On Thu, Aug 18, 2022 at 5:32 PM stan via test <test@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:
I'm running an actual install of F37.  I have had this experience twice
now. I run the updates in a virtual console using dnf, they
complete successfully, they have a firmware package among the updates.
I then start X to run LXDE, and it starts without complaint.  But when
I try to run either nightly from /usr/local or firefox from /usr/bin in
a terminal, they start and just hang.  There are no messages in the
journal or in the terminal, and when I look at them using ps they are
in interruptable sleep.

In both cases, I killed them, and exited X, restarted X, and tried to
run them again.  No change.  But, when I reboot the computer,
everything starts working again the way I would expect; firefox starts.

Is this a change in F37 that requires a reboot after the install of
firmware packages?  I know that Gnome, and I think KDE, now require a
reboot after every update.  Has it moved to other desktops?  Can I
turn it off, if it has?  Is there a command I can run from the command
line to do the equivalent of a reboot?  Or is it all just coincidence,
and there is another reason?

I can't speak to your particular experience, but updating the system without restarting is unreliable by design (no matter the desktop). If you really want to avoid restarting (I don't recommend it), you can install python3-tracer and then run "sudo tracer -ea". It will try to list all processes which need to be restarted, because their corresponding files changed on disk due to the update. If you see anything listed in the output, you're in a potentially unsafe state. It is just a heuristic, though, it can't detect everything.