On Fedora 18 with all updates, I've tried two different USB Bluetooth
dongles, one a generic Cambridge Silicon dongle and one much more
expensive dongle from BlueRigger (BTD-400). With each of these two
dongles, I attempted to use two different headsets with microphones.
With both headsets and both dongles, the A2DP (high fidelity) profile
worked fine -- I was able to listen to music through the headset with
this profile. However, with both headsets and both dongles, the HFP/HSP
(microphone + speakers telephony profile) fails to work.
With both dongles output doesn't work at all -- no sound comes out of
either headset with the HFP/HSP profile selected. With the Cambridge
Silicon dongle, input /seems/ to work -- I see the meter moving in the
sound settings when I talk into the microphone -- but I can't be certain
that it's working because I can't play back the sound because of the
broken output. Input doesn't work with the BlueRigger dongle.
Both headsets work fine with the Bluetooth hardware built into my
ThinkPad T420i running Fedora 18.
I contacted BlueRigger about this and they tested their dongle on Fedora
18 with two different headsets and observed the same behavior as I did.
BlueRigger said HFP/HSP works fine with their dongle on Ubuntu.
I do not know whether this is a regression from Fedora 17, since I
bought the dongle after upgrading to Fedora 18, and I don't have a
Fedora 17 system to test on.
I've filed a bug about this:
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=905283 .
I know I'm biased since this is impacting me, but this seems like a
somewhat serious defect. Any suggestions for things I can do to help get
it resolved would be much appreciated.