I installed an ibook G4 (256 Mo SDRAM) with Fedora 9 PPC.
I have a problem with the SWAP.
- the gnome system appet show me that I don t use the SWAP...
- when I use top command I get:
Swap: 0k total, 0k used, 0k free, 82388k cached
- the SWAP partition size is 1024 Mo !
I set it at install time and I verify with now with gparted
- The SWAP partition is in the /etc/fstab:
LABEL=SWAP-hda4 swap swap defaults 0 0
- When I run a task that use some CPU/Memory, It crashs the kernel
When I does not crash, I get some really bad errors like "can not fork:
counld not alocate memory"
Due to this problem, I can not run yum update on X session, It uses to
I run init 3 and then I run yum update ...
But It is not a normal behaviour
Someone have any idea of what happened ?