On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 7:04 PM, Robert Moskowitz rgm@htt-consult.com wrote:
I just installed F14 on my Asus 701ee and ALL the screens I encountered during the installation fit nicely on the 800x480 screen size.
I would like to thank the developers that decided this was worth doing.
I will note, however, that you missed the 'Create User' and 'Date and Time' dialogs of the post installation process, they are the only ones of the post installation process I encountered that did not fit on 800x480 and I had to 'guess' that Alt-F would move me Forward or Finish.
A useful hint is also that often on a netbook I find that Alt-left button/hold then use the touchpad to slide will move a window up beyond the top of the desktop limit. Or Alt-Left button/hold on an attached mouse and drag up achieves the same - and you can then access the bottom of the popup window for the dialog which includes access to the button to close the dialog.