Hallo Vinz, Hallo Team,

Wie ihr vielleicht von der trans-Liste bereits mitbekommen habt, möchte Kévin Raymond den Ablauf für das Freigeben der Website-Übersetzungen ändern. In Zukunft werden nur Strings veröffentlicht, die "reviewed" wurden ...
Wie findet ihr das? Ist das machbar für das DE-Team? Wer wäre bereit, die bestehenden Übersetzungen jeweils durchzusehen bzw. freizugeben?

Hier der Auszug aus dem E-Mail von Kévin:
5. There has been a good unknown Transifex feature for months now. The ability to review translations. I still don't like the way it is implemented: the maitainer (devs) has to choose for the translator the quality desired. No, it should come from the translation team. But let move this discussion on an other thread, later.
Here, on the websites team, we are going to pull reviewed translations only. That is going to be a *huge* change for you. Therefore, we can probably enable this feature for specific teams only. I don't know yet how this would be set. Please every coordinators, tell me if this is something that you don't want for your team. The downside of this change is the need for your team to mark as
reviewed all your translations. It could have changed (I did the feature request 3 or 4 months ago)− and don't ask me which ticket is it, I just can't track them all on their 3 different
trackers) but here is how it works:
* to review a string, you need to do it through the online translation tool (Lotte) only. You can't authomatize that with the transifex client.
* this is by-string or by-page process. You can't mark as review the whole resource or project. I let you imagine how to mark as reviewed a project with several rersources made of thousand of strings... Thanks to Transifex, the hot feature is a pain to start with. That's mainly why we haven't used that before, but I got the request to do so and it will add more quality to your translations. I strongly hope the made something to help us starting.
* only reviewers can review strings. So the language coordinators have to select some reviewers. A reviewer is a translator that have one more power, the hability to mark strings as reviewed. You can define them all as reviewers of course.

(5.) Expected change for the F19 Alpha release. But it really depends if we need to do this per language, and about your opinion. This is really the major change for you and we won't move forward on this topic if you don't want this for your team. That's why I need you to let me know if you don't want this. Yeah, if you don't reply for your team because you haven't read about this I will assume that you agreed :) We will choose the best solution for you!  (I shall probably send
a reminder..)
