Debian Sid and Fedora Rawhide both have gstreamer-0.10 and gstreamer- 1.0 libraries, seemingly the full set. However Sid only has Gstreamermm 1.0 and Rawhide only has Gstreamermm 0.10. Is this intentional? It does make things somewhat awkward creating Gstreamer application with C++.
Debian Sid and Fedora Rawhide both have gstreamer-0.10 and gstreamer- 1.0 libraries, seemingly the full set. However Sid only has Gstreamermm 1.0 and Rawhide only has Gstreamermm 0.10. Is this intentional? It does make things somewhat awkward creating Gstreamer application with C++.
I dount it's intentional, I suspect it's more than no one has needed gstreamermm 1.0 and hence not packaged it up.
On Tue, 2016-01-19 at 08:08 +0000, Peter Robinson wrote: […]
I dount it's intentional, I suspect it's more than no one has needed gstreamermm 1.0 and hence not packaged it up.
Pity though. C is not a good language for writing applications. Sadly there is chicken and egg situation here: only C API is available so people do not use C++ so the packaging doesn't happen. I guess the Debian GSteamermm packagers just "went for it" on the ground 1.0 is better than 0.10.
I dount it's intentional, I suspect it's more than no one has needed gstreamermm 1.0 and hence not packaged it up.
Pity though. C is not a good language for writing applications. Sadly there is chicken and egg situation here: only C API is available so people do not use C++ so the packaging doesn't happen. I guess the Debian GSteamermm packagers just "went for it" on the ground 1.0 is better than 0.10.
There's nothing stopping you packaging it up :-)
On Wed, 2016-01-20 at 00:35 +0000, Peter Robinson wrote: […]
There's nothing stopping you packaging it up :-)
Clearly true, per se. I have though no idea how to create packages, especially for submission to the Fedora repository.
Also I am going to fall into the "chicken and egg" pit myself: it is easier and quicker to create an application specific C++ wrapper around the C API than to contribute the package. I bet this is what is happening generally.
On Wed, 2016-01-20 at 10:11 +0000, Russel Winder wrote:
On Wed, 2016-01-20 at 00:35 +0000, Peter Robinson wrote: […]
There's nothing stopping you packaging it up :-)
Clearly true, per se. I have though no idea how to create packages, especially for submission to the Fedora repository.
Good thing we have comprehensive documentation on it, then!
On Wed, 2016-01-20 at 11:12 -0800, Adam Williamson wrote:
On Wed, 2016-01-20 at 10:11 +0000, Russel Winder wrote:
On Wed, 2016-01-20 at 00:35 +0000, Peter Robinson wrote: […]
There's nothing stopping you packaging it up :-)
Clearly true, per se. I have though no idea how to create packages, especially for submission to the Fedora repository.
Good thing we have comprehensive documentation on it, then!
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join_the_package_collection_maintainer s
I'm afraid I have wimped out for now, and I am using gstreamer 1.0 as a C API from my C++ code so that it compiles fine on both Rawhide and Sid. If I can get Me TV inot a usable state quickly, I'll revisit creating a gstreamermm package. It does need doing, gstreamer 0.10 is effectively dead from what I can tell.