Anaconda seems ok for me. when writing to an entire drive. however 4GB of Ram, 3.2GHZ X86_64 is really slow when resizing partitions Quite a pain when I have to do it on a number of systems

On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 2:00 AM, G.Wolfe Woodbury <> wrote:
Clyde E. Kunkel wrote:
current anaconda, 11.5.0-33 (even -31) is very slow wrt paritioning tasks and work.  (Maybe even -34 if it was incorporated in the install image dated 20 March 2009--says it is -33 even tho in packages dir anaconda is -34 version.)

Anyone else seeing this?

I have commented on it in a bz I opened for other problems, but since my test system is a bit out of the ordinary, thought I would see if others are experiencing slowness.

Oh Yes!!

It is slow and cranky for my i686 system.  Attempting to do anything out of the ordinary with an LVM (like splitting /home to a seperate file system)  results in an assertion fail but no exception/traceback to save.

Keiran Smith
- Fedora Ambassador / BugZapper - <>
- Free Software Foundation Associate - <>