Is anybody using the broadcom wireless driver (broadcom-wl- with the latest kernel? The best I can tell, it hasn't worked with any kernel in the 2.6.29 series (at least on my Lenovo S10). The oldest kernel that I've still got installed is and it works fine.
Unfortunately, I'm not quite sure where to look for any errors that might help with troubleshooting. The Network Manager simply doesn't show any wireless capability.
Any suggestions?
Thanks, Emmett "Buddy" Pate
On 29.01.2009 15:57, epate wrote:
Is anybody using the broadcom wireless driver (broadcom-wl- with the latest kernel?
That the one from RPM Fusion afaics. The driver is actually in a package called kmod-wl; but the source code for the driver doesn't compile with recent kernels:
CU knurd
According to bugzilla, it was fixed today (2/1) so I suspect there will be a new kmod-wl coming from rpmfusion-nonfree-rawhide shortly.
Thanks for the info. Emmett