(A bit long. Delete if not interested...)
Just wanted to thank everyone on this list for the things you do that
make Fedora special, as a technology, and also as a community.
Clearly, it's been around this long because of both. Some of us lock
horns at times, true, but we always iron things out, and move on for
the greater good.
What have I been smokin', you ask, and where can you get some? :-)
Well, nothing, but maybe I blame this moment on the snow. Here in
Minnesota we had several inches of fluffy stuff dumped on us last
night. Today the sunshine was bright, and the sky an incredibly
brilliant blue. When I got home this evening, my daughter noticed the
"upside down" sliver of the moon to the West, out our living room
window. Mouse hovered over the KDE Luna widget, I note it's in Waxing
Crescent. We're both also stunned by the bright sidekick next to the
Moon. I start Kstars (for the second time in my life :), and soon
confirm, yes, that is Venus.
That really was the icing on the cake this week, where I, as usual, am
able to include F9, F10, and rawhide systems in my work and personal
life in a way that is productive for both, but also allows me time to
benefit Fedora as best I can. "Sweet!" :-)
Again, a big "thank you",