The following Fedora 36 Security updates need testing:
6 oci-seccomp-bpf-hook-1.2.6-1.fc36
5 suricata-6.0.6-1.fc36
5 git-2.37.1-1.fc36
3 python-ujson-5.4.0-1.fc36
3 python-notebook-6.4.11-3.fc36
The following Fedora 36 Critical Path updates have yet to be approved:
37 binutils-2.37-31.fc36
9 dnsmasq-2.86-10.fc36
9 unbound-1.16.0-5.fc36
7 xfce4-settings-4.16.3-1.fc36
6 annobin-10.78-1.fc36
5 git-2.37.1-1.fc36
3 libhandy-1.6.3-1.fc36
3 geocode-glib-3.26.3-1.fc36
3 iio-sensor-proxy-3.4-1.fc36
3 appstream-data-36-3.fc36
3 libappstream-glib-0.8.0-1.fc36
3 upower-0.99.20-1.fc36
3 python-markupsafe-2.1.1-1.fc36
2 selinux-policy-36.12-1.fc36
1 emacs-28.1-2.fc36
0 linux-firmware-20220708-136.fc36
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 36 updates-testing
Details about builds:
CGAL-5.4.2-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-5973c0cf21)
Computational Geometry Algorithms Library
Update Information:
CGAL 5.4.2 is a bug-fix release for CGAL 5.4. See
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Laurent Rineau <laurent.rineau(a)> - 5.4.2
- New upstream release
composer-2.3.10-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-0bdaf95777)
Dependency Manager for PHP
Update Information:
**Version 2.3.10** - 2022-07-13 * Fixed plugins from CWD/vendor being loaded
in some cases like create-project or validate even though the target directory
is outside of CWD (#10935) * Fixed support for legacy (Composer 1.x, e.g.
hirak/prestissimo) plugins which will not warn/error anymore if not in allow-
plugins, as they are anyway not loaded (#10928) * Fixed pre-install check for
allowed plugins not taking --no-plugins into account (#10925) * Fixed support
for disable_functions containing disk_free_space (#10936) * Fixed
RootPackageRepository usages to always clone the root package to avoid
interoperability issues with plugins (#10940)
* Thu Jul 14 2022 Remi Collet <remi(a)> - 2.3.10-1
- update to 2.3.10
container-selinux-2.189.0-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-6db2ae118d)
SELinux policies for container runtimes
Update Information:
auto bump to v2.189.0
* Thu Jul 14 2022 RH Container Bot <rhcontainerbot(a)> 2:2.189.0-1
- auto bump to v2.189.0
curl-7.82.0-7.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-c9c39810b8)
A utility for getting files from remote servers (FTP, HTTP, and others)
Update Information:
- fix build failure with gnutls backend enabled
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Kamil Dudka <kdudka(a)> - 7.82.0-7
- fix build failure with gnutls backend enabled
fedora-release-36-18 (FEDORA-2022-50c7b2332b)
Fedora release files
Update Information:
Enable `clevis-luks-askpass.path`
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Sergio Arroutbi <sarroutb(a)> 36-18
- Add preset to enable clevis-luks-askpass.path
[ 1 ] Bug #2108110 - [Fedora 36] systemd presets request - clevis-luks-askpass.path
fetchmail-6.4.31-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-1489e0b427)
A remote mail retrieval and forwarding utility
Update Information:
Update to fetchmail-6.4.31
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Vitezslav Crhonek <vcrhonek(a)> - 6.4.31-1
- Update to fetchmail-6.4.31
freeipa-4.9.10-2.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-c3b9e13961)
The Identity, Policy and Audit system
Update Information:
This update contains no changes. It is just to keep the package version on
Fedora 36 ahead of the version on Fedora 35. If it is behind Fedora 35, FreeIPA
server upgrades from Fedora 35 to Fedora 36 fail.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Adam Williamson <awilliam(a)> - 4.9.10-2
- Rebuild with no changes to keep version ahead of F35
gap-pkg-autodoc-2022.07.10-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-53a6c6f116)
Generate documentation from GAP source code
Update Information:
Changes in version 2022.07.10: - Output all entities defined via either the
`scaffold.entities` option to AutoDoc (or equivalently via the
`AutoDoc.entities` record in `PackageInfo.g`) into a file `_entities.xml`, so
that they can also be used with a hand-made main XML file (and not just when
AutoDoc generated the main page) - Remove `&see;` entity from the default list
of entities
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Jerry James <loganjerry(a)> - 2022.07.10-1
- Version 2022.07.10
[ 1 ] Bug #2105731 - gap-pkg-autodoc-2022.07.10 is available
gap-pkg-forms-1.2.8-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-e867d22525)
Sesquilinear and quadratic forms
Update Information:
Changes in version 1.2.8: - Speed up `classic.tst` - Add tests for base change
- Add matrix manipulation helpers - Simplify `Forms_SUM_OF_SQUARES` -
`BaseChangeOrthogonalBilinear`: validate input, compress matrices - `
BaseChangeOrthogonalBilinear`: rewrite diagonalization code. Use matrix
row/column transformation methods, instead of multiplication by elementary
factors. This gives a huge speed up for matrices with more than 100 rows. -
`BaseChangeOrthogonalBilinear`: use row/column swap methods more - Refactor
`Forms_RESET` - `BaseChangeOrthogonalBilinear`: use `continue` & `break` for
loop control - `BaseChangeHermitian`: mirror changes made to
`BaseChangeOrthogonalBilinear` - `BaseChangeOrthogonalQuadratic`: some tweaks
here, too - Remove the now unused `Forms_SWR` - doc: generate titlepage using
AutoDoc - `PackageInfo.g`: link to Mathjax manual by default -
`BaseChangeHermitian`: be more clever about taking roots
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Jerry James <loganjerry(a)> - 1.2.8-1
- Version 1.2.8
gap-pkg-hap-1.44-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-571b321e71)
Homological Algebra Programming for GAP
Update Information:
Changes in version 1.44: - add `ResolutionSpaceGroup` v.1 - revise
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Jerry James <loganjerry(a)> - 1.44-1
- Version 1.44
[ 1 ] Bug #2105039 - gap-pkg-hap-1.44 is available
gnucobol-3.1.2-6.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-939ecd64ca)
COBOL compiler
Update Information:
Rebuild to fix linker issue.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Gwyn Ciesla <gwync(a)> - 3.1.2-6
- Rebuild to fix linker issue.
[ 1 ] Bug #2098428 - ld not
[ 2 ] Bug #2107851 - Standard install of GNU Cobol fails to compile programs
golang-github-elliotchance-orderedmap-2.0.1-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-0bc8f1fe14)
An ordered map in Go with O(1) for Set, Get, Delete and Len
Update Information:
Initial package Resolves: rhbz#2074412
* Fri Jun 24 2022 Julien Rische <jrische(a)> - 2.0.1-1
- Initial package
- Resolves: rhbz#2074412
[ 1 ] Bug #2074412 - Review Request: golang-github-elliotchance-orderedmap - An ordered map in Go with O(1) for Set, Get, Delete and Len
golang-gopkg-op-logging-1-1-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-be00d52700)
Golang logging library
Update Information:
Initial package Resolves: rhbz#2074463
* Tue Jul 5 2022 Julien Rische <jrische(a)> - 1-1
- Initial package
- Resolves: rhbz#2074463
[ 1 ] Bug #2074463 - Review Request: golang-gopkg-op-logging-1 - Golang logging library
gsmartcontrol-1.1.4-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-53b8bc7791)
Graphical user interface for smartctl
Update Information:
Update to 1.1.4.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Vasiliy N. Glazov <vascom2(a)> - 1.1.4-1
- Update to 1.1.4
[ 1 ] Bug #2045682 - gsmartcontrol: FTBFS in Fedora rawhide/f36
[ 2 ] Bug #2106693 - Update GSmartControl to version 1.1.4
gst-editing-services-1.20.3-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-65c6eb4602)
Gstreamer editing services
Update Information:
New upstream bugfix release.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Wim Taymans <wtaymans(a)> - 1.20.3-1
- Update to 1.20.3
* Mon Jun 13 2022 Python Maint <python-maint(a)> - 1.20.0-2
- Rebuilt for Python 3.11
gstreamer1-1.20.3-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-65c6eb4602)
GStreamer streaming media framework runtime
Update Information:
New upstream bugfix release.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Wim Taymans <wtaymans(a)> - 1.20.3-1
- Update to 1.20.3
gstreamer1-doc-1.20.3-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-65c6eb4602)
GStreamer documentation
Update Information:
New upstream bugfix release.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Wim Taymans <wtaymans(a)> - 1.20.3-1
- Update to 1.20.3
gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-1.20.3-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-65c6eb4602)
GStreamer streaming media framework "bad" plugins
Update Information:
New upstream bugfix release.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Wim Taymans <wtaymans(a)> - 1.20.3-1
- Update to 1.20.3
* Wed Jun 22 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> - 1.20.0-4
- Rebuilt for new aom
* Sat Jun 18 2022 Scott Talbert <swt(a)> - 1.20.0-3
- Rebuild for srt-1.5.0 (#2097636, #2098341)
* Fri May 20 2022 Sandro Mani <manisandro(a)> - 1.20.0-2
- Rebuild for gdal-3.5.0 and/or openjpeg-2.5.0
gstreamer1-plugins-base-1.20.3-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-65c6eb4602)
GStreamer streaming media framework base plugins
Update Information:
New upstream bugfix release.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Wim Taymans <wtaymans(a)> - 1.20.3-1
- Update to 1.20.3
gstreamer1-plugins-good-1.20.3-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-65c6eb4602)
GStreamer plugins with good code and licensing
Update Information:
New upstream bugfix release.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Wim Taymans <wtaymans(a)> - 1.20.3-1
- Update to 1.20.3
gstreamer1-plugins-ugly-free-1.20.3-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-65c6eb4602)
GStreamer streaming media framework "ugly" plugins
Update Information:
New upstream bugfix release.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Wim Taymans <wtaymans(a)> - 1.20.3-1
- Update to 1.20.3
gstreamer1-rtsp-server-1.20.3-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-65c6eb4602)
GStreamer RTSP server library
Update Information:
New upstream bugfix release.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Wim Taymans <wtaymans(a)> - 1.20.3-1
- Update to 1.20.3
gstreamer1-vaapi-1.20.3-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-65c6eb4602)
GStreamer plugins to use VA API video acceleration
Update Information:
New upstream bugfix release.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Wim Taymans <wtaymans(a)> - 1.20.3-1
- Update to 1.20.3
jd-0.8.0-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-b049def534)
A 2ch browser
Update Information:
New version 0.8.0 is released.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Mamoru TASAKA <mtasaka(a)> - 1:0.8.0-1
- JDim 0.8.0
libadwaita-1.1.3-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-e33fc057bd)
Building blocks for modern GNOME applications
Update Information:
libadwaita 1.1.3 release. For details, see
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Kalev Lember <klember(a)> 1.1.3-1
- Update to 1.1.3
libiio-0.24-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-438500dfb3)
Library for Industrial IO
Update Information:
Update to 0.24
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson(a)> - 0.24-1
- Update to 0.24
* Wed Jun 22 2022 Iker Pedrosa <pbrobinson(a)> - 0.23-6
- Package man pages
* Mon Jun 13 2022 Python Maint <python-maint(a)> - 0.23-5
- Rebuilt for Python 3.11
* Thu Apr 7 2022 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson(a)> - 0.23-4
- Drop unused libserialport
* Tue Mar 29 2022 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson(a)> - 0.23-3
- Minor spec updates for cmake changes
libmongocrypt-1.5.1-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-04edc1a5d0)
The companion C library for client side encryption in drivers
Update Information:
**libmongocrypt 1.5.1** Bug fixes: - Update to use new payload for FLE 2.0
find. - Require contention factor. - Fix handling of create command with
$jsonSchema. - Fix leak on encrypt or decrypt error. Improvements: - Accept
string values for QueryType and IndexType. ---- **libbson 1.22.0** Bug fixes:
- Fix BSON_ASSERT triggered by invalid JavaScript/JSON. ---- **libmongoc
1.22.0** Bug fixes: - Do not auto decrypt before emitting CommandSucceeded
events. Improvements: - Use OP_MSG if a server API version is requested.
Features: - Add server connectionId to command monitoring events. - Add support
for the comment field to all helpers. - Support mongo_shared shared library. -
Support pre-point-in-time change stream events. - Support Queryable Encryption.
- Support 'let' option for multiple CRUD commands. - Add Key Management API
functions. ---- **pecl/mongodb 1.14.0** Bugs * [PHPC-2088] - Memory leak in
php_phongo_zval_to_bson_value * [PHPC-2089] - Various bson_value_t memory leaks
in ClientEncryption methods * [PHPC-2098] - phongo_clientencryption_init uses
wrong signature when compiling without CSFLE Epic * [PHPC-2045] - FLE 1.0
Shared Library * [PHPC-2091] - Queryable Encryption Support New Features *
[PHPC-1899] - getServerConnectionId for command monitoring events * [PHPC-2005]
- Support 'let' option for multiple CRUD commands * [PHPC-2049] - BulkWrite and
Query support comment option of any type * [PHPC-2085] - autoEncryption options
for queryable encryption * [PHPC-2092] - ClientEncryption options for queryable
encryption * [PHPC-2096] - Implement Manager::getEncryptedFieldsMap() *
[PHPC-2097] - Enable ClientEncryption constructor Tasks * [PHPC-2053] - Remove
mongodb.mock_service_id INI option * [PHPC-2078] - Allow PECL release-upload.php
to verify version constants * [PHPC-2086] - Test against MongoDB 6.0 *
[PHPC-2090] - Add MongoDB 5.0 to load balancer CI matrix * [PHPC-2099] - Add
crypt_shared to CI matrix as an alternative to mongocryptd * [PHPC-2109] -
Document Queryable Encryption API as "Public Technical Preview" Improvements *
[PHPC-2087] - Bump maxWireVersion for MongoDB 6.0 * [PHPC-2094] - Relay command
comment when constructing a cursor * [PHPC-2104] - EncryptOpts queryType should
accept a string consistent with queryType in encryptedFields
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Remi Collet <remi(a)> - 1.5.1-1
- update to 1.5.1
- open build with shared libbson
- open ABI/API breakage
libstoragemgmt-1.9.4-4.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-955c3e4fae)
Storage array management library
Update Information:
Packaging change to use `systemd-sysusers` to create user libstoragemgmt for
lsmd daemon.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Tony Asleson <tasleson(a)> - 1.9.4-4
- Use systemd-sysusers
* Mon Jun 13 2022 Python Maint <python-maint(a)> - 1.9.4-3
- Rebuilt for Python 3.11
license-validate-9-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-cd870749c7)
Validate SPEC license string
Update Information:
#2108165 - upper case AND/OR in resulting SPDX formula (msuchy(a)
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Miroslav Such�� <msuchy(a)> 9-1
- 2108165 - upper case AND/OR in resulting SPDX formula (msuchy(a)
* Sat Jun 4 2022 Miroslav Such�� <msuchy(a)> 8-1
- do not require param for --old
* Sat Jun 4 2022 Miroslav Such�� <msuchy(a)> 7-1
- BR fedora-license-data (msuchy(a)
* Sat Jun 4 2022 Miroslav Such�� <msuchy(a)> 6-1
- add rawhide releaser
- validate using SPDX and introduce --old for previous behaviour
- migrate to fedora-license-data
- add helpers to generate list of licenses from fedora-license-data
[ 1 ] Bug #2108165 - license-fedora2spdx produces invalid, lower-cased "and"
lightdm-1.32.0-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-042aa0fe66)
A cross-desktop Display Manager
Update Information:
- Update
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Leigh Scott <leigh123linux(a)> - 1.32.0-1
- lightdm-1.32.0
* Fri Jun 10 2022 Dan Hor��k <dan[at]> - 1.30.0-18
- Enable all arches in EPEL
* Sun Jun 5 2022 Leigh Scott <leigh123linux(a)> - 1.30.0-17
- Fix xauthority corruption (rhbz#2093668)
- Add missing requires for post scriptlet (rhbz#2093698)
lilypond-2.23.10-2.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-043e05df68)
A typesetting system for music notation
Update Information:
Build with guile bytecode for improved performance.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Gwyn Ciesla <gwync(a)> - 2.23.10-2
- Build with guile bytecode for improved performance.
[ 1 ] Bug #2107934 - lilypond package should provide Guile bytecode for reasonable startup speed
linkchecker-10.1.0-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-07076a68f2)
Check HTML documents for broken links
Update Information:
Update to 10.1.0
* Mon Jun 27 2022 Charalampos Stratakis <cstratak(a)> - 10.1.0-1
- Update to 10.1.0
* Tue Jun 14 2022 Python Maint <python-maint(a)> - 9.4.0-16.20191005.d13b3f5
- Rebuilt for Python 3.11
mongo-c-driver-1.22.0-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-04edc1a5d0)
Client library written in C for MongoDB
Update Information:
**libmongocrypt 1.5.1** Bug fixes: - Update to use new payload for FLE 2.0
find. - Require contention factor. - Fix handling of create command with
$jsonSchema. - Fix leak on encrypt or decrypt error. Improvements: - Accept
string values for QueryType and IndexType. ---- **libbson 1.22.0** Bug fixes:
- Fix BSON_ASSERT triggered by invalid JavaScript/JSON. ---- **libmongoc
1.22.0** Bug fixes: - Do not auto decrypt before emitting CommandSucceeded
events. Improvements: - Use OP_MSG if a server API version is requested.
Features: - Add server connectionId to command monitoring events. - Add support
for the comment field to all helpers. - Support mongo_shared shared library. -
Support pre-point-in-time change stream events. - Support Queryable Encryption.
- Support 'let' option for multiple CRUD commands. - Add Key Management API
functions. ---- **pecl/mongodb 1.14.0** Bugs * [PHPC-2088] - Memory leak in
php_phongo_zval_to_bson_value * [PHPC-2089] - Various bson_value_t memory leaks
in ClientEncryption methods * [PHPC-2098] - phongo_clientencryption_init uses
wrong signature when compiling without CSFLE Epic * [PHPC-2045] - FLE 1.0
Shared Library * [PHPC-2091] - Queryable Encryption Support New Features *
[PHPC-1899] - getServerConnectionId for command monitoring events * [PHPC-2005]
- Support 'let' option for multiple CRUD commands * [PHPC-2049] - BulkWrite and
Query support comment option of any type * [PHPC-2085] - autoEncryption options
for queryable encryption * [PHPC-2092] - ClientEncryption options for queryable
encryption * [PHPC-2096] - Implement Manager::getEncryptedFieldsMap() *
[PHPC-2097] - Enable ClientEncryption constructor Tasks * [PHPC-2053] - Remove
mongodb.mock_service_id INI option * [PHPC-2078] - Allow PECL release-upload.php
to verify version constants * [PHPC-2086] - Test against MongoDB 6.0 *
[PHPC-2090] - Add MongoDB 5.0 to load balancer CI matrix * [PHPC-2099] - Add
crypt_shared to CI matrix as an alternative to mongocryptd * [PHPC-2109] -
Document Queryable Encryption API as "Public Technical Preview" Improvements *
[PHPC-2087] - Bump maxWireVersion for MongoDB 6.0 * [PHPC-2094] - Relay command
comment when constructing a cursor * [PHPC-2104] - EncryptOpts queryType should
accept a string consistent with queryType in encryptedFields
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Remi Collet <remi(a)> - 1.22.0-1
- update to 1.22.0
- raise dependency to libmongocrypt 1.5.0
moodle-3.11.8-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-81ce74b2dd)
A Course Management System
Update Information:
Multiple security fixes.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Gwyn Ciesla <gwync(a)> - 3.11.8-1
- 3.11.8
[ 1 ] Bug #2108037 - CVE-2022-35649 moodle: PostScript Code Injection / Remote code execution risk [fedora-all]
[ 2 ] Bug #2108039 - CVE-2022-35650 moodle: Arbitrary file read when importing lesson questions [fedora-all]
[ 3 ] Bug #2108041 - CVE-2022-35651 moodle: Stored XSS and blind SSRF possible via SCORM track details [fedora-all]
[ 4 ] Bug #2108043 - CVE-2022-35652 moodle: Open redirect risk in mobile auto-login feature [fedora-all]
[ 5 ] Bug #2108045 - CVE-2022-35653 moodle: LTI module reflected XSS risk - affecting unauthenticated users only [fedora-all]
perl-Net-Amazon-S3-0.991-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-a4de56cc2d)
Use the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
Update Information:
This release fixes a Signature V4 URI with a tilde and a Signature V4 URI for an
S4 service. It also enhances buckets to accept an potioional region and it
changes a user agent object to build lazily.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Petr Pisar <ppisar(a)> - 0.991-1
- 0.991 bump
[ 1 ] Bug #2107867 - perl-Net-Amazon-S3-0.991 is available
php-cs-fixer-3.9.4-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-995434363e)
PHP Coding Standards Fixer
Update Information:
**Changelog for version 3.9.4** * bug: Fix various indentation issues (#6480) *
bug: Fix wrong brace position after static return type (#6485) * bug: Prevent
breaking functions returning by reference (#6487) ---- **Changelog for
version 3.9.3** * bug: Fix BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer adding whitespace outside
PHP blocks (#6476) * bug: Fix brace location after multiline function signature
(#6475) ---- **Changelog for version 3.9.2** * bug: Fix indentation after
control structure in switch (#6473) ---- **Changelog for version 3.9.1** *
bug: Add attributes support to `statement_indentation` (#6429) * bug:
BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer - Allow to align `=` inside array definitions (#6444)
* bug: BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer - Fix align of operator with function
declaration (#6445) * bug: ConstantCaseFixer - Do not touch enum case (#6367) *
bug: CurlyBracesPositionFixer - multiple elseifs (#6459) * bug: Fix #6439 issue
in `StaticLambda` fixer (#6440) * bug: FullOpeningTagFixer - fix substr check
for pre PHP8 (#6388) * bug: IncrementStyleFixer - NoSpacesInsideParenthesisFixer
- prio (#6416) * bug: LambdaNotUsedImportFixer must run before
MethodArgumentSpaceFixer (#6453) * bug: MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - first element
in same line, space before comma and inconsistent indent (#6438) * bug:
NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer - fix for promoted properties (#6403) * bug:
StatementIndentationFixer - Fix indentation for multiline traits use (#6402) *
bug: StrictComparisonFixer must rune before ModernizeStrposFixer (#6455) * bug:
TokensAnalyzer - fix intersection types considered as binary operator (#6414) *
DX: `ISSUE_TEMPLATE` hints to check applied rules (#6398) * DX: Add more type
hints (#6383) * DX: Fix CI/CD issues (#6411) * DX: cleanup test (#6410) * DX:
integrate PRLint (#6406) * feature: BlankLineBetweenImportGroupsFixer -
Introduction (#6365) * feature: DateTimeCreateFromFormatCallFixer - Add
DateTimeImmutable support (#6350) * feature: Extract StatementIndentationFixer
from BracesFixer (#5960) * feature: ModernizeStrposFixer - fix leading backslash
with yoda (#6377) * feature: NoExtraBlankLinesFixer - Add `attributes` option -
Fix support for `enum` `case` (#6426) * feature:
NoUnneededControlParenthesesFixer - Fix more cases (#6409) * feature:
NoUselessNullsafeOperatorFixer - Introduction (#6425) * feature: OrderedTrait -
Move Phpdoc with trait import (#6361) * feature: PhpdocOrderByValueFixer - Allow
sorting of mixin annotations by value (#6446) * feature:
TrailingCommaInMultiline - Add `match` support (#6381) * minor: Allow Composer
Normalize plugin (#6454) * minor: ExplicitStringVariableFixer - Fix to PHP8.2
compat code (#6424) * minor: Extract ControlStructureBracesFixer from
BracesFixer (#6399) * minor: NoBinaryStringFixer - Fix more cases (#6442) *
minor: NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer - Attribute handling (#6382) * minor:
PhpCsFixerSet - Update blank_line_before_statement config (#6389) * minor:
Remove unnecessary PHP version constraints (#6461) * minor:
SingleImportPerStatementFixer - fix PSR12 set (#6415) * minor:
SingleSpaceAfterConstructFixer - add option `type_colon` (#6434) * minor:
SymfonySet - Add SimpleToComplexStringVariableFixer (#6423) * minor: Update
PHPStan (#6467) * minor: extract CurlyBracesPositionFixer from BracesFixer
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Remi Collet <remi(a)> - 3.9.4-1
- update to 3.9.4
* Wed Jul 13 2022 Remi Collet <remi(a)> - 3.9.3-1
- update to 3.9.3
* Tue Jul 12 2022 Remi Collet <remi(a)> - 3.9.2-1
- update to 3.9.2
* Mon Jul 11 2022 Remi Collet <remi(a)> - 3.9.1-1
- update to 3.9.1
php-laminas-zendframework-bridge-1.6.0-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-3c647e0a7f)
Alias legacy ZF class names to Laminas Project equivalents
Update Information:
**Release Notes for 1.6.0** Documentation, Enhancement * 98: Mark package
feature-complete thanks to @weierophinney Enhancement * 97: Allow
configuration of additional replacements thanks to @weierophinney Bug * 94:
QA: Replacement test case for 3rd party class containing ZendForm in its full
path thanks to @patrick-braun
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Remi Collet <remi(a)> - 1.6.0-1
- update to 1.6.0
php-pecl-mongodb-1.14.0-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-04edc1a5d0)
MongoDB driver for PHP
Update Information:
**libmongocrypt 1.5.1** Bug fixes: - Update to use new payload for FLE 2.0
find. - Require contention factor. - Fix handling of create command with
$jsonSchema. - Fix leak on encrypt or decrypt error. Improvements: - Accept
string values for QueryType and IndexType. ---- **libbson 1.22.0** Bug fixes:
- Fix BSON_ASSERT triggered by invalid JavaScript/JSON. ---- **libmongoc
1.22.0** Bug fixes: - Do not auto decrypt before emitting CommandSucceeded
events. Improvements: - Use OP_MSG if a server API version is requested.
Features: - Add server connectionId to command monitoring events. - Add support
for the comment field to all helpers. - Support mongo_shared shared library. -
Support pre-point-in-time change stream events. - Support Queryable Encryption.
- Support 'let' option for multiple CRUD commands. - Add Key Management API
functions. ---- **pecl/mongodb 1.14.0** Bugs * [PHPC-2088] - Memory leak in
php_phongo_zval_to_bson_value * [PHPC-2089] - Various bson_value_t memory leaks
in ClientEncryption methods * [PHPC-2098] - phongo_clientencryption_init uses
wrong signature when compiling without CSFLE Epic * [PHPC-2045] - FLE 1.0
Shared Library * [PHPC-2091] - Queryable Encryption Support New Features *
[PHPC-1899] - getServerConnectionId for command monitoring events * [PHPC-2005]
- Support 'let' option for multiple CRUD commands * [PHPC-2049] - BulkWrite and
Query support comment option of any type * [PHPC-2085] - autoEncryption options
for queryable encryption * [PHPC-2092] - ClientEncryption options for queryable
encryption * [PHPC-2096] - Implement Manager::getEncryptedFieldsMap() *
[PHPC-2097] - Enable ClientEncryption constructor Tasks * [PHPC-2053] - Remove
mongodb.mock_service_id INI option * [PHPC-2078] - Allow PECL release-upload.php
to verify version constants * [PHPC-2086] - Test against MongoDB 6.0 *
[PHPC-2090] - Add MongoDB 5.0 to load balancer CI matrix * [PHPC-2099] - Add
crypt_shared to CI matrix as an alternative to mongocryptd * [PHPC-2109] -
Document Queryable Encryption API as "Public Technical Preview" Improvements *
[PHPC-2087] - Bump maxWireVersion for MongoDB 6.0 * [PHPC-2094] - Relay command
comment when constructing a cursor * [PHPC-2104] - EncryptOpts queryType should
accept a string consistent with queryType in encryptedFields
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Remi Collet <remi(a)> - 1.14.0-1
- update to 1.14.0
- raise dependency on libbson and libmongoc 1.22.0
- raise dependency on libmongocrypt 1.5.0
php-sabre-http5-5.1.6-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-0ad2792460)
Library for dealing with http requests and responses
Update Information:
**Version 5.1.6** (2022-07-15) * Allow testSendToGetLargeContent peak memory
usage to be specified externally (@phil-davis) * Fix various small typos and
grammar (@phil-davis) * Fix typo in text of status code 203 'Non-Authoritative
Information' (@phil-davis) ---- **Version 5.1.5** (2022-07-09) * Remove
4GB file size workaround for 32bit OS / Stream Videos on IOS (@schoetju)
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Remi Collet <remi(a)> - 5.1.6-1
- update to 5.1.6
* Mon Jul 11 2022 Remi Collet <remi(a)> - 5.1.5-1
- update to 5.1.5
php-sabre-vobject4-4.4.3-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-d95ecc40c9)
Library to parse and manipulate iCalendar and vCard objects
Update Information:
**Version 4.4.3** (2022-07-15) * Ignore multiple same parameter-values
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Remi Collet <remi(a)> - 4.4.3-1
- update to 4.4.3
php-zetacomponents-unit-test-1.2.3-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-79e27fd127)
Zeta UnitTest Component
Update Information:
**Version 1.2.3** - Monday 18 July 2022 - Add support for pre-PHP 8.1 back in
again by calling setAccessible(true) ---- **Version 1.2.2** - Monday 18 July
2022 - Fixed missing argument in call to reflectionProperty->getValue() ----
**Version 1.2.1** - Monday 18 July 2022 - Fixed typo in variable name ----
**Version 1.2.0** - Monday 18 July 2022 - Bump PHPUnit requirement to ^9.0
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Remi Collet <remi(a)> - 1.2.3-1
- update to 1.2.3
- switch to phpunit9
python-bloom-0.11.2-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-c27b3aaac0)
Bloom is a release automation tool
Update Information:
Update to latest release of bloom.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Scott K Logan <logans(a)> - 0.11.2-1
- Update to 0.11.2 (rhbz#2108348) (rhbz#2098852)
[ 1 ] Bug #2108348 - python-bloom-0.11.2 is available
python-glymur-0.10.2-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-e5afeb12cf)
Interface to the OpenJPEG library for working with JPEG 2000 files
Update Information:
## July 16, 2022 - v0.10.2 - Fix appveyor builds - Fix tiff2jp2 when ExifTag is
present - Address warnings in TIFF interface - Update glymur.config
documentation ## June 28, 2022 - v0.10.1 - Add write capability for
Resolution boxes - Add example documentation for reading layers ## June 15,
2022 - v0.10.0 - Allow parsing of Exif UUIDs missing the EXIF\00\00 lead-in -
Add read support for additional Exif tags - Add support for TLM segment
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley <code(a)> 0.10.2-1
- Update to 0.10.2 (close RHBZ#2097446)
[ 1 ] Bug #2097446 - python-glymur-0.10.2 is available
python-trimesh-3.12.9-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-8afa5a9323)
Import, export, process, analyze and view triangular meshes
Update Information:
Update to 3.12.9 (close RHBZ#2103265)
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley <code(a)> 3.12.9-1
- Update to 3.12.9 (close RHBZ#2103265)
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley <code(a)> 3.12.6-2
- Update spec file comments about missing optional dependencies
[ 1 ] Bug #2103265 - python-trimesh-3.12.9 is available
python-virt-firmware-1.2-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-24f049e7cf)
Tools for virtual machine firmware volumes
Update Information:
update to version 1.2
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Gerd Hoffmann <kraxel(a)> - 1.2-1
- update to version 1.2
rb_libtorrent-2.0.7-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-50e4ba85cf)
A C++ BitTorrent library aiming to be the best alternative
Update Information:
- Update
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Leigh Scott <leigh123linux(a)> - 2.0.7-1
- Upgrade to 2.0.7
* Mon Jun 13 2022 Python Maint <python-maint(a)> - 2.0.6-4
- Rebuilt for Python 3.11
[ 1 ] Bug #2107929 - rb_libtorrent-2.0.7 is available
rust-concurrent-queue-1.2.3-2.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-9e7074b917)
Concurrent multi-producer multi-consumer queue
Update Information:
Update to version 1.2.3.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 1.2.3-2
- Skip test suite on s390x (failures when compiled with LLVM 13)
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 1.2.3-1
- Update to version 1.2.3; Fixes RHBZ#2107905
rust-i18n-embed-0.13.3-3.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-5bfa036b1e)
Conveniently embed localization assets
Update Information:
- Update the wasm-bindgen crates to version 0.2.81. - Update the js-sys and web-
sys crates to version 0.3.58. - Update the wasm-bindgen-futures crate to version
0.4.31. - Update the wasm-bindgen-test and wasm-bindgen-test-macro crates to
version 0.3.31. - Disable unused, WASM-specific features in the i18n-embed and
webbrowser crate packages.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.13.3-3
- Disable WASM-specific features, simplify dropping doctests, add
* Sat Feb 12 2022 Link Dupont <link(a)> 0.13.3-1
- Update to 0.13.3
rust-js-sys-0.3.58-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-5bfa036b1e)
Bindings for all JS global objects and functions
Update Information:
- Update the wasm-bindgen crates to version 0.2.81. - Update the js-sys and web-
sys crates to version 0.3.58. - Update the wasm-bindgen-futures crate to version
0.4.31. - Update the wasm-bindgen-test and wasm-bindgen-test-macro crates to
version 0.3.31. - Disable unused, WASM-specific features in the i18n-embed and
webbrowser crate packages.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.3.58-1
- Update to version 0.3.58; Fixes RHBZ#2073202
rust-linked-hash-map-0.5.6-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-cd76667940)
HashMap wrapper that holds key-value pairs in insertion order
Update Information:
Update to version 0.5.6.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.5.6-1
- Update to version 0.5.6; Fixes RHBZ#2101124
rust-wasm-bindgen-0.2.81-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-5bfa036b1e)
Easy support for interacting between JS and Rust
Update Information:
- Update the wasm-bindgen crates to version 0.2.81. - Update the js-sys and web-
sys crates to version 0.3.58. - Update the wasm-bindgen-futures crate to version
0.4.31. - Update the wasm-bindgen-test and wasm-bindgen-test-macro crates to
version 0.3.31. - Disable unused, WASM-specific features in the i18n-embed and
webbrowser crate packages.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.2.81-1
- Update to version 0.2.81; Fixes RHBZ#2073185
rust-wasm-bindgen-backend-0.2.81-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-5bfa036b1e)
Backend code generation of the wasm-bindgen tool
Update Information:
- Update the wasm-bindgen crates to version 0.2.81. - Update the js-sys and web-
sys crates to version 0.3.58. - Update the wasm-bindgen-futures crate to version
0.4.31. - Update the wasm-bindgen-test and wasm-bindgen-test-macro crates to
version 0.3.31. - Disable unused, WASM-specific features in the i18n-embed and
webbrowser crate packages.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.2.81-1
- Update to version 0.2.81; Fixes RHBZ#2073186
rust-wasm-bindgen-futures-0.4.31-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-5bfa036b1e)
Bridging the gap between Rust Futures and JavaScript Promises
Update Information:
- Update the wasm-bindgen crates to version 0.2.81. - Update the js-sys and web-
sys crates to version 0.3.58. - Update the wasm-bindgen-futures crate to version
0.4.31. - Update the wasm-bindgen-test and wasm-bindgen-test-macro crates to
version 0.3.31. - Disable unused, WASM-specific features in the i18n-embed and
webbrowser crate packages.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.4.31-1
- Update to version 0.4.31; Fixes RHBZ#2073188
rust-wasm-bindgen-macro-0.2.81-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-5bfa036b1e)
Definition of the #[wasm_bindgen] attribute
Update Information:
- Update the wasm-bindgen crates to version 0.2.81. - Update the js-sys and web-
sys crates to version 0.3.58. - Update the wasm-bindgen-futures crate to version
0.4.31. - Update the wasm-bindgen-test and wasm-bindgen-test-macro crates to
version 0.3.31. - Disable unused, WASM-specific features in the i18n-embed and
webbrowser crate packages.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.2.81-1
- Update to version 0.2.81; Fixes RHBZ#2073189
rust-wasm-bindgen-macro-support-0.2.81-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-5bfa036b1e)
Part of the implementation of the #[wasm_bindgen] attribute
Update Information:
- Update the wasm-bindgen crates to version 0.2.81. - Update the js-sys and web-
sys crates to version 0.3.58. - Update the wasm-bindgen-futures crate to version
0.4.31. - Update the wasm-bindgen-test and wasm-bindgen-test-macro crates to
version 0.3.31. - Disable unused, WASM-specific features in the i18n-embed and
webbrowser crate packages.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.2.81-1
- Update to version 0.2.81; Fixes RHBZ#2073187
rust-wasm-bindgen-shared-0.2.81-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-5bfa036b1e)
Shared support between wasm-bindgen and wasm-bindgen cli
Update Information:
- Update the wasm-bindgen crates to version 0.2.81. - Update the js-sys and web-
sys crates to version 0.3.58. - Update the wasm-bindgen-futures crate to version
0.4.31. - Update the wasm-bindgen-test and wasm-bindgen-test-macro crates to
version 0.3.31. - Disable unused, WASM-specific features in the i18n-embed and
webbrowser crate packages.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.2.81-1
- Update to version 0.2.81; Fixes RHBZ#2073191
rust-wasm-bindgen-test-0.3.31-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-5bfa036b1e)
Internal testing crate for wasm-bindgen
Update Information:
- Update the wasm-bindgen crates to version 0.2.81. - Update the js-sys and web-
sys crates to version 0.3.58. - Update the wasm-bindgen-futures crate to version
0.4.31. - Update the wasm-bindgen-test and wasm-bindgen-test-macro crates to
version 0.3.31. - Disable unused, WASM-specific features in the i18n-embed and
webbrowser crate packages.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.3.31-1
- Update to version 0.3.31; Fixes RHBZ#2073190
rust-wasm-bindgen-test-macro-0.3.31-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-5bfa036b1e)
Internal testing macro for wasm-bindgen
Update Information:
- Update the wasm-bindgen crates to version 0.2.81. - Update the js-sys and web-
sys crates to version 0.3.58. - Update the wasm-bindgen-futures crate to version
0.4.31. - Update the wasm-bindgen-test and wasm-bindgen-test-macro crates to
version 0.3.31. - Disable unused, WASM-specific features in the i18n-embed and
webbrowser crate packages.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.3.31-1
- Update to version 0.3.31; Fixes RHBZ#2073192
rust-web-sys-0.3.58-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-5bfa036b1e)
Bindings for all Web APIs, a procedurally generated crate from WebIDL
Update Information:
- Update the wasm-bindgen crates to version 0.2.81. - Update the js-sys and web-
sys crates to version 0.3.58. - Update the wasm-bindgen-futures crate to version
0.4.31. - Update the wasm-bindgen-test and wasm-bindgen-test-macro crates to
version 0.3.31. - Disable unused, WASM-specific features in the i18n-embed and
webbrowser crate packages.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.3.58-1
- Update to version 0.3.58; Fixes RHBZ#2073193
rust-webbrowser-0.5.5-4.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-5bfa036b1e)
Open URLs in web browsers available on a platform
Update Information:
- Update the wasm-bindgen crates to version 0.2.81. - Update the js-sys and web-
sys crates to version 0.3.58. - Update the wasm-bindgen-futures crate to version
0.4.31. - Update the wasm-bindgen-test and wasm-bindgen-test-macro crates to
version 0.3.31. - Disable unused, WASM-specific features in the i18n-embed and
webbrowser crate packages.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> - 0.5.5-4
- Disable WASM-specific features.
- Simplify skipping specific tests.
- Regenerate spec file with rust2rpm 21.
rust-weezl-0.1.7-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-764b206158)
Fast LZW compression and decompression
Update Information:
Update to version 0.1.7.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.1.7-1
- Update to version 0.1.7; Fixes RHBZ#2077517
* Tue Feb 15 2022 Zbigniew J��drzejewski-Szmek <zbyszek(a)> - 0.1.5-5
- Rebuild with package notes
task-spooler-1.0.2-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-0043bcb542)
Personal job scheduler
Update Information:
Update to 1.0.2.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Vasiliy N. Glazov <vascom2(a)> - 1.0.2-1
- Update to 1.0.2
timeline-2.7.0-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-466dc94f7f)
Displays and navigates events on a timeline
Update Information:
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Gwyn Ciesla <gwync(a)> - 2.7.0-1
- 2.7.0
* Mon Jun 13 2022 Python Maint <python-maint(a)> - 2.6.0-2
- Rebuilt for Python 3.11
[ 1 ] Bug #2107902 - timeline-2.7.0 is available
vim-mediawiki-0.2^1.26e5737-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-8e87bf16a3)
Vim syntax highlighting for MediaWiki
Update Information:
Initial package.
* Mon Jul 18 2022 Carl George <carl(a)> 0.2^1.26e5737-1
- Initial package, resolves rhbz#2107962
zenity-3.42.1-2.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-b913026d00)
Display dialog boxes from shell scripts
Update Information:
Add back libnotify support
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Honore Doktorr <hdfssk(a)> - 3.42.1-2
- Add missing BuildRequires for pkgconfig(libnotify)
- enable libnotify option for meson build
Hi folks!
Some time ago I proposed some specific networking release criteria. I
revived the thread back in February, and meeting discussion suggested
we should be more intentional and specific about wifi requirements. So,
looking at it again, I suggest adding an additional footnote:
Footnote titled "Wireless networks": Common wireless network
configurations using supported hardware as defined above are covered by
this criterion. This includes access to home and enterprise wireless
networks using 802.11 series connection protocols and WPA2 and WPA3
personal and enterprise security protocols. Bugs that are specific to
particular hardware or configurations will be assessed according to
[[Blocker_Bug_FAQ|hardware-dependent-issues|the normal considerations
for such issues]].
Here is the full proposal again, with the new footnote included:
=== Network requirements ===
Each of these requirements apply to both installer and installed system
environments. For any given installer environment, the 'default network
configuration tools' are considered to be those the installer documents
as supported ways to configure networking (e.g. for anaconda-based
environments, configuration via kernel command line options, a
kickstart, or interactively in anaconda itself are included).
==== Basic networking ====
It must be possible to establish both IPv4 and IPv6 network connections
using both typical router-provided addressing systems (e.g. DHCP on
IPv4 or SLAAC or IPv6) and static addressing. The default network
configuration tools for the console, for release-blocking desktops and
for installer environments must work well enough to allow typical
network connection configuration operations without major workarounds.
Standard network functions such as address resolution and connections
with common protocols such as ping, HTTP and ssh must work as expected.
Footnote titled "Supported hardware": Supported network hardware is
hardware for which the Fedora kernel includes drivers and, where
necessary, for which a firmware package is available. If support for a
commonly-used piece or type of network hardware that would usually be
present is omitted, that may constitute a violation of this criterion,
after consideration of the [[Blocker_Bug_FAQ|hardware-dependent-
issues|normal factors for hardware-dependent issues]]. Similarly,
violations of this criteria that are hardware or configuration
dependent are, as usual, subject to consideration of those factors when
determining whether they are release-blocking.
Footnote titled "Wireless networks": Common wireless network
configurations using supported hardware as defined above are covered by
this criterion. This includes access to home and enterprise wireless
networks using 802.11 series connection protocols and WPA2 and WPA3
personal and enterprise security protocols. Bugs that are specific to
particular hardware or configurations will be assessed according to
[[Blocker_Bug_FAQ|hardware-dependent-issues|the normal considerations
for such issues]].
==== VPN connections ====
Using the default network configuration tools for the console and for
release-blocking desktops, it must be possible to establish a working
connection to common OpenVPN, openconnect-supported and vpnc-supported
VPN servers with typical configurations.
Footnote titled "Supported servers and configurations": As there are
many different VPN server applications and configurations, blocker
reviewers must use their best judgment in determining whether
violations of this criterion are likely to be encountered commonly
enough to block a release, and if so, at which milestone. As a general
principle, the more people are likely to use affected servers and the
less complicated the configuration required to hit the bug, the more
likely it is to be a blocker.
Any more thoughts, comments, adjustments etc? Thanks!
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA
IRC: adamw | Twitter: adamw_ha
No missing expected images.
Soft failed openQA tests: 1/8 (x86_64), 1/8 (aarch64)
(Tests completed, but using a workaround for a known bug)
Old soft failures (same test soft failed in Fedora-Cloud-35-20220717.0):
ID: 1329275 Test: x86_64 Cloud_Base-qcow2-qcow2 cloud_autocloud
ID: 1329282 Test: aarch64 Cloud_Base-qcow2-qcow2 cloud_autocloud@uefi
Passed openQA tests: 7/8 (x86_64), 7/8 (aarch64)
Mail generated by check-compose:
No missing expected images.
Soft failed openQA tests: 1/8 (x86_64), 1/8 (aarch64)
(Tests completed, but using a workaround for a known bug)
Old soft failures (same test soft failed in Fedora-Cloud-36-20220717.0):
ID: 1329259 Test: x86_64 Cloud_Base-qcow2-qcow2 cloud_autocloud
ID: 1329266 Test: aarch64 Cloud_Base-qcow2-qcow2 cloud_autocloud@uefi
Passed openQA tests: 7/8 (x86_64), 7/8 (aarch64)
Mail generated by check-compose:
The following Fedora 35 Security updates need testing:
163 libdxfrw-1.0.1-3.fc35 librecad-2.2.0-0.13.rc3.fc35
156 mysql-connector-java-8.0.28-1.fc35
12 libtiff-4.4.0-2.fc35
12 webkit2gtk3-2.36.4-1.fc35
11 gnupg2-2.3.4-2.fc35
10 xen-4.15.3-2.fc35
10 openssl-1.1.1q-1.fc35
5 android-tools-31.0.2-2.fc35 buildah-1.23.4-2.fc35 ceph-16.2.9-3.fc35 cheat-4.2.2-4.fc35 clipman-1.6.1-3.fc35 deepin-api-5.4.11-4.fc35 deepin-daemon-5.13.49-2.fc35 deepin-desktop-schemas-5.9.41-2.fc35 docker-distribution-2.6.2-17.git48294d9.fc35 git-octopus-2.0-0.4.beta.3.fc35.12 go-bindata-3.0.7-22.gita0ff256.fc35 godep-62-17.fc35 golang-entgo-ent-0.10.0-4.fc35 golang-github-client9-gospell-0-0.11.20190524git90dfc71.fc35 golang-github-elves-elvish-0.15.0-4.fc35 golang-github-facebook-time-0-0.7.20220304git3c26ea4.fc35 golang-github-google-dap-0.4.0-3.fc35 golang-github-gosexy-gettext-0.9-7.fc35 golang-github-hub-2.14.2-8.fc35 golang-github-jacobsa-oglemock-0-0.8.20190622gite94d794.fc35~bootstrap golang-github-kalafut-imohash-1.0.2-3.fc35 golang-github-letsencrypt-pebble-2.3.1-5.fc35 golang-github-lofanmi-pinyin-1.0-4.fc35 golang-github-lunixbochs-vtclean-1.0.0-8.fc35 golang-github-mbndr-figlet4go-0-0.8.20191009git
d6cef5b.fc35 golang-github-mozillazg-pinyin-0.18.0-5.fc35 golang-github-msprev-fzf-bibtex-1.1-3.20210317git53c49fa.fc35 golang-github-rfjakob-gocryptfs-1.8.0-6.fc35 golang-github-rickb777-date-1.15.3-4.fc35 golang-github-sqshq-sampler-1.1.0-9.fc35 golang-github-tomnomnom-xtermcolor-0.1.2-8.fc35 golang-github-tscholl2-siec-0-3.20211128git9bdfc48.fc35 golang-github-zyedidia-highlight-0-0.6.20200218git291680f.fc35 golang-nanomsg-mangos-3-3.2.1-3.fc35 golang-rsc-pdf-0.1.1-10.fc35 golang-starlark-0-0.7.20210113gite81fc95.fc35 gomtree-0.4.0-11.fc35 gotun-0-0.14.gita9dbe4d.fc35 grafana-7.5.15-3.fc35 grafana-pcp-3.2.0-2.fc35 gron-0.7.1-2.fc35 kompose-1.17.0-9.fc35 oci-seccomp-bpf-hook-1.2.5-3.fc35 origin-3.11.2-6.fc35 osbuild-composer-56-2.fc35 pack-0.27.0-2.fc35 podman-3.4.7-2.fc35 popub-0-0.13.20171007git6ffa11c.fc35 reposurgeon-4.31-2.fc35 restic-0.12.1-3.fc35 singularity-3.8.7-2.fc35 stargz-snapshotter-0.10.2-4.fc35 tmux-top-0.1.1-2.fc35 xe-guest-utilities-latest-7.30.0-4.fc35
5 oci-seccomp-bpf-hook-1.2.6-1.fc35
5 vim-9.0.049-1.fc35
5 suricata-6.0.6-1.fc35
4 git-2.37.1-1.fc35
4 xorg-x11-server-1.20.14-7.fc35
4 xorg-x11-server-Xwayland-21.1.4-2.fc35
4 osbuild-composer-57-1.fc35
3 python-notebook-6.4.0-4.fc35
The following Fedora 35 Critical Path updates have yet to be approved:
37 binutils-2.37-20.fc35
12 webkit2gtk3-2.36.4-1.fc35
12 libtiff-4.4.0-2.fc35
12 hwdata-0.361-1.fc35
12 gnome-shell-41.8.1-1.fc35 mutter-41.8-1.fc35
11 gnupg2-2.3.4-2.fc35
10 openssl-1.1.1q-1.fc35
10 xen-4.15.3-2.fc35
9 alsa-lib-
9 unbound-1.16.0-4.fc35
9 firewalld-1.0.5-2.fc35
5 koji-1.29.1-1.fc35
5 pipewire-0.3.55-2.fc35
5 vim-9.0.049-1.fc35
5 annobin-10.78-1.fc35
5 rpm-4.17.1-2.fc35
4 libidn2-2.3.3-1.fc35
4 inih-56-1.fc35
4 xorg-x11-server-Xwayland-21.1.4-2.fc35
4 xorg-x11-server-1.20.14-7.fc35
4 wireplumber-0.4.11-2.fc35
4 git-2.37.1-1.fc35
3 boost-1.76.0-5.fc35
1 appstream-data-35-7.fc35
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 35 updates-testing
Details about builds:
blueman-2.3.1-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-a73b6f7353)
GTK+ Bluetooth Manager
Update Information:
Update to v2.3.1 ---- - Add a patch to fix blueman causing XFCE to crash and
burn and die horribly. - Disable building the blueman-nautilus package. ----
Update to v2.3
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Artur Frenszek-Iwicki <fedora(a)> - 1:2.3.1-1
- Update to v2.3.1
- Drop Patch1 (fix blueman breaking XFCE - backported from this release)
- Add Patch2 (lower autotools version requirement)
* Sat Jul 16 2022 Artur Frenszek-Iwicki <fedora(a)> - 1:2.3-2
- Add a patch to fix blueman breaking XFCE
- Disable building blueman-nautilus
* Tue Jul 5 2022 Artur Frenszek-Iwicki <fedora(a)> - 1:2.3-1
- Update to v2.3
- Call configure manually, instead of letting do that
- Add subpackages providing caja/nautilus/nemo/thunar integration
[ 1 ] Bug #2107815 - A critical bug in blueman which renders XFCE broken
[ 2 ] Bug #2107828 - Blueman 2.3-1 packages don't install cleanly
candy-icon-theme-0-29.20220713git8bbfb04e.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-64a087f902)
Sweet gradient icon theme
Update Information:
Update to latest git snapshot (2022-07-13)
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Artur Frenszek-Iwicki <fedora(a)> - 0-29.20220713git8bbfb04e
- Update to latest upstream snapshot
cutter-re-2.1.0-2.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-8c5e98aa2b)
GUI for Rizin reverse engineering framework
Update Information:
fix bin/cutter-re path in cmake devel files
* Sat Jul 16 2022 Riccardo Schirone <rschirone91(a)> - 2.1.0-2
- Fix cutter path in .cmake file for -devel package
distribution-gpg-keys-1.73-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-22cfcc131a)
GPG keys of various Linux distributions
Update Information:
- added Rocky linux - updated Copr keys
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Miroslav Such�� <msuchy(a)> 1.73-1
- update copr keys
- Add Rocky Linux 9 Keys and Refresh 8
gh-2.14.2-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-9cb1c65b8a)
GitHub���s official command line tool
Update Information:
Update to 2.14.2
* Fri Jul 15 2022 Mikel Olasagasti Uranga <mikel(a)> 2.14.2-1
- Update to 2.14.2 - Closes rhbz#2107394
* Thu Jul 14 2022 Mikel Olasagasti Uranga <mikel(a)> 2.14.1-1
- Update to 2.14.1 - Closes rhbz#2106552
golang-github-cli-gh-0.0.3-2.20220714git91ca4ef.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-9cb1c65b8a)
A Go module for interacting with gh and the GitHub API from the command line
Update Information:
Update to 2.14.2
* Thu Jul 14 2022 Mikel Olasagasti Uranga <mikel(a)> 0.0.3-2
- Update to latest commit
golang-github-git-fixtures-4-4.3.1-3.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-5a793c79ef)
Several git fixtures to run go-git tests
Update Information:
Disable tests on 32bits arches
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 4.3.1-3
- Disable tests on 32bits arches
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 4.3.1-2
- Disable tests on 32bits arches
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 4.3.1-1
- Initial import - Close: rhbz#2103247
golang-github-git-gcfg-1.5.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-291646b323)
Go-gcfg/gcfg fork for usage in go-git/go-git
Update Information:
Initial import - Close: rhbz#2102846
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 1.5.0-1
- Initial import - Close: rhbz#2102846
[ 1 ] Bug #2102846 - Review Request: golang-github-git-gcfg - Go-gcfg/gcfg fork for usage in src-d/go-git
golang-github-zeebo-blake3-0.2.3-2.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-1f89d4c1a4)
Pure Go implementation of BLAKE3 with AVX2 and SSE4.1 acceleration
Update Information:
Disable tests for s390x (rounding errors))
* Sat Jun 25 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 0.2.3-2
- Disable tests for s390x (rounding errors))
* Fri Jun 24 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 0.2.3-1
- Initial import
golang-x-text-0.3.7-3.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-758bb5b298)
Go text processing support
Update Information:
unbootstrap A broken bootstrap build was pushed out. This fixes that.
linux-firmware-20220708-136.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-d32aab1a2a)
Firmware files used by the Linux kernel
Update Information:
Update to upstream 20220708 release: * WHENCE: Correct dangling symlinks *
Correct WHENCE entry for wfx firmware * bnx2: Drop unsupported Broadcom
NetXtremeII firmware * bnx2: drop unsupported firmwares * bnx2: sort firmware
names in filesystem order * Remove old Broadcom Everest (bnx2x) v4/5 firmware *
Drop Token Ring network firmwares * Drop TDA7706 radio firmware * Drop Intel
WiMax firmware * Drop Computone IntelliPort Plus serial firmware * Drop ATM
Ambassador devices firmware * brocade: drop old unsupported firmware revs *
amdgpu: update yellow carp DMCUB firmware * update firmwares for
MT7622/MT7921/MT7922 WiFi device * update firmware for mediatek bluetooth chips
(MT7921/MT7922) * Update firmwares for Intel Bluetooth
9462/9560/AX200/AX201/AX210/AX211 * mediatek: Add SCP firmware for MT8186 *
rtw88: 8822c: Update normal firmware to v9.9.13 * amdgpu: update Yellow Carp VCN
firmware * qed: update firmware * Link some devices that ship with the
AW-CM256SM * Add initial AzureWave AW-CM256SM NVRAM file * Remove the Pine64
Quartz copy of the RPi NVRAM * qca: Update firmware files for BT chip WCN6750. *
QCA: Update Bluetooth WCN685x 2.1 firmware to 2.1.0-00409
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson(a)> - 20220708-136
- Update to upstream 20220708 release
- WHENCE: Correct dangling symlinks
- Correct WHENCE entry for wfx firmware
- bnx2: Drop unsupported Broadcom NetXtremeII firmware
- bnx2: drop unsupported firmwares
- bnx2: sort firmware names in filesystem order
- Remove old Broadcom Everest (bnx2x) v4/5 firmware
- Drop Token Ring network firmwares
- Drop TDA7706 radio firmware
- Drop Intel WiMax firmware
- Drop Computone IntelliPort Plus serial firmware
- Drop ATM Ambassador devices firmware
- brocade: drop old unsupported firmware revs
- amdgpu: update yellow carp DMCUB firmware
- update firmwares for MT7622/MT7921/MT7922 WiFi device
- update firmware for mediatek bluetooth chips (MT7921/MT7922)
- Update firmwares for Intel Bluetooth 9462/9560/AX200/AX201/AX210/AX211
- mediatek: Add SCP firmware for MT8186
- rtw88: 8822c: Update normal firmware to v9.9.13
- amdgpu: update Yellow Carp VCN firmware
- qed: update firmware
- Link some devices that ship with the AW-CM256SM
- Add initial AzureWave AW-CM256SM NVRAM file
- Remove the Pine64 Quartz copy of the RPi NVRAM
- qca: Update firmware files for BT chip WCN6750.
- QCA: Update Bluetooth WCN685x 2.1 firmware to 2.1.0-00409
matrix-synapse-1.62.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-53d0102316)
A Matrix reference homeserver written in Python using Twisted
Update Information:
Update matrix-synapse to v1.62.0.
* Thu Jul 14 2022 Kai A. Hiller <V02460(a)> - 1.62.0-1
- Update to v1.62.0
mythes-de-0.20220716-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-c4f266a060)
German thesaurus
Update Information:
- Upgrade to latest daily snapshot release
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Robert Scheck <robert(a)> 0.20220716-1
- Upgrade to latest daily snapshot release
python-dbusmock-0.28.3-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-cc833bca70)
Mock D-Bus objects
Update Information:
- Bring back dbusmock.__version__
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Packit <hello(a)> - 0.28.3-1
<!-- generated by eloquent/github-release-action -->
<!-- original source:
- Bring back dbusmock.__version__
<li>Bring back dbusmock.<strong>version</strong>
* Sat Jul 16 2022 Packit <hello(a)> - 0.28.2-1
<!-- generated by eloquent/github-release-action -->
<!-- original source:
- Dynamically compute version with setuptools-scm
- tests: Adjust to libnotify 0.8 (Debian #1015068)
- tests: Only run pylint on current Fedora release
<li>Dynamically compute version with setuptools-scm</li>
<li>tests: Adjust to libnotify 0.8 (Debian #1015068)</li>
<li>tests: Only run pylint on current Fedora release</li>
python-fastavro-1.5.2-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-2e5b298ecb)
Fast Avro for Python
Update Information:
## 2022-06-27 version 1.5.2 * Add support for custom JSON Encoders and Decoders
(@scottbelden in PR #618) * Fix issue where avro encoded file with zlib could
not be decompressed (@scottbelden in PR #620)
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley <code(a)> 1.5.2-1
- Update to 1.5.2 (close RHBZ#2101870)
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley <code(a)> 1.5.1-3
- Fix extra newline in description
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley <code(a)> 1.5.1-2
- Do not generate dependencies on linters, formatters, typecheckers, etc.
[ 1 ] Bug #2101870 - python-fastavro-1.5.2 is available
python-kafka-2.0.2-7.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-f9718b04a2)
Pure Python client for Apache Kafka
Update Information:
Applies for Python 3.11
* Mon Jun 27 2022 Hirotaka Wakabayashi <hiwkby(a)> - 2.0.2-8
- Applies for Python 3.11
* Tue Jun 14 2022 Python Maint <python-maint(a)> - 2.0.2-7
- Rebuilt for Python 3.11
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 2.0.2-6
- Rebuilt for
* Wed Sep 29 2021 Hirotaka Wakabayashi <hiwkby(a)> - 2.0.2-5
- Fixes a rpmlint error
* Wed Sep 29 2021 Hirotaka Wakabayashi <hiwkby(a)> - 2.0.2-4
- Fixes issues on packaging guidelines
* Mon Sep 27 2021 Hirotaka Wakabayashi <hiwkby(a)> - 2.0.2-3
- Fixes issues on packaging guidelines
* Fri Sep 24 2021 Hirotaka Wakabayashi <hiwkby(a)> - 2.0.2-2
- Fixes issues on packaging guidelines
* Sun Sep 19 2021 Hirotaka Wakabayashi <hiwkby(a)> - 2.0.2-1
- Un-retired and update to 2.0.2
python-matrix-common-1.2.1-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-53d0102316)
Common utilities for Synapse, Sydent and Sygnal
Update Information:
Update matrix-synapse to v1.62.0.
* Fri Jul 15 2022 Kai A. Hiller <V02460(a)> - 1.2.1-1
- Update to v1.2.1
* Tue Jun 14 2022 Python Maint <python-maint(a)> - 1.1.0-2
- Rebuilt for Python 3.11
rubygem-rmagick-4.2.6-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-0d480b4772)
Ruby binding to ImageMagick
Update Information:
New version 4.2.6 is released.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Mamoru TASAKA <mtasaka(a)> - 4.2.6-1
- 4.2.6
rust-cookie_store-0.16.1-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-5cd270148e)
Implementation of Cookie storage and retrieval
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.16.1-1
- Update to version 0.16.1; Fixes RHBZ#2066409
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 0.15.1-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-cxx-1.0.72-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-7872d6dfce)
Safe interop between Rust and C++
Update Information:
- Update the cxx crate to version 1.0.72. - Update the cxxbridge-flags crate to
version 1.0.72. - Update the cxxbridge-macro crate to version 1.0.72. - Update
the cxx-build crate to version 1.0.72. - Update the cxx-gen crate to version
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 1.0.72-1
- Update to version 1.0.72; Fixes RHBZ#2107878
rust-cxx-build-1.0.72-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-7872d6dfce)
C++ code generator for integrating the cxx crate into a Cargo build
Update Information:
- Update the cxx crate to version 1.0.72. - Update the cxxbridge-flags crate to
version 1.0.72. - Update the cxxbridge-macro crate to version 1.0.72. - Update
the cxx-build crate to version 1.0.72. - Update the cxx-gen crate to version
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 1.0.72-1
- Update to version 1.0.72; Fixes RHBZ#2107877
rust-cxx-gen-0.7.72-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-7872d6dfce)
C++ code generator for integrating the cxx crate into higher level tools
Update Information:
- Update the cxx crate to version 1.0.72. - Update the cxxbridge-flags crate to
version 1.0.72. - Update the cxxbridge-macro crate to version 1.0.72. - Update
the cxx-build crate to version 1.0.72. - Update the cxx-gen crate to version
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.7.72-1
- Update to version 0.7.72; Fixes RHBZ#2107879
rust-cxxbridge-flags-1.0.72-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-7872d6dfce)
Compiler configuration of the cxx crate
Update Information:
- Update the cxx crate to version 1.0.72. - Update the cxxbridge-flags crate to
version 1.0.72. - Update the cxxbridge-macro crate to version 1.0.72. - Update
the cxx-build crate to version 1.0.72. - Update the cxx-gen crate to version
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 1.0.72-1
- Update to version 1.0.72; Fixes RHBZ#2107875
rust-cxxbridge-macro-1.0.72-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-7872d6dfce)
Implementation detail of the cxx crate
Update Information:
- Update the cxx crate to version 1.0.72. - Update the cxxbridge-flags crate to
version 1.0.72. - Update the cxxbridge-macro crate to version 1.0.72. - Update
the cxx-build crate to version 1.0.72. - Update the cxx-gen crate to version
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 1.0.72-1
- Update to version 1.0.72; Fixes RHBZ#2107876
rust-enum-as-inner-0.4.0-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-5cd270148e)
Proc-macro for deriving inner field accessor functions on enums
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.4.0-1
- Update to version 0.4.0
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.3.3-4
- Rebuilt for
rust-enum-as-inner0.3-0.3.4-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-5cd270148e)
Proc-macro for deriving inner field accessor functions on enums
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.3.4-1
- Initial import (enum-as-inner 0.3 compat package)
rust-fedora-2.0.2-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-5cd270148e)
Base library for interacting with Fedora web services
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 2.0.2-1
- Update to version 2.0.2; Fixes RHBZ#2107900
rust-fedora-update-feedback-2.0.2-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-5cd270148e)
Provide feedback for Fedora updates (inspired by fedora-easy-karma)
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 2.0.2-1
- Update to version 2.0.2
rust-grep-0.2.10-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-7b3c94f4de)
Fast line oriented regex searching as a library
Update Information:
- Update the grep crate to version 0.2.10. - Update the grep-searcher crate to
version 0.1.10. - Update the grep-regex crate to version 0.1.10.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.2.10-1
- Update to version 0.2.10; Fixes RHBZ#2107661
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.2.8-3
- Rebuilt for
rust-grep-regex-0.1.10-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-7b3c94f4de)
Use Rust's regex library with the 'grep' crate
Update Information:
- Update the grep crate to version 0.2.10. - Update the grep-searcher crate to
version 0.1.10. - Update the grep-regex crate to version 0.1.10.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.1.10-1
- Update to version 0.1.10; Fixes RHBZ#2107663
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.1.9-3
- Rebuilt for
rust-grep-searcher-0.1.10-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-7b3c94f4de)
Fast line oriented regex searching as a library
Update Information:
- Update the grep crate to version 0.2.10. - Update the grep-searcher crate to
version 0.1.10. - Update the grep-regex crate to version 0.1.10.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.1.10-1
- Update to version 0.1.10; Fixes RHBZ#2107662
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.1.8-3
- Rebuilt for
rust-hashbrown-0.12.3-2.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-101201f8a3)
Rust port of Google's SwissTable hash map
Update Information:
- Update the indexmap crate to version 1.9.1. - Update the hashbrown crate to
version 0.12.3. - Add a compat package for version 0.11 of the hashbrown crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.12.3-2
- Skip doctests on armv7hl to temporarily work around a test failure
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.12.3-1
- Update to version 0.12.3; Fixes RHBZ#2041300
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.12.2-1
- Update to version 0.12.2; Fixes RHBZ#2041300
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> 0.11.2-2
- Rebuilt for
rust-hashbrown0.11-0.11.2-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-101201f8a3)
Rust port of Google's SwissTable hash map
Update Information:
- Update the indexmap crate to version 1.9.1. - Update the hashbrown crate to
version 0.12.3. - Add a compat package for version 0.11 of the hashbrown crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.11.2-1
- Initial import (hashbrown 0.11 compat package)
rust-indexmap-1.9.1-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-101201f8a3)
Hash table with consistent order and fast iteration
Update Information:
- Update the indexmap crate to version 1.9.1. - Update the hashbrown crate to
version 0.12.3. - Add a compat package for version 0.11 of the hashbrown crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 1.9.1-1
- Update to version 1.9.1; Fixes RHBZ#2097929
rust-os_display-0.1.3-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-41bfba2725)
Display strings in a safe platform-appropriate way
Update Information:
Initial import; Fixes: RHBZ#2053906
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Davide Cavalca <dcavalca(a)> 0.1.3-1
- Initial import; Fixes: RHBZ#2053906
[ 1 ] Bug #2053906 - Review Request: rust-os_display - Display strings in a safe platform-appropriate way
rust-ref-cast-1.0.8-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-8615300e87)
Safely cast &T to &U where the struct U contains a single field of type T
Update Information:
Update the ref-cast and ref-cast-impl crates to version 1.0.8.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 1.0.8-1
- Update to version 1.0.8; Fixes RHBZ#2107779
rust-ref-cast-impl-1.0.8-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-8615300e87)
Derive implementation for ref_cast::RefCast
Update Information:
Update the ref-cast and ref-cast-impl crates to version 1.0.8.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 1.0.8-1
- Update to version 1.0.8; Fixes RHBZ#2107780
rust-reqwest-0.11.11-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-5cd270148e)
Higher level HTTP client library
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.11.11-1
- Update to version 0.11.11; Fixes RHBZ#2096455
rust-serde-1.0.139-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-623f8ebaa2)
Generic serialization/deserialization framework
Update Information:
Update the serde, serde_derive, and serde_test crates to version 1.0.139.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 1.0.139-1
- Update to version 1.0.139; Fixes RHBZ#2105888
rust-serde_derive-1.0.139-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-623f8ebaa2)
Macros 1.1 implementation of #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
Update Information:
Update the serde, serde_derive, and serde_test crates to version 1.0.139.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 1.0.139-1
- Update to version 1.0.139; Fixes RHBZ#2105889
rust-serde_test-1.0.139-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-623f8ebaa2)
Token De/Serializer for testing De/Serialize implementations
Update Information:
Update the serde, serde_derive, and serde_test crates to version 1.0.139.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 1.0.139-1
- Update to version 1.0.139; Fixes RHBZ#2105890
rust-trust-dns-https-0.20.4-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-5cd270148e)
Trust-DNS is a safe and secure DNS library
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.20.4-1
- Update to version 0.20.4
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.20.3-3
- Rebuilt for
rust-trust-dns-native-tls-0.20.4-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-5cd270148e)
Trust-DNS is a safe and secure DNS library
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.20.4-1
- Update to version 0.20.4
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.20.3-3
- Rebuilt for
rust-trust-dns-openssl-0.20.4-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-5cd270148e)
Trust-DNS is a safe and secure DNS library
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.20.4-1
- Update to version 0.20.4
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.20.3-3
- Rebuilt for
rust-trust-dns-proto-0.21.2-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-5cd270148e)
Trust-DNS is a safe and secure DNS library
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.21.2-1
- Update to version 0.21.2; Fixes RHBZ#2058878
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.20.3-3
- Rebuilt for
rust-trust-dns-proto0.20-0.20.4-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-5cd270148e)
Trust-DNS is a safe and secure DNS library
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.20.4-1
- Initial import (trust-dns-proto 0.20 compat package)
rust-trust-dns-resolver-0.21.2-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-5cd270148e)
Trust-DNS is a safe and secure DNS library
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.21.2-1
- Update to version 0.21.2; Fixes RHBZ#2058876
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.20.3-3
- Rebuilt for
rust-trust-dns-resolver0.20-0.20.4-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-5cd270148e)
Trust-DNS is a safe and secure DNS library
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.20.4-1
- Initial import (trust-dns-resolver 0.20 compat package)
rust-trust-dns-rustls-0.20.4-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-5cd270148e)
Trust-DNS is a safe and secure DNS library
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.20.4-1
- Update to version 0.20.4
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0.20.3-3
- Rebuilt for
tio-1.44-1.fc35 (FEDORA-2022-06983d9d18)
Simple TTY terminal I/O application
Update Information:
# tio v1.44 - Simplify arbitrary baudrate code - Cleanup error printing
routines Clean up so that only the following error related printing
functions are used: `tio_error_printf()`, `tio_error_printf_silent()`,
`tio_warning_printf()`. - A session mode switch is introduced for error
printing so that it will print error messages with better formatting depending
on in or out of session. - Update `README` - Clean up man page - Add
support for space parity - Rename "EOL delay" to "Output line delay" -
Replace `-U`, `--upcase` with mapping flag `OLTU` - Simplify `tty_write()`
* Fri Jul 15 2022 Robert Scheck <robert(a)> 1.44-1
- Upgrade to 1.44 (#2106978)
[ 1 ] Bug #2106978 - tio-1.45 is available
The following Fedora 36 Security updates need testing:
5 oci-seccomp-bpf-hook-1.2.6-1.fc36
5 buildah-1.26.2-1.fc36
5 suricata-6.0.6-1.fc36
5 git-2.37.1-1.fc36
3 python-ujson-5.4.0-1.fc36
3 python-notebook-6.4.11-3.fc36
The following Fedora 36 Critical Path updates have yet to be approved:
37 binutils-2.37-31.fc36
9 dnsmasq-2.86-10.fc36
9 unbound-1.16.0-5.fc36
6 xfce4-settings-4.16.3-1.fc36
5 git-2.37.1-1.fc36
5 annobin-10.78-1.fc36
5 rpm-4.17.1-2.fc36
2 selinux-policy-36.12-1.fc36
2 libhandy-1.6.3-1.fc36
2 geocode-glib-3.26.3-1.fc36
2 iio-sensor-proxy-3.4-1.fc36
2 appstream-data-36-3.fc36
2 libappstream-glib-0.8.0-1.fc36
2 upower-0.99.20-1.fc36
2 python-markupsafe-2.1.1-1.fc36
0 emacs-28.1-2.fc36
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 36 updates-testing
Details about builds:
blueman-2.3.1-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-369d912790)
GTK+ Bluetooth Manager
Update Information:
Update to v2.3.1 ---- - Add a patch to fix blueman causing XFCE to crash and
burn and die horribly. - Disable building the blueman-nautilus package.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Artur Frenszek-Iwicki <fedora(a)> - 1:2.3.1-1
- Update to v2.3.1
- Drop Patch1 (fix blueman breaking XFCE - backported from this release)
* Sat Jul 16 2022 Artur Frenszek-Iwicki <fedora(a)> - 1:2.3-2
- Add a patch to fix blueman breaking XFCE
- Disable building blueman-nautilus
[ 1 ] Bug #2107815 - A critical bug in blueman which renders XFCE broken
[ 2 ] Bug #2107828 - Blueman 2.3-1 packages don't install cleanly
candy-icon-theme-0-30.20220713git8bbfb04e.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-85eacd6e10)
Sweet gradient icon theme
Update Information:
Update to latest git snapshot (2022-07-13)
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Artur Frenszek-Iwicki <fedora(a)> - 0-30.20220713git8bbfb04e
- Update to latest upstream snapshot
distribution-gpg-keys-1.73-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-4b1dd01104)
GPG keys of various Linux distributions
Update Information:
- added Rocky linux - updated Copr keys
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Miroslav Such�� <msuchy(a)> 1.73-1
- update copr keys
- Add Rocky Linux 9 Keys and Refresh 8
golang-github-git-fixtures-4-4.3.1-3.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-cc8d575b66)
Several git fixtures to run go-git tests
Update Information:
Disable tests on 32bits arches
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 4.3.1-3
- Disable tests on 32bits arches
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 4.3.1-2
- Disable tests on 32bits arches
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 4.3.1-1
- Initial import - Close: rhbz#2103247
golang-github-git-gcfg-1.5.0-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-695e249d7c)
Go-gcfg/gcfg fork for usage in go-git/go-git
Update Information:
Initial import - Close: rhbz#2102846
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 1.5.0-1
- Initial import - Close: rhbz#2102846
[ 1 ] Bug #2102846 - Review Request: golang-github-git-gcfg - Go-gcfg/gcfg fork for usage in src-d/go-git
golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate-0-0.5.20210529gita32ed26.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-931f7d3a9d)
SQL schema migration tool for Go
Update Information:
enable s390x build (rhbz#1971028)
* Wed Jul 13 2022 Dan Hor��k <dan[at]> - 0-0.5
- enable s390x build (rhbz#1971028)
golang-github-zeebo-blake3-0.2.3-2.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-f17da36f8c)
Pure Go implementation of BLAKE3 with AVX2 and SSE4.1 acceleration
Update Information:
Disable tests for s390x (rounding errors))
* Sat Jun 25 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 0.2.3-2
- Disable tests for s390x (rounding errors))
* Fri Jun 24 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 0.2.3-1
- Initial import
golang-storj-common-0-0.8.20220717gite2f0836.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-1c7690fba3)
Storj common packages
Update Information:
Bump to e2f08365ed6548139fbf2a3713bb2a2eacfd6ffc - Fix FTBFS - Close:
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Robert-Andr�� Mauchin <zebob.m(a)> 0-0.8
- Bump to e2f08365ed6548139fbf2a3713bb2a2eacfd6ffc - Fix FTBFS - Close:
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng(a)> - 0-0.5
- Rebuilt for
[ 1 ] Bug #2045664 - golang-storj-common: FTBFS in Fedora rawhide/f36
linux-firmware-20220708-136.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-f44c99e22e)
Firmware files used by the Linux kernel
Update Information:
Update to upstream 20220708 release: * WHENCE: Correct dangling symlinks *
Correct WHENCE entry for wfx firmware * bnx2: Drop unsupported Broadcom
NetXtremeII firmware * bnx2: drop unsupported firmwares * bnx2: sort firmware
names in filesystem order * Remove old Broadcom Everest (bnx2x) v4/5 firmware *
Drop Token Ring network firmwares * Drop TDA7706 radio firmware * Drop Intel
WiMax firmware * Drop Computone IntelliPort Plus serial firmware * Drop ATM
Ambassador devices firmware * brocade: drop old unsupported firmware revs *
amdgpu: update yellow carp DMCUB firmware * update firmwares for
MT7622/MT7921/MT7922 WiFi device * update firmware for mediatek bluetooth chips
(MT7921/MT7922) * Update firmwares for Intel Bluetooth
9462/9560/AX200/AX201/AX210/AX211 * mediatek: Add SCP firmware for MT8186 *
rtw88: 8822c: Update normal firmware to v9.9.13 * amdgpu: update Yellow Carp VCN
firmware * qed: update firmware * Link some devices that ship with the
AW-CM256SM * Add initial AzureWave AW-CM256SM NVRAM file * Remove the Pine64
Quartz copy of the RPi NVRAM * qca: Update firmware files for BT chip WCN6750. *
QCA: Update Bluetooth WCN685x 2.1 firmware to 2.1.0-00409
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson(a)> - 20220708-136
- Update to upstream 20220708 release
- WHENCE: Correct dangling symlinks
- Correct WHENCE entry for wfx firmware
- bnx2: Drop unsupported Broadcom NetXtremeII firmware
- bnx2: drop unsupported firmwares
- bnx2: sort firmware names in filesystem order
- Remove old Broadcom Everest (bnx2x) v4/5 firmware
- Drop Token Ring network firmwares
- Drop TDA7706 radio firmware
- Drop Intel WiMax firmware
- Drop Computone IntelliPort Plus serial firmware
- Drop ATM Ambassador devices firmware
- brocade: drop old unsupported firmware revs
- amdgpu: update yellow carp DMCUB firmware
- update firmwares for MT7622/MT7921/MT7922 WiFi device
- update firmware for mediatek bluetooth chips (MT7921/MT7922)
- Update firmwares for Intel Bluetooth 9462/9560/AX200/AX201/AX210/AX211
- mediatek: Add SCP firmware for MT8186
- rtw88: 8822c: Update normal firmware to v9.9.13
- amdgpu: update Yellow Carp VCN firmware
- qed: update firmware
- Link some devices that ship with the AW-CM256SM
- Add initial AzureWave AW-CM256SM NVRAM file
- Remove the Pine64 Quartz copy of the RPi NVRAM
- qca: Update firmware files for BT chip WCN6750.
- QCA: Update Bluetooth WCN685x 2.1 firmware to 2.1.0-00409
mako-1.7.1-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-af0e546d34)
Lightweight Wayland notification daemon
Update Information:
Update to 1.7.1 (#2105115)
* Sat Jul 16 2022 Aleksei Bavshin <alebastr(a)> - 1.7.1-1
- Update to 1.7.1 (#2105115)
[ 1 ] Bug #2105115 - mako-1.7.1 is available
matrix-synapse-1.62.0-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-291320e1d0)
A Matrix reference homeserver written in Python using Twisted
Update Information:
Update matrix-synapse to v1.62.0.
* Thu Jul 14 2022 Kai A. Hiller <V02460(a)> - 1.62.0-1
- Update to v1.62.0
mythes-de-0.20220716-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-caf3a49c86)
German thesaurus
Update Information:
- Upgrade to latest daily snapshot release
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Robert Scheck <robert(a)> 0.20220716-1
- Upgrade to latest daily snapshot release
nebula-1.6.0-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-78eceab699)
A scalable overlay networking tool with a focus on performance, simplicity and security
Update Information:
Added Experimental: nebula clients can be configured to act as relays for
other nebula clients. Primarily useful when stubborn NATs make a direct
tunnel impossible. (#678) Configuration option to report manually specified
ip:ports to lighthouses. (#650) Windows arm64 build. (#638) punchy and
most lighthouse config options now support hot reloading. (#649) Changed
Build against go 1.18. (#656) Promoted routines config from experimental to
supported feature. (#702) Dependencies updated. (#664) Fixed Packets
destined for the same host that sent it will be returned on MacOS. This
matches the default behavior of other operating systems. (#501)
unsafe_route configuration will no longer crash on Windows. (#648) A few
panics that were introduced in 1.5.x. (#657, #658, #675) Security You can
set listen.send_recv_error to control the conditions in which recv_error
messages are sent. Sending these messages can expose the fact that Nebula is
running on a host, but it speeds up re-handshaking. (#670) Removed x509
config stanza support has been removed. (#685)
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Alessandro Locati <me(a)> 1.6.0-1
- update to 1.6.0
python-dbusmock-0.28.3-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-4b55ebbd01)
Mock D-Bus objects
Update Information:
- Bring back dbusmock.__version__
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Packit <hello(a)> - 0.28.3-1
<!-- generated by eloquent/github-release-action -->
<!-- original source:
- Bring back dbusmock.__version__
<li>Bring back dbusmock.<strong>version</strong>
* Sat Jul 16 2022 Packit <hello(a)> - 0.28.2-1
<!-- generated by eloquent/github-release-action -->
<!-- original source:
- Dynamically compute version with setuptools-scm
- tests: Adjust to libnotify 0.8 (Debian #1015068)
- tests: Only run pylint on current Fedora release
<li>Dynamically compute version with setuptools-scm</li>
<li>tests: Adjust to libnotify 0.8 (Debian #1015068)</li>
<li>tests: Only run pylint on current Fedora release</li>
* Tue Jun 28 2022 Packit <hello(a)> - 0.28.1-1
- Again works on RHEL/CentOS 8 (0.27 broke there), now in CI
- Avoid glib GI dependency for main dbusmock, for running in virtualenv (thanks Allison Karlitskaya)
python-fastavro-1.5.2-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-5d7ae440b6)
Fast Avro for Python
Update Information:
## 2022-06-27 version 1.5.2 * Add support for custom JSON Encoders and Decoders
(@scottbelden in PR #618) * Fix issue where avro encoded file with zlib could
not be decompressed (@scottbelden in PR #620)
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley <code(a)> 1.5.2-1
- Update to 1.5.2 (close RHBZ#2101870)
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley <code(a)> 1.5.1-3
- Fix extra newline in description
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley <code(a)> 1.5.1-2
- Do not generate dependencies on linters, formatters, typecheckers, etc.
[ 1 ] Bug #2101870 - python-fastavro-1.5.2 is available
python-matrix-common-1.2.1-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-291320e1d0)
Common utilities for Synapse, Sydent and Sygnal
Update Information:
Update matrix-synapse to v1.62.0.
* Fri Jul 15 2022 Kai A. Hiller <V02460(a)> - 1.2.1-1
- Update to v1.2.1
* Tue Jun 14 2022 Python Maint <python-maint(a)> - 1.1.0-2
- Rebuilt for Python 3.11
python-socketio-5.7.1-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-1442aba568)
Socket.IO server
Update Information:
**Release 5.7.1** - 2022-07-15 - Add `namespaces` argument to `Server` and
`AsyncServer` [#822](
socketio/issues/822) ([commit](
socketio/commit/efe87d867a205493654107d381bdb8b619b8ab2d)) - Add missing `await`
in asyncio server [#952](
socketio/issues/952) ([commit](
socketio/commit/d4e69fb7ceecdb98584f36e085a186eb4da23b07)) (thanks
**sjrodahl**!) ---- **Release 5.7.0** - 2022-07-04 - Server refuses
connections on unknown namespaces
socketio/commit/44715012dc0d578b067a9a389c8aef2ce39f65c1)) - Do not send ACK
packet for unknown events [#824](
socketio/issues/824) ([commit](
socketio/commit/268fe12ffa68f7af8881c75695c287c09490cef9)) - Fix Python 3.11
deprecation warning [#941](
socketio/issues/941) ([commit](
socketio/commit/4b697815c3da4574fca8b759d21a4e0800dafc50)) (thanks **J��r��me
Boulmier**!) - Correct handling of RedisError exception
socketio/commit/98318fbdde2c4dcfba15d1b0aaf266b599e81e0c)) - Update Django
example ([commit](
socketio/commit/dc7ac74c1d2c97544056541736d644060837a080)) - Documentation fix
for async client ([commit](
socketio/commit/5b9134617759a1b64adb2f9aba0974c732576cc4)) - Update
documentation of asyncio server
socketio/commit/98f3cb4664ff10c0bb17826b11564644bed99fd6)) - Fix documentation
typo [#948](
socketio/commit/f888446b330146484325b568cdc2303c9b35c095)) (thanks
* Sat Jul 16 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley <code(a)> 5.7.1-1
- Update to 5.7.1 (close RHBZ#2107761)
* Thu Jul 14 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley <code(a)> 5.7.0-1
- Update to 5.7.0 (close RHBZ#2103685)
[ 1 ] Bug #2103685 - python-socketio-5.7.0 is available
[ 2 ] Bug #2107761 - python-socketio-5.7.1 is available
rubygem-rmagick-4.2.6-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-5a21f6a57a)
Ruby binding to ImageMagick
Update Information:
New version 4.2.6 is released.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Mamoru TASAKA <mtasaka(a)> - 4.2.6-1
- 4.2.6
rust-cookie_store-0.16.1-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-32e254e7fe)
Implementation of Cookie storage and retrieval
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.16.1-1
- Update to version 0.16.1; Fixes RHBZ#2066409
rust-cxx-1.0.72-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-f5611b0c24)
Safe interop between Rust and C++
Update Information:
- Update the cxx crate to version 1.0.72. - Update the cxxbridge-flags crate to
version 1.0.72. - Update the cxxbridge-macro crate to version 1.0.72. - Update
the cxx-build crate to version 1.0.72. - Update the cxx-gen crate to version
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 1.0.72-1
- Update to version 1.0.72; Fixes RHBZ#2107878
rust-cxx-build-1.0.72-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-f5611b0c24)
C++ code generator for integrating the cxx crate into a Cargo build
Update Information:
- Update the cxx crate to version 1.0.72. - Update the cxxbridge-flags crate to
version 1.0.72. - Update the cxxbridge-macro crate to version 1.0.72. - Update
the cxx-build crate to version 1.0.72. - Update the cxx-gen crate to version
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 1.0.72-1
- Update to version 1.0.72; Fixes RHBZ#2107877
rust-cxx-gen-0.7.72-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-f5611b0c24)
C++ code generator for integrating the cxx crate into higher level tools
Update Information:
- Update the cxx crate to version 1.0.72. - Update the cxxbridge-flags crate to
version 1.0.72. - Update the cxxbridge-macro crate to version 1.0.72. - Update
the cxx-build crate to version 1.0.72. - Update the cxx-gen crate to version
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.7.72-1
- Update to version 0.7.72; Fixes RHBZ#2107879
rust-cxxbridge-flags-1.0.72-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-f5611b0c24)
Compiler configuration of the cxx crate
Update Information:
- Update the cxx crate to version 1.0.72. - Update the cxxbridge-flags crate to
version 1.0.72. - Update the cxxbridge-macro crate to version 1.0.72. - Update
the cxx-build crate to version 1.0.72. - Update the cxx-gen crate to version
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 1.0.72-1
- Update to version 1.0.72; Fixes RHBZ#2107875
rust-cxxbridge-macro-1.0.72-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-f5611b0c24)
Implementation detail of the cxx crate
Update Information:
- Update the cxx crate to version 1.0.72. - Update the cxxbridge-flags crate to
version 1.0.72. - Update the cxxbridge-macro crate to version 1.0.72. - Update
the cxx-build crate to version 1.0.72. - Update the cxx-gen crate to version
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 1.0.72-1
- Update to version 1.0.72; Fixes RHBZ#2107876
rust-enum-as-inner-0.4.0-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-32e254e7fe)
Proc-macro for deriving inner field accessor functions on enums
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.4.0-1
- Update to version 0.4.0
rust-enum-as-inner0.3-0.3.4-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-32e254e7fe)
Proc-macro for deriving inner field accessor functions on enums
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.3.4-1
- Initial import (enum-as-inner 0.3 compat package)
rust-fedora-2.0.2-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-32e254e7fe)
Base library for interacting with Fedora web services
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 2.0.2-1
- Update to version 2.0.2; Fixes RHBZ#2107900
rust-fedora-update-feedback-2.0.2-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-32e254e7fe)
Provide feedback for Fedora updates (inspired by fedora-easy-karma)
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 2.0.2-1
- Update to version 2.0.2
rust-grep-0.2.10-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-9baa4f3bc3)
Fast line oriented regex searching as a library
Update Information:
- Update the grep crate to version 0.2.10. - Update the grep-searcher crate to
version 0.1.10. - Update the grep-regex crate to version 0.1.10.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.2.10-1
- Update to version 0.2.10; Fixes RHBZ#2107661
rust-grep-regex-0.1.10-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-9baa4f3bc3)
Use Rust's regex library with the 'grep' crate
Update Information:
- Update the grep crate to version 0.2.10. - Update the grep-searcher crate to
version 0.1.10. - Update the grep-regex crate to version 0.1.10.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.1.10-1
- Update to version 0.1.10; Fixes RHBZ#2107663
rust-grep-searcher-0.1.10-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-9baa4f3bc3)
Fast line oriented regex searching as a library
Update Information:
- Update the grep crate to version 0.2.10. - Update the grep-searcher crate to
version 0.1.10. - Update the grep-regex crate to version 0.1.10.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.1.10-1
- Update to version 0.1.10; Fixes RHBZ#2107662
rust-hashbrown-0.12.3-2.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-965ba483f5)
Rust port of Google's SwissTable hash map
Update Information:
- Update the indexmap crate to version 1.9.1. - Update the hashbrown crate to
version 0.12.3. - Add a compat package for version 0.11 of the hashbrown crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.12.3-2
- Skip doctests on armv7hl to temporarily work around a test failure
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.12.3-1
- Update to version 0.12.3; Fixes RHBZ#2041300
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.12.2-1
- Update to version 0.12.2; Fixes RHBZ#2041300
rust-hashbrown0.11-0.11.2-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-965ba483f5)
Rust port of Google's SwissTable hash map
Update Information:
- Update the indexmap crate to version 1.9.1. - Update the hashbrown crate to
version 0.12.3. - Add a compat package for version 0.11 of the hashbrown crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.11.2-1
- Initial import (hashbrown 0.11 compat package)
rust-indexmap-1.9.1-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-965ba483f5)
Hash table with consistent order and fast iteration
Update Information:
- Update the indexmap crate to version 1.9.1. - Update the hashbrown crate to
version 0.12.3. - Add a compat package for version 0.11 of the hashbrown crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 1.9.1-1
- Update to version 1.9.1; Fixes RHBZ#2097929
rust-os_display-0.1.3-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-f770881649)
Display strings in a safe platform-appropriate way
Update Information:
Initial import; Fixes: RHBZ#2053906
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Davide Cavalca <dcavalca(a)> 0.1.3-1
- Initial import; Fixes: RHBZ#2053906
[ 1 ] Bug #2053906 - Review Request: rust-os_display - Display strings in a safe platform-appropriate way
rust-ref-cast-1.0.8-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-2b51b8b3a2)
Safely cast &T to &U where the struct U contains a single field of type T
Update Information:
Update the ref-cast and ref-cast-impl crates to version 1.0.8.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 1.0.8-1
- Update to version 1.0.8; Fixes RHBZ#2107779
rust-ref-cast-impl-1.0.8-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-2b51b8b3a2)
Derive implementation for ref_cast::RefCast
Update Information:
Update the ref-cast and ref-cast-impl crates to version 1.0.8.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 1.0.8-1
- Update to version 1.0.8; Fixes RHBZ#2107780
rust-reqwest-0.11.11-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-32e254e7fe)
Higher level HTTP client library
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.11.11-1
- Update to version 0.11.11; Fixes RHBZ#2096455
rust-serde-1.0.139-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-d957df7d1d)
Generic serialization/deserialization framework
Update Information:
Update the serde, serde_derive, and serde_test crates to version 1.0.139.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 1.0.139-1
- Update to version 1.0.139; Fixes RHBZ#2105888
rust-serde_derive-1.0.139-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-d957df7d1d)
Macros 1.1 implementation of #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
Update Information:
Update the serde, serde_derive, and serde_test crates to version 1.0.139.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 1.0.139-1
- Update to version 1.0.139; Fixes RHBZ#2105889
rust-serde_test-1.0.139-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-d957df7d1d)
Token De/Serializer for testing De/Serialize implementations
Update Information:
Update the serde, serde_derive, and serde_test crates to version 1.0.139.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 1.0.139-1
- Update to version 1.0.139; Fixes RHBZ#2105890
rust-trust-dns-https-0.20.4-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-32e254e7fe)
Trust-DNS is a safe and secure DNS library
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.20.4-1
- Update to version 0.20.4
rust-trust-dns-native-tls-0.20.4-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-32e254e7fe)
Trust-DNS is a safe and secure DNS library
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.20.4-1
- Update to version 0.20.4
rust-trust-dns-openssl-0.20.4-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-32e254e7fe)
Trust-DNS is a safe and secure DNS library
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.20.4-1
- Update to version 0.20.4
rust-trust-dns-proto-0.21.2-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-32e254e7fe)
Trust-DNS is a safe and secure DNS library
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.21.2-1
- Update to version 0.21.2; Fixes RHBZ#2058878
rust-trust-dns-proto0.20-0.20.4-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-32e254e7fe)
Trust-DNS is a safe and secure DNS library
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.20.4-1
- Initial import (trust-dns-proto 0.20 compat package)
rust-trust-dns-resolver-0.21.2-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-32e254e7fe)
Trust-DNS is a safe and secure DNS library
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.21.2-1
- Update to version 0.21.2; Fixes RHBZ#2058876
rust-trust-dns-resolver0.20-0.20.4-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-32e254e7fe)
Trust-DNS is a safe and secure DNS library
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.20.4-1
- Initial import (trust-dns-resolver 0.20 compat package)
rust-trust-dns-rustls-0.20.4-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-32e254e7fe)
Trust-DNS is a safe and secure DNS library
Update Information:
- Update fedora-update-feedback to version 2.0.2. - Update the fedora crate to
version 2.0.2. - Update the reqwest crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
cookie_store crate to version 0.16.1. - Update the trust-dns-resolver and trust-
dns-proto crates to version 0.21.2. - Add compat packages for version 0.20 of
the trust-dns-resolver and trust-dns-proto crates. - Update the trust-dns-https,
trust-dns-rustls, trust-dns-openssl, and trust-dns-native-tls crates to version
0.20.4. - Update the enum-as-inner crate to version 0.4.0. - Add a compat
package for version 0.3 of the enum-as-inner crate.
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe(a)> 0.20.4-1
- Update to version 0.20.4
tio-1.44-1.fc36 (FEDORA-2022-d17c67ddbd)
Simple TTY terminal I/O application
Update Information:
# tio v1.44 - Simplify arbitrary baudrate code - Cleanup error printing
routines Clean up so that only the following error related printing
functions are used: `tio_error_printf()`, `tio_error_printf_silent()`,
`tio_warning_printf()`. - A session mode switch is introduced for error
printing so that it will print error messages with better formatting depending
on in or out of session. - Update `README` - Clean up man page - Add
support for space parity - Rename "EOL delay" to "Output line delay" -
Replace `-U`, `--upcase` with mapping flag `OLTU` - Simplify `tty_write()`
* Fri Jul 15 2022 Robert Scheck <robert(a)> 1.44-1
- Upgrade to 1.44 (#2106978)
[ 1 ] Bug #2106978 - tio-1.45 is available