers-23.04.0-1.fc38 kdevelop-23.04.0-1.fc38 kd evelop-php-23.04.0-1.fc38 kdf-23.04.0-1.fc38 kdialog-23.04.0-1.fc38 kdiamond-23.04.0-1.fc38 kdnssd-23.04.0-1.fc38 keditbookmarks-23.04.0-1.fc38 keysmith-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-akonadi-calendar-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-akonadi-contacts-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-akonadi-mime-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-akonadi-notes-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-akonadi-search-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-akonadi-server-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-audiocd-kio-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-calendarsupport-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-eventviews-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-grantleetheme-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-incidenceeditor-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-kcalendarutils-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-kidentitymanagement-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-kimap-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-kipi-plugins-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-kitinerary-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-kldap-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-kmailtransport-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-kmbox-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-kmime-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-kontactinterface-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-kpimtextedit-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-kpkpass-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-ksmtp-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-ktnef-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-libgravatar-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-libkcddb-23 .04.0-1.fc38 kf5-libkcompactdisc-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-libkdcraw-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-libkdepim-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-libkexiv2-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-libkipi-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-libkleo-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-libksane-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-libksieve-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-libktorrent-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-mailcommon-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-mailimporter-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-messagelib-23.04.0-1.fc38 kf5-pimcommon-23.04.0-1.fc38 kfind-23.04.0-1.fc38 kfloppy-23.04.0-1.fc38 kfourinline-23.04.0-1.fc38 kgeography-23.04.0-1.fc38 kget-23.04.0-1.fc38 kgoldrunner-23.04.0-1.fc38 kgpg-23.04.0-1.fc38 khangman-23.04.0-1.fc38 khelpcenter-23.04.0-1.fc38 kig-23.04.0-1.fc38 kigo-23.04.0-1.fc38 killbots-23.04.0-1.fc38 kio-admin-23.04.0-1.fc38 kio-extras-23.04.0-1.fc38 kio-gdrive-23.04.0-3.fc38 kirigami-gallery-23.04.0-1.fc38 kiriki-23.04.0-1.fc38 kiten-23.04.0-1.fc38 kjumpingcube-23.04.0-1.fc38 kleopatra-23.04.0-1.fc38 klettres-23.04.0-1.fc38 klickety-23.04.0-1.fc38 klines-23.04.0-1.fc38 kmag-23.04.0-1.fc38 kmahjongg-23.04.0-1.fc38 k mail-23.04.0-1.fc38 kmail-account-wizard-23.04.0-1.fc38 kmines-23.04.0-1.fc38 kmix-23.04.0-1.fc38 kmousetool-23.04.0-1.fc38 kmouth-23.04.0-1.fc38 kmplot-23.04.0-1.fc38 knavalbattle-23.04.0-1.fc38 knetwalk-23.04.0-1.fc38 knights-23.04.0-1.fc38 knotes-23.04.0-1.fc38 koko-23.04.0-1.fc38 kolf-23.04.0-1.fc38 kollision-23.04.0-1.fc38 kolourpaint-23.04.0-1.fc38 kompare-23.04.0-1.fc38 kongress-23.04.0-1.fc38 konqueror-23.04.0-1.fc38 konquest-23.04.0-1.fc38 konsole5-23.04.0-1.fc38 kontact-23.04.0-1.fc38 konversation-23.04.0-1.fc38 kopete-23.04.0-1.fc38 korganizer-23.04.0-1.fc38 kpat-23.04.0-1.fc38 kpmcore-23.04.0-1.fc38 kpublictransport-23.04.0-1.fc38 kqtquickcharts-23.04.0-1.fc38 krdc-23.04.0-1.fc38 krecorder-23.04.0-1.fc38 kreversi-23.04.0-1.fc38 krfb-23.04.0-1.fc38 kruler-23.04.0-1.fc38 ksanecore-23.04.0-1.fc38 kshisen-23.04.0-1.fc38 ksirk-23.04.0-1.fc38 ksnakeduel-23.04.0-1.fc38 kspaceduel-23.04.0-1.fc38 ksquares-23.04.0-1.fc38 ksudoku-23.04.0-1.fc38 ksystemlog-23.04.0-1.fc38 kteatime-23 .04.0-1.fc38 ktimer-23.04.0-1.fc38 ktorrent-23.04.0-1.fc38 ktouch-23.04.0-1.fc38 ktp-accounts-kcm-23.04.0-1.fc38 ktp-approver-23.04.0-1.fc38 ktp-auth-handler-23.04.0-1.fc38 ktp-common-internals-23.04.0-1.fc38 ktp-contact-list-23.04.0-1.fc38 ktp-contact-runner-23.04.0-1.fc38 ktp-desktop-applets-23.04.0-1.fc38 ktp-kded-integration-module-23.04.0-1.fc38 ktp-send-file-23.04.0-1.fc38 ktrip-23.04.0-1.fc38 ktuberling-23.04.0-1.fc38 kturtle-23.04.0-1.fc38 kubrick-23.04.0-1.fc38 kwalletmanager5-23.04.0-1.fc38 kwave-23.04.0-1.fc38 kweather-23.04.0-1.fc38 kwordquiz-23.04.0-1.fc38 libkdegames-23.04.0-1.fc38 libkeduvocdocument-23.04.0-1.fc38 libkgapi-23.04.0-1.fc38 libkmahjongg-23.04.0-1.fc38 libkomparediff2-23.04.0-1.fc38 lokalize-23.04.0-1.fc38 lskat-23.04.0-1.fc38 marble-23.04.0-1.fc38 mbox-importer-23.04.0-1.fc38 neochat-23.04.0-1.fc38 okular-23.04.0-1.fc38 palapeli-23.04.0-1.fc38 parley-23.04.0-1.fc38 picmi-23.04.0-1.fc38 pim-data-exporter-23.04.0-1.fc38 pim-sieve-editor-23.04.0-1.fc38 plas matube-23.04.0-1.fc38 poxml-23.04.0-1.fc38 qmlkonsole-23.04.0-1.fc38 rocs-23.04.0-1.fc38 signon-kwallet-extension-23.04.0-1.fc38 skanlite-23.04.0-1.fc38 skanpage-23.04.0-1.fc38 spectacle-23.04.0-1.fc38 step-23.04.0-1.fc38 svgpart-23.04.0-1.fc38 sweeper-23.04.0-1.fc38 tokodon-23.04.0-1.fc38 umbrello-23.04.0-1.fc38 yakuake-23.04.0-1.fc38 zanshin-23.04.0-1.fc38 4 389-ds-base-2.3.3-1.fc38 4 libmediainfo-23.03-2.fc38 libzen-0.4.41-1.fc38 mediainfo-23.03-2.fc38 3 power-profiles-daemon-0.13-1.fc38 3 rpm-4.18.1-3.fc38 1 openbox-3.6.1-22.fc38 0 fedora-release-38-35 0 elfutils-0.189-2.fc38
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 38 updates-testing
atril-1.26.1-1.fc38 baresip-3.1.0-1.fc38 fedora-packager- golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager-0.23.0-15.fc38 libre-3.1.0-1.fc38 linux-system-roles-1.38.0-1.fc38 python-posix-ipc-1.1.1-1.fc38 rakudo-2023.04-1.fc38 rkhunter-1.4.6-21.fc38
Details about builds:
================================================================================ atril-1.26.1-1.fc38 (FEDORA-2023-2fc666d008) Document viewer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
- update tp 1.26.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Fri Apr 28 2023 Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.26.1-1 - update to 1.26.1 release --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ baresip-3.1.0-1.fc38 (FEDORA-2023-c7aaed729d) Modular SIP user-agent with audio and video support -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
# Baresip v3.1.0 (2023-04-27) - config: add `net_af` config setting - gzrtp: RX thread - safe stop - ci: avoid hardcoded OpenSSL path on macOS - fix cmake modules - cmake/mqtt: fix `MOSQUITTO_LIBRARY` - mc: send module event whenever receiver is stopped - menu: limit early audio TX streams - call: check if SIP UPDATE is allowed, but always update local media - account: increase line handler size to 1024 characters - cmake: avoid include of `/usr/local/include` - call,audio: respect SDP media dir on audio start similar to video - video: refactor paced and burst sending - ctrl_dbus,ice,png_vf: Fix format string usage - menu limit early video - play: flush of the aubuf directly before the replay starts - stream: fix setting of RTP tos for IPv6 - call: only flush audio stream when stream starts - menu: use busy tone when call declined (scode 603) - ua: incoming DTMF `key=0` should be reported as DTMF end - video: fix possible 32bit overflow - ua: deref call on `reset_transp` fail - uag: avoid transport reset if local address has not changed - ci: add gcc-12 for Ubuntu 22.04 (ubuntu-latest) - docs: remove librem from README files # libre v3.1.0 (2023-04-27) - ci: bump mingw openssl to 3.1.0 - thread: add `cnd_timedwait()` - Add tls and http apis for post handshake - ci/sanitizers: add multi thread testing - ci/win: use separate retest step - thread: fix `pthread_setname_np` thread pointer deref - ci: add FreeBSD test - cmake: bump minimum version of OpenSSL to 1.1.1 - ci: avoid hardcoded OpenSSL path on macOS - sip,uri,test: Escape SIP URIs - udp: add a lock for the helpers list - rem/vidmix: add position index handling - aubuf: set auframe fields correct in read_auframe loop - list: refactor/optimize `list_insert_sorted` - ci/freebsd: remove openssl-devel - tmr: add `tmr_continue()` - ci,cmake: replace C99 check by strict C99 and C11 checks - atomic: Fix missing memory order arguments in MSVC atomic functions - thread: remove win32 `SetThreadDescription` -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Thu Apr 27 2023 Robert Scheck 3.1.0-1 - Upgrade to 3.1.0 (#2190310) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #2190309 - libre-3.1.0 is available [ 2 ] Bug #2190310 - baresip-3.1.0 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ fedora-packager- (FEDORA-2023-eb6198161b) Tools for setting up a fedora maintainer environment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Drop fedora-packager-yubikey subpackage. It was fas2 specific and no longer works at all. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Sat Apr 29 2023 Kevin Fenzi - - Drop the fedora-packager-yubikey subpackage as fas2 is retired. Fixes rhbz#2165100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1811895 - [abrt] fedora-packager-yubikey: module(): fedora-burn-yubikey:13:<module>:ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'fedora' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager-0.23.0-15.fc38 (FEDORA-2023-5e294d5ff8) Prometheus Alertmanager -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Include s390x, and disable tests because it is failing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Sat Apr 29 2023 S��rgio M. Basto - 0.23.0-15 - Include s390x, and disable tests because it is failing * Thu Jan 19 2023 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.23.0-14 - Rebuilt for * Wed Aug 10 2022 Maxwell G - 0.23.0-13 - Rebuild to fix FTBFS * Thu Jul 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.23.0-12 - Rebuilt for * Tue Jul 19 2022 Maxwell G - 0.23.0-11 - Rebuild for CVE-2022-{1705,32148,30631,30633,28131,30635,30632,30630,1962} in golang * Thu Jun 23 2022 Maxwell G - 0.23.0-10 - Rebuild to mitigate CVE-2022-21698 (rhbz#2067400). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ libre-3.1.0-1.fc38 (FEDORA-2023-c7aaed729d) Generic library for real-time communications -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
# Baresip v3.1.0 (2023-04-27) - config: add `net_af` config setting - gzrtp: RX thread - safe stop - ci: avoid hardcoded OpenSSL path on macOS - fix cmake modules - cmake/mqtt: fix `MOSQUITTO_LIBRARY` - mc: send module event whenever receiver is stopped - menu: limit early audio TX streams - call: check if SIP UPDATE is allowed, but always update local media - account: increase line handler size to 1024 characters - cmake: avoid include of `/usr/local/include` - call,audio: respect SDP media dir on audio start similar to video - video: refactor paced and burst sending - ctrl_dbus,ice,png_vf: Fix format string usage - menu limit early video - play: flush of the aubuf directly before the replay starts - stream: fix setting of RTP tos for IPv6 - call: only flush audio stream when stream starts - menu: use busy tone when call declined (scode 603) - ua: incoming DTMF `key=0` should be reported as DTMF end - video: fix possible 32bit overflow - ua: deref call on `reset_transp` fail - uag: avoid transport reset if local address has not changed - ci: add gcc-12 for Ubuntu 22.04 (ubuntu-latest) - docs: remove librem from README files # libre v3.1.0 (2023-04-27) - ci: bump mingw openssl to 3.1.0 - thread: add `cnd_timedwait()` - Add tls and http apis for post handshake - ci/sanitizers: add multi thread testing - ci/win: use separate retest step - thread: fix `pthread_setname_np` thread pointer deref - ci: add FreeBSD test - cmake: bump minimum version of OpenSSL to 1.1.1 - ci: avoid hardcoded OpenSSL path on macOS - sip,uri,test: Escape SIP URIs - udp: add a lock for the helpers list - rem/vidmix: add position index handling - aubuf: set auframe fields correct in read_auframe loop - list: refactor/optimize `list_insert_sorted` - ci/freebsd: remove openssl-devel - tmr: add `tmr_continue()` - ci,cmake: replace C99 check by strict C99 and C11 checks - atomic: Fix missing memory order arguments in MSVC atomic functions - thread: remove win32 `SetThreadDescription` -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Thu Apr 27 2023 Robert Scheck 3.1.0-1 - Upgrade to 3.1.0 (#2190309) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #2190309 - libre-3.1.0 is available [ 2 ] Bug #2190310 - baresip-3.1.0 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ linux-system-roles-1.38.0-1.fc38 (FEDORA-2023-6e52982d38) Set of interfaces for unified system management -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Automatic update for linux-system-roles-1.38.0-1.fc38. ##### **Changelog for linux-system-roles** ``` * Sat Apr 29 2023 Packit - 1.38.0-1 - Update to upstream version 1.38.0 * Fri Apr 28 2023 Rich Megginson - 1.37.0-2 - We need to change the sshd fingerprint string before doing any other `sed` changes. - Ensure the sshd meta version numbers are quoted. * Fri Apr 28 2023 Packit - 1.37.0-1 - Update to upstream version 1.37.0 * Mon Apr 17 2023 Rich Megginson - 1.36.3-2 - strip github action badge links from headers of files before conversion to HTML - some of the converters do not like them - use %{python3} instead of python3 to force use of system python3 in order to use ruamel ``` ---- Automatic update for linux-system-roles-1.37.0-1.fc38. ##### **Changelog for linux-system-roles** ``` * Fri Apr 28 2023 Packit - 1.37.0-1 - Update to upstream version 1.37.0 * Mon Apr 17 2023 Rich Megginson - 1.36.3-2 - strip github action badge links from headers of files before conversion to HTML - some of the converters do not like them - use %{python3} instead of python3 to force use of system python3 in order to use ruamel ``` -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Sat Apr 29 2023 Packit - 1.38.0-1 - Update to upstream version 1.38.0 * Fri Apr 28 2023 Rich Megginson - 1.37.0-2 - We need to change the sshd fingerprint string before doing any other `sed` changes. - Ensure the sshd meta version numbers are quoted. * Fri Apr 28 2023 Packit - 1.37.0-1 - Update to upstream version 1.37.0 * Mon Apr 17 2023 Rich Megginson - 1.36.3-2 - strip github action badge links from headers of files before conversion to HTML - some of the converters do not like them - use %{python3} instead of python3 to force use of system python3 in order to use ruamel --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ python-posix-ipc-1.1.1-1.fc38 (FEDORA-2023-8cfe1c1158) POSIX IPC primitives for Python -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Initial import (fedora#2190405). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Fri Apr 28 2023 Lumir Balhar - 1.1.1-1 - Initial import (fedora#2190405). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #2190405 - Review Request: python-posix-ipc - POSIX IPC primitives (semaphores, shared memory and message queues) for Python --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ rakudo-2023.04-1.fc38 (FEDORA-2023-753c9e5a0b) Raku on MoarVM, JVM, and JS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to 2023.04 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Fri Apr 28 2023 topazus - 2023.04-1 - Update to 2023.04 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ rkhunter-1.4.6-21.fc38 (FEDORA-2023-8bdfa4e41f) A host-based tool to scan for rootkits, backdoors and local exploits -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
A more complete fix for egrep deprecation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Sat Apr 29 2023 Kevin Fenzi - 1.4.6-21 - More complete fix for egrep changes. * Mon Apr 10 2023 Kevin Fenzi - 1.4.6-20 - Patch grep/egrep changes to avoid warnings in F38+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #2185790 - rkhunter's use of grep is obsolescent or it makes grep unhappy --------------------------------------------------------------------------------