I installed Rawhide (clean install) on my server a while ago and
have run "yum update" any number ot times since then. Yesterday
a reboot was greeted with Grub complaining about an un-recognized
executable format. So I fell back to a working Fedora, copied the
x86_64 Rawhide tree to another computer and set up its httpd.
Last time the boot.iso -> askmethod -> url install worked without
a hitch. This time it took several tries to get the install started.
I can't think of anything I did right on the nth try that I didn't do
the first try.
It would be nice if askmethod could reference the rsync'd rawhide
tree on a local drive instead of having to copy that local tree and
then pull it back with httpd et al.
Chuck Forsberg caf(a)omen.com www.omen.com 503-614-0430
Developer of Industrial ZMODEM(Tm) for Embedded Applications
Omen Technology Inc "The High Reliability Software"
10255 NW Old Cornelius Pass Portland OR 97231 FAX 629-0665