Hi folks! So we have a meeting slot coming up on Monday, and there are
certainly some juicy topics: some criteria revision proposals (from me
and kparal), the 'future without TCs' topic, some action item follow
ups from last time and so on. However, I don't know if I'll be able to
run the meeting - I'm going to be in transit around that time. Does
anyone want to volunteer to run a meeting? If I can do it, it's pretty
easy :) If you want to step up, just go ahead and send out a meeting
announcement email to test-announce@, we'll approve it. The SOP for
running the meeting is:
Thanks folks!
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net
Hi folks! I'm proposing we cancel Monday's blocker review meeting. As
far as I can see, we have no new proposed blockers at present.
If anyone has a reason we should run the meeting, please do reply to
this mail and we can put it back on again :) Thanks folks!
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net
test-announce mailing list
I posted a variation of this question on users@ and it looks like no
one there has hit this. Basically I can ssh, and reach Cockpit, via
IPv6. But I can't reach Anaconda over VNC via IPv6.
This says it ought to work.
The problem I'm running into next is that non-lives don't have either
netstat or ss, so I can see if xvnc is actually listening on an ipv6
port or not.
So my hammer approach is to ask if it's possible to get a Rawhide
boot.iso with ss or netstat included? :-P But really, I'm asking
what's the next troubleshooting step given that netstat and ss aren't
available? Asking on anaconda@ or filing a bug seems premature, but
maybe that's wrong seeing as it should just work but isn't?
Chris Murphy
Hi, folks! I thought this might be about the appropriate time to throw
this out there.
There hasn't been a big news press on this, but some of you may know
that releng is fairly close to switching over to Pungi 4 for composes.
For those of you who don't know:
releng is fairly close to switching over to Pungi 4 for composes.
This will have various interesting effects on QA and the whole process
of building Fedora releases.
With the current releng process, TC / RC composes are one beast, and
nightly composes are another, very different beast. In fact nightly
composes barely really 'exist' at all - when we say 'nightly compose'
we really mean 'pungify the rawhide/branched repo, and fire off a bunch
of koji tasks'. After the fact, there is no real relationship between
any of those bits, which is why I had to write fedfind to go out and
synthesize the concept of a 'nightly compose' by finding all the Koji
tasks and treating them plus the repository boot.iso's as a single
With Pungi 4, all composes will look a lot more similar. 'nightly'
composes (which, in point of fact, will probably happen more than once
per day - I'm not sure if we came up with a new name yet) look a lot
more like current TC/RC composes than current nightly composes. You can
see approximately what a Pungi 4 compose currently looks like here:
as of right now, the Koji built bits - lives, cloud and ARM disk
images, etc - aren't integrated with the installer images, but they
*will* be, and they'll all show up in the same location. As you can see
it has all the different variants, and a Server DVD image. (A Pungi 4
compose also has a bunch of metadata, which means we can more or less
kill off fedfind, thank God).
The implication of this I wanted to talk about in this thread is: what
does this mean for the release validation process, in terms of what
composes we cut and what release validation events we have?
So as you probably know, right now, the validation process is built
around the milestone 'TC' and 'RC' images. We build a series of Alpha
TCs and run a bunch of tests for each of these composes, reporting the
results to wiki pages named for the composes. Then we do Alpha RCs,
then Beta TCs, and so on through Final RCs.
For the last few releases we've added on some 'nightly' validation
events, where we create wiki pages named for nightly composes and run
the same set of tests on the nightly boot.iso's and Koji images, but
these have been framed as kind of an 'early warning system' for use
before Alpha TC1 arrives, and once Alpha TC1 arrives we stop doing the
nightly validation events.
With Pungi 4, I don't think this makes a lot of sense any more. Dennis
and I have been talking about this and I think we broadly agree on it.
TCs and RCs used to be kinda the only way we *could* do validation
testing. For long periods we didn't have reliable nightly builds of
Rawhide or Branched at all, certainly not all the Koji-produced images.
The process for doing 'real' composes was quite long and painful and
required squishy human intervention.
If we have automated, more-than-nightly composes that look much like a
regular release compose would, there's no clear case for having TCs at
all. We could simply stop building them and extend the "nightly"
validation process. I think the way to do that would be to keep
'nominating' nightly composes for validation testing all the time,
*except* when we're doing RCs. So instead of going something like:
24 Rawhide 20160120
24 Rawhide 20160215
24 Branched 20160301
24 Branched 20160315
24 Alpha TC1
24 Alpha TC2
24 Alpha RC1
24 Alpha RC2
24 Beta TC1
we'd go something like:
24 Rawhide 20160120
24 Rawhide 20160215
Branched 20160301
24 Branched 20160315
24 Branched 20160401
24 Alpha RC1
Alpha RC2
24 Branched 20160501
24 Branched
24 Beta RC1
note: all dates completely made up, this is just for illustration.
I think it would be plausible to do this for Fedora 24, if the Pungi 4 switchover happens soon and goes well. There would be some details to pin down in relval and wikitcms and stuff (we might need to tweak the validation event naming approach a bit so that it's possible to identify the sequence of events from the names - i.e. so you know where the RCs fit in), but nothing unsolvable.
We'll be talking about a lot of this stuff at DevConf, if anyone's going to be there, pin down me or Dennis or someone else involved in release-y stuff and we'd be happy to discuss it. But I wanted to throw something up on the lists for discussion as well. What do you think? Thanks!
One point that's come up already is the way that we manually pull newer packages to fix blocker/FE bugs into TC and RC composes via the 'bleed' repo. We're currently envisaging something like the 'buildroot override' mechanism for the compose process - some kind of system which would tag packages to be pulled into the composes somehow. It would still be gated through the blocker/FE review process at least during freezes, and probably all the time (it wouldn't be open season for any packager to request a 'compose override' at any time). This would also allow us to do stuff like 'tag new anaconda builds into the composes as soon as they land in updates-testing, so we can actually test them and provide karma'.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net
The following Fedora 22 Security updates need testing:
294 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-5878 echoping-6.1-0.beta.r434svn.1.fc22
243 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-9185 ceph-deploy-1.5.25-1.fc22
176 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-12781 python-kdcproxy-0.3.2-1.fc22
130 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-16239 nagios-4.0.8-1.fc22
124 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-05490fc42d squid-3.4.13-3.fc22
119 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-2d37e7dacf openstack-swift-2.2.0-6.fc22
88 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-0552500cd7 python-pygments-2.0.2-3.fc22
88 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-9039c25f1d miniupnpc-1.9-6.fc22
70 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-7dfbe09bb4 libpng-1.6.16-4.fc22
70 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-6c07ab1fa6 libpng-1.6.16-5.fc22
64 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-8413bdd343 abrt-2.6.1-7.fc22
52 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-3a5cebb105 ImageMagick-
52 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-39522bb8c9 php-PHPMailer-5.2.14-1.fc22
42 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-6efa349a85 subversion-1.8.15-1.fc22
37 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-b9e4c97ff1 sos-3.2-2.fc22
11 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-f683150aa0 thttpd-2.25b-37.fc22
5 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-d132dbb529 webkitgtk4-2.10.4-1.fc22
5 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-fb2597f4eb moodle-2.8.10-1.fc22
5 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-e1784417af xen-4.5.2-7.fc22
5 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-1ab53bf440 bind-9.10.3-8.P3.fc22
5 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-1323b9078a bind99-9.9.8-2.P3.fc22
5 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-34bc10a2c8 ntp-4.2.6p5-36.fc22
5 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-6f783d1768 chrony-2.1.1-2.fc22
5 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-275e9ff483 qemu-2.3.1-11.fc22
5 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-bc7acd24c6 privoxy-3.0.23-3.fc22
3 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-c1fd651bc0 salt-2015.5.9-2.fc22
3 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-3c0b37e056 imlib2-1.4.7-1.fc22
3 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-5d43766e33 kernel-4.3.4-200.fc22
3 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-54dcc5d1bf 389-ds-base-
0 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-3441e9da2f nodejs-is-my-json-valid-2.12.4-1.fc22
0 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-bf03932bb3 nginx-1.8.1-1.fc22
0 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-f2980b4099 firefox-44.0-3.fc22
0 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-7b9a2fe987 ecryptfs-utils-109-1.fc22
0 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-4c57c232c0 xulrunner-44.0-1.fc22
0 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-3fa315a5dd curl-7.40.0-8.fc22
0 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-e2c5111eda prosody-0.9.10-1.fc22
0 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-35492207cb krb5-1.13.2-13.fc22
0 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-e1fe01e96e phpMyAdmin-4.5.4-1.fc22
The following Fedora 22 Critical Path updates have yet to be approved:
169 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-13210 yum-3.4.3-508.fc22
88 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-2123de044f libgphoto2-2.5.8-1.fc22
84 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-48f718ed1b vim-7.4.909-1.fc22
81 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-069fea7e6b livecd-tools-22.3-1.fc22
70 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-6c07ab1fa6 libpng-1.6.16-5.fc22
70 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-7dfbe09bb4 libpng-1.6.16-4.fc22
24 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-46b611abb8 httpd-2.4.18-1.fc22
16 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-971135608b bash-4.3.42-3.fc22
9 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-825869e1a4 selinux-policy-3.13.1-128.25.fc22
8 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-7b20d976a1 hwdata-0.285-2.fc22
5 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-196966efc2 spatialite-tools-4.2.0-19.fc22 sqlite-3.10.2-1.fc22
5 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-1ab53bf440 bind-9.10.3-8.P3.fc22
3 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-5d43766e33 kernel-4.3.4-200.fc22
3 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-3c0b37e056 imlib2-1.4.7-1.fc22
3 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-35e3877a89 elfutils-0.165-2.fc22
3 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-3b8e5e8781 dnsmasq-2.75-3.fc22
0 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-35492207cb krb5-1.13.2-13.fc22
0 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-3fa315a5dd curl-7.40.0-8.fc22
0 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-4c57c232c0 xulrunner-44.0-1.fc22
0 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-f2980b4099 firefox-44.0-3.fc22
0 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-6427e041df libgdata-0.17.4-2.fc22
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 22 updates-testing
Details about builds:
NetworkManager-openswan-1.0.8-3.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-4793344b2b)
NetworkManager VPN plug-in for openswan and libreswan
Update Information:
Add support for IKEv1 Main Mode.
abduco-0.5-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-cd8e9388c2)
Session management in a clean and simple way
Update Information:
Abduco 0.5 stable release
[ 1 ] Bug #1298907 - abduco-0.5 is available
abi-dumper-0.99.14-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-288f838f65)
Tool to dump ABI of an ELF object containing DWARF debug info
Update Information:
Detect private data types in the ABI, i.e. not defined in public header files.
[ 1 ] Bug #1301789 - abi-dumper-0.99.14 is available
bluedevil-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
Bluetooth stack for KDE
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
breeze-gtk-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
Breeze widget theme for Gtk2 and Gtk3
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
ceres-solver-1.10.0-5.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-173be0cfee)
A non-linear least squares minimizer
Update Information:
Add missing Requires to devel sub-package (rhbz#1300055)
[ 1 ] Bug #1300055 - ceres-solver-devel missing dependency on glog-devel
cherrytree-0.36.4-2.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-5e79eb8849)
Hierarchical note taking application
Update Information:
Update to 0.36.4 ---- update to cherrytree 0.36.3
[ 1 ] Bug #1160249 - cherrytree-0.36.3 is available
[ 2 ] Bug #1301941 - cherrytree-0.36.4 is available
cmark-0.23.0-3.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-b9f659fc81)
CommonMark parsing and rendering
Update Information:
CommonMark parsing and rendering
[ 1 ] Bug #1266429 - Review Request: cmark - CommonMark parsing and rendering
curl-7.40.0-8.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-3fa315a5dd)
A utility for getting files from remote servers (FTP, HTTP, and others)
Update Information:
- match credentials when re-using a proxy connection (CVE-2016-0755)
[ 1 ] Bug #1302263 - CVE-2016-0755 curl: NTLM credentials not-checked for proxy connection re-use
easytag-2.4.1-2.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-e482a26c31)
Tag editor for MP3, Ogg, FLAC and other music files
Update Information:
Upstream fix for file renaming
eclipse-egit-4.2.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-62b8452b98)
Eclipse Git Integration
Update Information:
Update for the eclipse git stack.
eclipse-egit-github-4.2.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-62b8452b98)
Eclipse EGit Mylyn GitHub Connector
Update Information:
Update for the eclipse git stack.
eclipse-jgit-4.2.0-2.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-62b8452b98)
Eclipse JGit
Update Information:
Update for the eclipse git stack.
ecryptfs-utils-109-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-7b9a2fe987)
The eCryptfs mount helper and support libraries
Update Information:
- manpage ecryptfs-migrate-home.8: Fix typos - clang static analysis fixes -
Refuse to mount over non-standard filesystems.
[ 1 ] Bug #1300595 - CVE-2016-1572 ecryptfs-utils: privilege escalation by mounting over /proc/$pid [fedora-all]
[ 2 ] Bug #1301239 - ecryptfs-utils-109.orig is available
fcitx-qt5-1.0.5-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-79b36f138a)
Fcitx IM module for Qt5
Update Information:
Update to 1.0.5
[ 1 ] Bug #1293611 - fcitx-qt5-1.0.5 is available
firefox-44.0-3.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-f2980b4099)
Mozilla Firefox Web browser
Update Information:
New upstream - Firefox 44.0
freesteam-2.1-12.20150903svn761.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-051fb1e89e)
Calculate the properties of water and steam
Update Information:
- Renamed Python2 package - Added python_provide macro
gammaray-2.4.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-9e8671afca)
A tool for examining internals of Qt applications
Update Information:
Gammaray 2.4.0 release.
globus-gssapi-gsi-11.26-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-16a32910eb)
Globus Toolkit - GSSAPI library
Update Information:
ix FORCE_TLS setting to allow TLSv1.1 and TLS1.2, not just TLSv1.0
hawaii-icon-theme-0.5.92-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-e5b5def75a)
Icon themes for Hawaii desktop environment
Update Information:
Update Hawaii desktop icon theme to the latest release
hitch-1.1.1-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-68b80f22d5)
Network proxy that terminates TLS/SSL connections
Update Information:
New upstream release. A bugfix relase.
[ 1 ] Bug #1302474 - hitch-1.1.1 is available
inadyn-mt-2.24.49-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-85f2710752)
Dynamic DNS Client
Update Information:
Ver. inadyn-mt 2.24.49 - January 2016 - debug output null pointer fixed
- back compat custom success ret fixed - more flexible custom script like
vars - added config examples, examples.conf Ver. inadyn-mt 2.24.48 -
January 2016 - Multiple services, in single program instance -
additional alias option parameters (see --alias) - Windows --addr_pref,
--if implementation - default DDNS server --addrs_pref default -
Riot Nrrrd's Solaris build, queue_t collision fix patch - adds Ville
Skytt����'s man page fixes patch - adds DDNS, www.dy.fi -
improbability option manifests (improbably) as --improb - more general,
missing ifaddrs.h compile - backward compatibly removed win/dos '\'
escape require
[ 1 ] Bug #1300287 - inadyn-mt-.02.24.48 is available
[ 2 ] Bug #1301788 - inadyn-mt-.02.24.49 is available
kde-cli-tools-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
Tools based on KDE Frameworks 5 to better interact with the system
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
kde-gtk-config-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
Configure the appearance of GTK apps in KDE
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
kdecoration-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
A plugin-based library to create window decorations
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
kdeplasma-addons-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
Additional Plasmoids for Plasma 5
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
kdevelop-4.7.3-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-cde5dcd8d2)
Integrated Development Environment for C++/C
Update Information:
KDevelop 4.7.3 release.
kdevelop-php-1.7.3-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-cde5dcd8d2)
Php language and documentation plugins for KDevelop
Update Information:
KDevelop 4.7.3 release.
kdevplatform-1.7.3-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-cde5dcd8d2)
Libraries for use by KDE development tools
Update Information:
KDevelop 4.7.3 release.
kf5-kwayland-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
KDE Frameworks 5 library that wraps Client and Server Wayland libraries
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
kgamma-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
A monitor calibration tool
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
khelpcenter-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
Show documentation for KDE applications
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
khotkeys-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
Application to configure hotkeys in KDE
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
kinfocenter-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
KDE Info Center
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
kmenuedit-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
KDE menu editor
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
krb5-1.13.2-13.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-35492207cb)
The Kerberos network authentication system
Update Information:
Fix three kadmin vulnerabilities: CVE-2015-8629, CVE-2015-8630, CVE-2015-8631
kscreen-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
KDE Display Management software
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
kscreenlocker-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
Library and components for secure lock screen architecture
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
ksshaskpass-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
A ssh-add helper that uses kwallet and kpassworddialog
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
ksysguard-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
KDE Process Management application
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
kwayland-integration-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
Provides integration plugins for various KDE Frameworks for Wayland
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
kwin-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
KDE Window manager
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
kwrited-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
KDE Write Daemon
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
libkscreen-qt5-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
KDE display configuration library
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
libksysguard-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
Library for managing processes running on the system
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
libtcd-2.2.7-2.r2.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-cbd3701918)
Tide Constituent Database Library
Update Information:
2.2.7 release 2 is released.
mailman3-fedmsg-plugin-0.5-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-15540ec17d)
Emit fedmsg messages from mailman3
Update Information:
Forward along the user-agent header.
muon-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
KDE and Plasma resources management GUI
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
nginx-1.8.1-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-bf03932bb3)
A high performance web server and reverse proxy server
Update Information:
- update to upstream release 1.8.1 - CVE-2016-0747: Insufficient limits of
CNAME resolution in resolver - CVE-2016-0746: Use-after-free during CNAME
response processing in resolver - CVE-2016-0742: Invalid pointer dereference in
openms-2.0.0-26.20160121git6f51b3.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-6c0c69a36e)
LC/MS data management and analyses
Update Information:
- Update to commit #6f51b3 - Excluded some tests - Added python provides macros
- Rebuild for wildmagic5-5.14 - Fixed Python2 sub-package - Removed tutorials -
Data sub-package arched - Fixed package dependency - Disabled HAS_XSERVER option
openscap-daemon-0.1.2-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-39a07cac1a)
Manages continuous SCAP scans of your infrastructure
Update Information:
Updated to new upstream release 0.1.2 ---- Add dependency on python requests
pam_wrapper-1.0.1-2.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-10fbf612b6)
A tool to test PAM applications and PAM modules
Update Information:
A new package
[ 1 ] Bug #1299637 - Review Request: pam_wrapper - A tool to test PAM applications and PAM modules
pbuilder-0.223-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-0187cfc25f)
Personal package builder for Debian packages
Update Information:
Update to version 0.223, see http://metadata.ftp-master.debian.org/changelogs/main/p/pbuilder/pbuilder_0.223_changelog for
[ 1 ] Bug #1301414 - pbuilder-0.223 is available
perl-CHI-0.60-6.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-cac1c378f5)
Unified cache handling interface
Update Information:
Dep fixes
perl-DateTime-TimeZone-1.95-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-aa62404ebb)
Time zone object base class and factory
Update Information:
A new version of DateTime::TimeZone is available. This release updates the
timezone data to 2016a.
[ 1 ] Bug #1302696 - perl-DateTime-TimeZone-1.95 is available
perl-File-Path-Tiny-0.8-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-81956c9844)
Recursive versions of mkdir() and rmdir() without as much overhead as File::Path
Update Information:
A new version of File::Path::Tiny is available. This release adds support for
multiple processes to operate on the same paths.
[ 1 ] Bug #1302473 - perl-File-Path-Tiny-0.8 is available
perl-Image-ExifTool-10.10-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-0848ee2c97)
Utility for reading and writing image meta info
Update Information:
Update to latest stable (10.10).
perl-MemHandle-0.07-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-2f52b2286e)
Supply memory-based FILEHANDLE methods
Update Information:
Generates inherits from IO::Handle and IO::Seekable. It provides an interface to
the file routines which uses memory instead.
[ 1 ] Bug #1302249 - Review Request: perl-MemHandle - Supply memory-based FILEHANDLE methods
perl-Number-Misc-1.2-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-7b9cc5f700)
Handy utilities for numbers
Update Information:
Number::Misc provides some miscellaneous handy utilities for handling numbers.
These utilities handle processing numbers as strings, determining basic
properties of numbers, or selecting a random number from a range.
[ 1 ] Bug #1302283 - Review Request: perl-Number-Misc - Handy utilities for numbers
perl-POE-Filter-HTTP-Parser-1.08-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-15bb42e141)
HTTP POE filter for HTTP clients or servers
Update Information:
This release updates license text and documentation spelling. It also improves
build script.
[ 1 ] Bug #1302487 - perl-POE-Filter-HTTP-Parser-1.08 is available
perl-String-Util-1.24-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-d285401910)
String processing utilities
Update Information:
String::Util provides a collection of small, handy utilities for processing
[ 1 ] Bug #1302285 - Review Request: perl-String-Util - String processing utilities
phpMyAdmin-4.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-e1fe01e96e)
Handle the administration of MySQL over the World Wide Web
Update Information:
phpMyAdmin 4.5.4 (2016-01-28) ============================= - live data edit of
big sets is not working - Table list not saved in db QBE bookmarked search -
While 'changing a column', query fails with a syntax error after the 'CHARSET='
keyword - Avoid syntax error in javascript messages on invalid PHP setting for
max_input_vars - Properly handle errors in upacking zip archive - Set PHP's
internal encoding to UTF-8 - Fixed Kanji encoding in some specific cases - Check
whether iconv works before using it - Avoid conversion of MySQL error messages -
Undefined index: parameters - Undefined index: field_name_orig - Undefined
index: host - 'Add to central columns' (per column button) does nothing - SQL
duplicate entry error trying to INSERT in designer_settings table - Fix handling
of databases with dot in a name - Fix hiding of page content behind menu - FROM
clause not generated after loading search bookmark - Fix creating/editing VIEW
with DEFINER containing special chars - Do not invoke FLUSH PRIVILEGES when
server in --skip-grant-tables - Misleading message for configuration storage -
Table pagination does nothing when session expired - Index comments not working
properly - Better handle local storage errors - Improve detection of privileges
for privilege adjusting - Undefined property: stdClass::$releases at version
check when disabled in config - SQL comment and variable stripped from bookmark
on save - Gracefully handle errors in regex based javascript search - [Security]
Multiple full path disclosure vulnerabilities, see PMASA-2016-1 - [Security]
Unsafe generation of CSRF token, see PMASA-2016-2 - [Security] Multiple XSS
vulnerabilities, see PMASA-2016-3 - [Security] Insecure password generation in
JavaScript, see PMASA-2016-4 - [Security] Unsafe comparison of CSRF token, see
PMASA-2016-5 - [Security] Multiple full path disclosure vulnerabilities, see
PMASA-2016-6 - [Security] XSS vulnerability in normalization page, see
PMASA-2016-7 - [Security] Full path disclosure vulnerability in SQL parser, see
PMASA-2016-8 - [Security] XSS vulnerability in SQL editor, see PMASA-2016-9
[ 1 ] Bug #1302676 - CVE-2016-2038 phpMyAdmin: Multiple full path disclosure vulnerabilities (PMASA-2016-1)
[ 2 ] Bug #1302677 - CVE-2016-2039 phpMyAdmin: Unsafe generation of XSRF/CSRF token (PMASA-2016-2)
[ 3 ] Bug #1302679 - CVE-2016-2040 phpMyAdmin: Multiple XSS vulnerabilities (PMASA-2016-3)
[ 4 ] Bug #1302680 - CVE-2016-1927 phpMyAdmin: Insecure password generation in JavaScript (PMASA-2016-4)
[ 5 ] Bug #1302681 - CVE-2016-2041 phpMyAdmin: Unsafe comparison of XSRF/CSRF token (PMASA-2016-5)
[ 6 ] Bug #1302682 - CVE-2016-2042 phpMyAdmin: Multiple full path disclosure vulnerabilities (PMASA-2016-6)
[ 7 ] Bug #1302684 - CVE-2016-2043 phpMyAdmin: XSS vulnerability in normalization page (PMASA-2016-7)
[ 8 ] Bug #1302685 - CVE-2016-2044 phpMyAdmin: Full path disclosure vulnerability in SQL parser (PMASA-2016-8)
[ 9 ] Bug #1302686 - CVE-2016-2045 phpMyAdmin: XSS vulnerability in SQL editor (PMASA-2016-9)
plasma-breeze-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
Artwork, styles and assets for the Breeze visual style for the Plasma Desktop
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
plasma-desktop-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
Plasma Desktop shell
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
plasma-mediacenter-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
A mediacenter user interface written with the Plasma framework
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
plasma-milou-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
A dedicated KDE search application built on top of Baloo
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
plasma-nm-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
Plasma for managing network connections
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
plasma-oxygen-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
Plasma and Qt widget style and window decorations for Plasma 5 and KDE 4
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
plasma-pa-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
Plasma applet for audio volume management using PulseAudio
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
plasma-sdk-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
Development tools for Plasma 5
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
plasma-systemsettings-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
KDE System Settings application
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
plasma-workspace-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
Plasma workspace, applications and applets
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
plasma-workspace-wallpapers-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
Additional wallpapers for Plasma workspace
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
polkit-kde-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
PolicyKit integration for KDE Desktop
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
powerdevil-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
Manages the power consumption settings of a Plasma Shell
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
prosody-0.9.10-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-e2c5111eda)
Flexible communications server for Jabber/XMPP
Update Information:
Prosody 0.9.10 ============== A summary of changes in this release: Security
-------- * mod_dialback: Adopt key generation algorithm from XEP-0185, to
prevent impersonation attacks (CVE-2016-0756) Fixes and improvements
---------------------- * Startup: Open /dev/urandom read-only, to fix a
failure to start on some systems (fixes #585) * Networking: Improve handling of
the 'select' network backend running out of file descriptors Minor changes
------------- * Networking: Increase default internal read size to prevent
connections stalling with LuaEvent (see #583) * DNS: Discard queries that
failed to send due to connection errors (fixes #598) * c2s, s2s: Lower priority
of shutdown handler, so that modules such as MUC can always send shutdown
notifications to (remote) users (fixes #601)
[ 1 ] Bug #1302463 - CVE-2016-0756 prosody: mod_dialback allows impersonation attacks
pysnmp-4.3.1-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-05e4360b60)
An SNMP engine written in Python
Update Information:
Add py3 support (rhbz#1282245)
[ 1 ] Bug #1282245 - Current build version of pysnmp should support Python3
[ 2 ] Bug #1145004 - Later version of pyasn1 needed by pysnmp
python-virtualenv-clone-0.2.6-2.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1c74282d0d)
Script to clone virtualenvs
Update Information:
Add py3 subpackage and modernize python macros.
qt5-qtdeclarative-5.5.1-4.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-afcbe77d7d)
Qt5 - QtDeclarative component
Update Information:
Backport fix for memory leak/regression, see also
rubygem-glu-8.2.2-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-b455e408ac)
Glu bindings for the opengl gem
Update Information:
New version 8.2.2 is released.
rubygem-glut-8.2.2-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-6eae816813)
Glut bindings for the OpenGL gem
Update Information:
New version 8.2.2 is released.
rubygem-mini_portile2-2.1.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-230da389cd)
Simplistic port-like solution for developers
Update Information:
This is a new package.
rubygem-nokogiri- (FEDORA-2016-666dc93f5b)
An HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser
Update Information:
New version is released.
rubygem-racc-1.4.14-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-f3d055031b)
LALR(1) parser generator
Update Information:
This is a new package.
sddm-kcm-5.5.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-1172c406f8)
SDDM KDE configuration module
Update Information:
Plasma 5.5.4
spacefm-1.0.5-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-fceb23591d)
Multi-panel tabbed file and desktop manager
Update Information:
New version 1.0.5 is released.
speed-dreams-2.2.0-0.3.20160111svn6344.beta1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-34d2aee5f5)
The Open Racing Car Simulator
Update Information:
- Update upstream ticket links - Added patch t940-r6349.patch to fix #940 Race
config screen corruption ---- - Changed %%cmake flag to
-DSOLID_SOLID_INCLUDE_DIR - Added danroid in for loop to create a link when
library already exists
* Thu Jan 28 2016 Martin Gansser <martinkg(a)fedoraproject.org> - 2.2.0-0.3.20160111svn6344.beta1
- Updated upstream ticket links
- Added patch t940-r6349.patch to fix #940 Race config screen corruption
* Mon Jan 25 2016 Martin Gansser <martinkg(a)fedoraproject.org> - 2.2.0-0.2.20160111svn6344.beta1
- Changed %cmake flag to -DSOLID_SOLID_INCLUDE_DIR
- Added danroid in for loop to create a link when library already exists
* Tue Jan 19 2016 Martin Gansser <martinkg(a)fedoraproject.org> - 2.2.0-0.1.20160111svn6344.beta1
- Update to Version 2.2.0 svn6344.beta1
- Dropped epoch
- Dropped BR SDL-devel
- Added BR SDL2-devel
- Added BR OpenSceneGraph-devel
- Added speed-dreams-arm.patch
* Fri Jun 19 2015 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng(a)lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1:2.1.0-0.24.20140627svn5799.rc2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild
* Sat May 2 2015 Kalev Lember <kalevlember(a)gmail.com> - 1:2.1.0-0.23.20140627svn5799.rc2
- Rebuilt for GCC 5 C++11 ABI change
* Thu Mar 26 2015 Richard Hughes <rhughes(a)redhat.com> - 1:2.1.0-0.22.20140627svn5799.rc2
- Add an AppData file for the software center
tito-0.6.4-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-c820cd07fa)
A tool for managing rpm based git projects
Update Information:
Fix tagging with --use-version on MEAD projects. Fix git annex builder cleanup
returning to proper directory. Fix issue with .spec file basename in some
wine-1.9.2-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-7d80352684)
A compatibility layer for windows applications
Update Information:
Version 1.9.2 GStreamer 1.0 support. Support for SHA hashes in BCrypt.
Synthesizing bold glyphs also for bitmap fonts. Underlines support in
DirectWrite. Still more Shader Model 4 instructions. Various bug fixes.
Version 1.9.1 - A few more deferred fixes. - Support for debug registers on
x86-64. - More Shader Model 4 instructions. - Support for the Mingw ARM
toolchain. - Various bug fixes.
[ 1 ] Bug #1297118 - wine-1.9.1 is available
[ 2 ] Bug #1301245 - wine-1.9.2 is available
xtide-2.15-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-3e0b62fb35)
Calculate tide all over the world
Update Information:
New version 2.15 is released, including some enhancement on xttpd.
xulrunner-44.0-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-4c57c232c0)
XUL Runtime for Gecko Applications
Update Information:
Update to the new upstream - Firefox 44.0 ---- xulrunner-40.0-1.fc21 -
Update to 40.0 xulrunner-40.0-1.fc22 - Update to 40.0 xulrunner-40.0-1.fc23
- Update to 40.0
yadifa-2.1.5-1.fc22 (FEDORA-2016-26a06fa2d9)
Lightweight authoritative Name Server with DNSSEC capabilities
Update Information:
20160108: YADIFA 2.1.5 - Dynamic updates do not use temporary files anymore
which improves their general performance. - The statistics now shows the
referrals. Fixes: - fixed an issue where getting a huge incremental transfer
would prevent the server from answering queries while applying the changes. -
fixed an issue serving IXFR that would occur when a incremental change step was
bigger than 64KB - fixed an issue for Solaris with the memory aligment fix not
active everywhere - fixed an issue on the Solaris build settings - fixed an
issue where sometimes yadifad would not find a configuration file given as a
parameter with a relative path - fixed an issue where a wild-card would not be
properly returned with an AXFR - fixed an issue where dynamically updating a
zone at a speed such that the zone file would need to be written multiple times
on disk before finishing the previous write could lead to a deadlock 20151026:
YADIFA 2.1.4 - The zone reader error reporting has been improved. - Stacktrace
support added for Solaris. Known issue: - Adding and or removing NSEC3PARAM
dynamically is not properly handled. Fixes: - fixed an issue where an NSEC3
answer proving a * query would lead to a crash - fixed an issue where a private
key may be not recognised as such - fixed an issue where dynamic update
prerequisite check would fail a valid match - fixed an issue where zone
signature maintenance would only start if all private keys were available.
[ 1 ] Bug #1302113 - yadifa: 2.1.5 release available