o/ ,

Please note that "last known good" for rawhide nightlies actually means that it installs to VM, not via usb.
Thanks for the report though, either myself early next week or somebody else will try this, it might be an actual bug of something specific about your configuration.

Just to be sure, did you create the usb media via Fedora Media Writer?

On Sat, Dec 10, 2022 at 11:35 AM Onyeibo Oku <onyeibo@schemefusion.com> wrote:
Good Morning,

I'd like to bring something to attention.  I just downloaded Server
Boot Media (Netinstall) from:

I made a USB boot disk out of that and it failed to boot.

Here is what I get after choosing to install at the GRUB Menu:

error: ../../grub-core/fs/fshelp.c:257:file '/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz'
not found
error: ../../grub-core/loader/i386/efi/linux.c:258:you need to load the
kernel first.

Press any key to continue ...

The ISO was registered as "last known good". This can't be good.

Which one really works?

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Best regards / S pozdravem,

František Zatloukal
Senior Quality Engineer
Red Hat