Rahul Sundaram wrote:
John Summerfield wrote:
Brian C. Huffman wrote:
On Sun, 2008-03-30 at 12:27 -0400, Clyde E. Kunkel wrote:
Rahul Sundaram wrote:
Clyde E. Kunkel wrote:
Also, does quiet affect display of shutdown messages? Not seeing any with upstart.
I see this too. Seems to be upstart quirk/bug. Can you file a bug report please?
I'm not certain this is entirely bad behavior. I guess it depends on what upstart intends to accomplish. Fedora in general is (in my opinion) rightly moving in a direction of showing less technically informational messages (RHGB) that might confuse the less technically saavy users (or convertees).
It's a fair bugger to debug problems though. I turn it off.
U: My system won't boot HD: What messages do you see? U: None.
Won't happen since RHGB automatically falls back to showing details the moment any daemon fails to start.
Kernel messages? Before RHGB starts? Slow boots? It's not happened to me in some years[1], but I recall 20 minutes and more when there was no functioning DNS or substitute. Sendmail in particular was notorious.
btw Is it intended behaviour that boot.log be empty? I was going to check to see what's in it, and all are empty - and it's less than an hour since I last rebooted.
[1] I've read of sendmail problems long since I stopped having them; I attribute most of the difference to my better networks than than, and my reluctance to use sendmail. However, ntpdate on Ubuntu Warty took ages when the network was down.