On Sat, Oct 30, 2021 at 1:26 PM Lukas Ruzicka <lruzicka@redhat.com> wrote:
I would on the contrary advise not to do it manually, as there is a possibility to miss out a package and then the upgrade will not work.
It is easy to use koji on the command line:

  1. Install koji: sudo dnf install koji
  2. Create an empty directory to download the packages to: mkdir ~/todelete
  3. Go into that directory: cd ~/todelete
  4. Fetch the packages from the build using this command: koji download-build 1848938 --arch x86_64

You also need to add "--arch noarch", always. Otherwise noarch packages will not be downloaded, and that's a problem.

A simpler solution is to install "bodhi-client" package and then run:
$ bodhi updates download --updateid FEDORA-2021-82a48ba538
That downloads exactly those architectures which are needed on your system. If there are multiple builds in that update, it will download them all.