Greetings folks,
Just wanted to summarize how things held up for the second rawhide acceptance test run of Fedora 13. As scheduled (see task#11 [1]), release engineering and the installer team coordinated delivery of boot and install images on Thursday, Feb 4. The rawhide acceptance test plan [2] was executed using AutoQA. The following summarizes test results from RATS and additional manual testing.
= Summary =
* Automated rawhide acceptance tests (RATS) PASS * The 'last known good' install images can be changed to 2010-02-04 (see rel-eng ticket#3373). * Test results are available at
= Bugs Encountered =
* 563677 NEW - TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'NoneType' and 'float' * 559290 NEW - LVMError: lvcreate failed for VolGroup/lv_root - 512M insufficient for Fedora/x86_64 install * 563014 NEW - NoMoreMirrorsRepoError: failure: repodata/90732b54dd2657e09831028c5c9dde0a1baddf6859830edd5c8c49b1d71658f8-filelists.sqlite.bz2 from anaconda-InstallationRepo-201002041740.i386: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try. * 563009 NEW - No logging type for "loader" messages * 560114 NEW - sh-4.1# BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 0000000000000358 * 562209 NEW - Booting boot.iso, installer unable to read network package metadata * 560087 NEW - [ INFO: possible circular locking dependency detected ] - iscsid/622 is trying to acquire lock: * 561074 ASSIGNED - DeviceError: ('cannot replace active format', 'sda6') * 560016 ASSIGNED - WARNING : /usr/lib/anaconda/ GtkWarning * 559844 MODIFIED - udev update needs edits in rules
= AutoQA Issues =
* AutoQA ticket#115 - Update post-tree-compose to recognize new stage2 URL * Updated rats_install to recognize new anaconda.log format - * Updated rats_install to default to 768M virt guest size -
Thanks, James
[1] [2]