Petition to include more GNOME Helpers and Apps for next Fedora Release
1.  Adding items to Gnome Main Menu
2. - Support for Theora Codecs
3. Predefined Templates in the ~/Templates/ Directory
4. Database support for Gnome and Glade-2 (Please!!)
5. Redhat Bluecurve (sound themes) - Distinct sound themes designed for Bluecurve Desktop.
6. Download Managers with Resume features, Support for BitTorrent.
7. Other mounted Filesystems (ex. DOS, FAT), to be visible in the "Computer" Icon.
8. Availability of JDBC Class SQL drivers for OpenOffice.
Nautilus and GNOME file priviledges and permissions.
1. Files copied from the CD does not necessarily inherit "-w" permissions.
2. Give Recursive Write Permissions for Directories moved to ~/.Trash/ Directory
3. Recursive Directory Permissions when Parent Directory is set.

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