On Wednesday 26 November 2003 06:18, Roland Käser wrote:
Hi all
What about moving the user database to LDAP for the FC2 release? It would be possible to integrate also the samba part of the user records directly to the LDAP directory. The only thing we need is a useful ldap administration frontend and the command line tools for creating and modifying the user records from the command line. The most of the command line tools are shipped with the samba source code. It it is desired, i can make a RPM for that.
I'm curious about moving to LDAP server (currently using rdist to sync passwords and groups), but I still haven't found a simple step-by-step guide to setting up the LDAP server and copying password and group data to it. AFAICT, the only existing howtos are so general that I can't tell what to do.
On Wed, 26 Nov 2003, Neal D. Becker wrote:
On Wednesday 26 November 2003 06:18, Roland Käser wrote:
Hi all
What about moving the user database to LDAP for the FC2 release? It would be possible to integrate also the samba part of the user records directly to the LDAP directory. The only thing we need is a useful ldap administration frontend and the command line tools for creating and modifying the user records from the command line. The most of the command line tools are shipped with the samba source code. It it is desired, i can make a RPM for that.
I'm curious about moving to LDAP server (currently using rdist to sync passwords and groups), but I still haven't found a simple step-by-step guide to setting up the LDAP server and copying password and group data to it. AFAICT, the only existing howtos are so general that I can't tell what to do.
AFAIK it does not exist. I understand that the samba docs do whoever have some pretty good info on setting up ldap wrt samba and AD. Maybe thay would be of use to you.
On Wed, Nov 26, 2003 at 08:01:06AM -0500, Neal D. Becker wrote:
I'm curious about moving to LDAP server (currently using rdist to sync passwords and groups), but I still haven't found a simple step-by-step guide to setting up the LDAP server and copying password and group data to it. AFAICT, the only existing howtos are so general that I can't tell what to do.
OpenLDAP comes with the PADL migration tools that can convert your existing configuration files to LDIF format. You can then import this into an OpenLDAP server. Everything is in /usr/share/openldap/migration/ .
Directory Administrator (availible from freshrpms) can let you edit the LDAP information through a GUI.
On Wed, 2003-11-26 at 06:01, Neal D. Becker wrote:
I'm curious about moving to LDAP server (currently using rdist to sync passwords and groups), but I still haven't found a simple step-by-step guide to setting up the LDAP server and copying password and group data to it. AFAICT, the only existing howtos are so general that I can't tell what to do.
The Guru Labs "ldapmigrate" script can be used to import your /etc files into your LDAP directory.
It is cleaner, smaller and has other advantages over the PADL scripts.
You can obtain it at:
The prerequisite is that you have your OpenLDAP server securely, and properly setup.
Dax Kelson Guru Labs