I have not had access to my Linux computer for 5 weeks due to some personal
issues. ( I am not in jail, LOL! but still married, which is probably
worse ).
But every day, I try to read the Rawhide reports and look for subtle easy
things that I feel I need to learn, all of which are way way over my 72 I.Q.
For example:
In todays Rawhide email, the package below was compiled for fc34:
Package: mingw-libidn2-2.3.0-3.fc34
Old package: mingw-libidn2-2.3.0-3.fc33
Summary: MinGW Windows Internationalized Domain Name 2008 support
RPMs: mingw32-libidn2 mingw32-libidn2-static mingw64-libidn2
Size: 549.89 KiB
Size change: 54 B
First question: Why would size change 54 B ? I think I read somewhere
that tiny fluctuations happen during a re-compile. Right ?
Second question: Why did file-version not change ? I assume because no
code changed. Right ??
I would be interested in reading a weekly or bi-weekly or monthly "story"
that was interesting to read about what Rawhide offers that 33 does not, or
something along those lines. Like which packages had a huge update, or
why a git-version was replaced with a stable-version, etc.
David Locklear