the system is thinkpad x40, 512 MB of ram, 40 GB hard disk, 1.2GHz pentium
m, intel [8086:3582] video card.
first thing is: netinst disc does not default to netinstall. i have to
askmethod to be able to do netinstall. there is no list of known mirrors,
per country. i had to enter the long url by hand (several times).
second, default video driver freezes the system. if i choose safe video,
video fails to start.
as a nice surprise, the system offers to start a vnc server. this way i was
able to install using gui from another machine.
the hard disk was used all by existing f12 install, so i choosed to resize.
i was offered to chose one and only one partition, which i did. the rest of
the install was as expected, perfect.
after install, startx started x without problems, so it remains a mistery
why the installer was not able to do the same. of course, this works with
nomodeset, without it system freezes before reaches gdm.
there was no entry in grub.conf for the existing operating system (f12).
trying to boot the "old" f12 system (after adding the menu in grub.conf)
ended in file system error. it seems the resize was not successful after
to end on the bright size of things, the rt2500 [1814:0201] pcmcia wireless
card worked with the kernel driver, something i never seen on fedora.
overall, i believe f13 will be great. ( could not be less if it will be
better than f12, ain't it? :) )
Linux counter #213090