On Fri, 30 Nov 2012 10:49:50 -0800, Adam Williamson wrote:
It's not quite that it 'defaults' to automatic partitioning,
That is what it tells at the very beginning in the "Storage" section.
it's that the checkbox you hit is the 'automatic / custom' delimiter. It sounds like that wasn't made clear enough for you.
Of course. It seems "Reclaim space" does not just refer to shrinking something but also to reusing existing partitions by simply reformatting them.
Again, so far so good, at least I can make the installer use the LUKS encrypted /home and a few /mnt/… targets. I also tell it to reformat (!) the Root ext4 partition, but:
Why the (!)?
To emphasize that I told it to reformat (= reclaim?) that space, but afterwards it still complains about not enough space.
It continues to display a yellow warning about not enough free space for automatic partitioning. Help! I can revisit the partitioning screen endlessly without any way to teach it that reformatting means the space will be available for installation. And why does it still refer to automatic partitioning, if I tell it that I partition myself? What am I missing? The begin installation button is greyed out.
As David says, this is a bit unclear, as the custom part screen itself shouldn't ever say anything about free space for automatic partitioning. I agree with David that it sounds like, somehow, you left the custom part screen in a way in which the changes made on it weren't applied.
No, clearly not.
Unfortunately, the more I play with this new installer, the more breakage I encounter. Currently, I'm stuck even earlier and cannot "Unlock" my encrypted LV anymore. As soon as I try, no matter whether before or after Root, I get this crash: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/882351
That also means that I cannot revisit the original problem. As you say, I can ignore the ISO path, since filling it in crashes the installer, too, but now the installer crashes always when trying to access the /home I want to add, and I've unlocked it a few times before opening this thread. ;-)