From: Christopher Beland <>

To:; For testers of Fedora Core development releases <>
Sent: Thursday, February 5, 2009 11:50:24 AM
Subject: Re: What is nepomukservices ?

The first result on Google for "nepomukservices" is:

I hate answers like this.  This answer is just as useful as answering the question of "where are we" with "in a car."  A  would have been more helpful. 

When I googled for it, I found a couple of other links:

But they still didn't answer the question that I wanted to know: Should I run it?  What's it good for?  What can I actually do with it today?  After 5 minutes of reading, I came to the conclusion, that whatever benefit it might bring in the future might be great, but I couldn't see it do anything except consume resources. 

I turned it off.