If you send a file to the trash with Konqueror it end up on my system in /home/don/.local/share/Trash/files. If you send something to the trash with Nautilus it end up in /home/don/.Trash When you are running a gnome desktop the trash icon point to /home/don/.Trash so you never see the files Konqueror sent to its trash can.
When you switch from a gnome session to a kde session (gnome being your default) you are then prompted with a dialog asking if you want to make kde your default manager or just use it for this session only. If you choose this session only kde still ends up being the default.
If you try opening a file with kwrite from Konqueror (in super user mode using "kdesu kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing") you get "KDEInit could not launch 'kwrite'".
Don Springall wrote:
If you send a file to the trash with Konqueror it end up on my system in /home/don/.local/share/Trash/files. If you send something to the trash with Nautilus it end up in /home/don/.Trash When you are running a gnome desktop the trash icon point to /home/don/.Trash so you never see the files Konqueror sent to its trash can.
When you switch from a gnome session to a kde session (gnome being your default) you are then prompted with a dialog asking if you want to make kde your default manager or just use it for this session only. If you choose this session only kde still ends up being the default.
If you try opening a file with kwrite from Konqueror (in super user mode using "kdesu kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing") you get "KDEInit could not launch 'kwrite'".
If you have confirmed these as bugs, kindly file bug reports and post to the list for wider consumption.
Don Springall wrote:
If you send a file to the trash with Konqueror it end up on my system in /home/don/.local/share/Trash/files. If you send something to the trash with Nautilus it end up in /home/don/.Trash When you are running a gnome desktop the trash icon point to /home/don/.Trash so you never see the files Konqueror sent to its trash can.
AFAIK, KDE uses the freedeskop.org trash spec(*), gnome doesn't (yet), so this behavior is not surprising.
(*) See "Trash specification" on http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Standards
-- Rex
Once upon a time Thursday 29 December 2005 2:24 pm, Don Springall wrote:
If you try opening a file with kwrite from Konqueror (in super user mode using "kdesu kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing") you get "KDEInit could not launch 'kwrite'".
not sure what your tring to do there but "kdesu kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing" opens konqueror as root for web browsing
what you would want is to do is "kdesu kwrite" if you want to open a file for editing as root or perhaos "kdesu kate"