I am testing installation of Fedora 34 using virt-install, with this command line
sudo virt-install -l \ http://hkg.mirror.rackspace.com/fedora/releases/34/Everything/x86_64/os/ \ --disk path=/dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x5002538da002a56d \ --name f34-uefi-dpt --ram 2048 --boot uefi
A few findings: - when using defaults, the option to install updates are greyed out - when switch to closest mirror, the mirror choosen is not exactly close to me (hkg.mirror.rackspace.com url above is the closest mirror listed under https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mirrormanager/mirrors/Fedora/34/x86_64 )
Question: How to override which mirror to use during installation while still allow me to install updates?
On Tue, 2021-07-27 at 05:59 +0000, Sampson Fung wrote:
I am testing installation of Fedora 34 using virt-install, with this command line
sudo virt-install -l \ http://hkg.mirror.rackspace.com/fedora/releases/34/Everything/x86_64/os/ \ --disk path=/dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x5002538da002a56d \ --name f34-uefi-dpt --ram 2048 --boot uefi
A few findings:
- when using defaults, the option to install updates are greyed out
- when switch to closest mirror, the mirror choosen is not exactly close to me
(hkg.mirror.rackspace.com url above is the closest mirror listed under https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mirrormanager/mirrors/Fedora/34/x86_64 )
Question: How to override which mirror to use during installation while still allow me to install updates?
You could add:
--extra-args "inst.addrepo=http://hkg.mirror.rackspace.com/fedora/updates/34/Everything/x86_64/"
which should add the updates repository from the same mirror as an additional repository.
Thank you for your help!
Based on runtime error, the format is inst.addrepo=name,url
I used this command:
sudo virt-install -l http://hkg.mirror.rackspace.com/fedora/releases/34/Everything/x86_64/os/ --disk path=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-Samsung_SSD_850_EVO_250GB_S21MNSAFC02148L-part4 --name f34-uefi-dpt --ram 2048 --boot uefi --extra-args="inst.addrepo=rackspace,http://hkg.mirror.rackspace.com/fedora/updates/34/Everything/x86_64/"
It is exactly what I wanted as updates are installed.
Just that the option of "not install update" is greyed out in this way.
On Wed, 2021-08-04 at 17:08 +0000, Sampson Fung wrote:
Thank you for your help!
Based on runtime error, the format is inst.addrepo=name,url
Ah, yes, sorry, I always forget that wrinkle :)
I used this command:
sudo virt-install -l http://hkg.mirror.rackspace.com/fedora/releases/34/Everything/x86_64/os/ --disk path=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-Samsung_SSD_850_EVO_250GB_S21MNSAFC02148L-part4 --name f34-uefi-dpt --ram 2048 --boot uefi --extra-args="inst.addrepo=rackspace,http://hkg.mirror.rackspace.com/fedora/updates/34/Everything/x86_64/"
It is exactly what I wanted as updates are installed.
Just that the option of "not install update" is greyed out in this way.
yes, in this case anaconda doesn't know what the repos "are", so it can't really offer that. You'd just have to know for yourself which repos to enable/disable depending on what you want to do.