Γεια χαρά!
Για όσους ασχολούνται με μεταφράσεις, διεθνοποίηση λογισμικού και
διαχείρηση κοινοτήτων ελεύθερου λογισμικού, με χαρά μου ανακοινώνω ότι
σήμερα κυκλοφορήσαμε την έκδοση 0.5 του Transifex.
Μπορείτε να τη δείτε ήδη σε δράση στο έργο Fedora, @
Enjoy. :-)
Dimitris Glezos
Founder and Chief ninja
Indifex ltd.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dimitris Glezos <dimitris(a)glezos.com>
Date: Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 7:05 AM
Subject: Announcing Transifex 0.5
To: Transifex-devel list <transifex-devel(a)googlegroups.com>
Indifex and the Transifex Community are proud to announce the newest version
of their flagship translation platform, Transifex 0.5.
Transifex is a web application written in Python using the Django web
framework that gives translators a web interface to various version control
systems. Files to be translated can be downloaded, translated files can be
uploaded directly to the source repository, and various translation statistics
can be read at a glance.
Transifex is already in use by the Fedora Project to translate its interfaces
to an audience of more than 5 million users.
What does it offer?
Transifex currently supports the following Version control systems:
- Concurrent Version System
- Subversion
- Bazaar
- Mercurial
- Git
For statistics generation, Transifex supports static gettext message catalogs
and intltool-based ones, used by the vast majority of open source software
What's new in 0.5?
A full list of the features offered in this release can be found in the
release notes:
This release represents a significant advance in Transifex development since
the Transifex 0.3 release in November 2008. Here’s a 40K-foot view of the
release in numbers and most important feature categories.
243 files changed, 14027 insertions(+), 319 deletions(-)
- Complete re-write of the source code on top of the Django Web framework
- New data model supporting multiple repositories per project (eg. branches
or domains of files), and project collections (eg. Fedora, GNOME, etc.)
- Calculation of a project’s translation coverage (statistics)
- Submission support of files to a variety of version control systems
- Support for serving translation files to users for easy access to them
- User registrations and authentication (including OpenID)
- Simple workflow support
What does it look like?
The Fedora Project is currently running an instance of Transifex at:
For some eye candy, check out the screenshots on our site, at:
How can I get it?
Project and community managers who want to deploy Transifex for their
own community can get Transifex in a variety of ways.
A tarball of Transifex 0.5 is available at:
For full installation instructions, refer to the documentation section:
RPM packages for Fedora 9, Fedora 10, and Fedora Rawhide are or will
soon be available via yum:
yum install transifex transifex-extras
RPM packages for RHEL 5, CentOS 5, and Scientific Linux 5 will be
available in Fedora EPEL:
The staff of Indifex and the Transifex Community
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ruediger Landmann <r.landmann(a)redhat.com>
Date: Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 4:27 AM
Subject: Common Content files for Publican now in Transifex
To: Fedora Translation Project List <fedora-trans-list(a)redhat.com>
With many thanks to Dmitris for stepping me through the process, the
Common Content files for Publican are now available in Transifex.
They are:
Conventions.po (part of the Publican Common Content module):
Download from your language directory here:
Upload to your language directory here:
Feedback.po (part of the Publican Fedora brand module):
Download from your language directory here:
Upload to your language directory here:
1. As previously discussed on this list, the Conventions.po file
contains an extremely long and difficult string. A version of the file
with this string broken up into more manageable chunks is available
here: http://rlandmann.fedorapeople.org//Conventions.po -- if you use
this as the basis for your translation, please let me know before
uploading this in Transifex; the file will need some manual tweaking
once you upload it.
2. These two files are part of two separate Publican modules; one that
provides content for all "brands" supported in Publican (Fedora,
JBoss, GIMP, oVirt, Red Hat), and one that provides content
specifically for Fedora. You will also see a Feedback.po file in the
Common Content module; this is NOT the Feedback file that we need as a
priority, although translations of it are welcome too! (This file is
not a priority in Fedora, because Fedora documents use our own
Feedback file, which over-rides the "common" Feedback file)
3. Publican already contains directories for the languages supported
by Red Hat, plus a dozen or so community languages that are a high
priority for the Fedora 11 Installation Guide (see list below). If you
can help out by translating a language which doesn't already have a
directory please let me know, or send your request to
4. Please remember to include your name and email address in the
header of the .po file so that you receive credit for your work! All
submissions will also be credited in the CHANGES files for the
appropriate module -- see here:
https://fedorahosted.org/publican/browser/trunk/publican/CHANGES and
here: https://fedorahosted.org/publican/browser/trunk/publican-fedora/CHANGES
5. Mockups of how these two sections currently look in a variety of
languages are available here:
http://rlandmann.fedorapeople.org/Common_Content -- I will update
these as new translations are received. Please note that some elements
on these pages are simply "placeholders" and are not part of the files
that need translating (the heading "Preface", for example)
Priority languages:
Many thanks to Richard and Rui for translations into Dutch and
European Portuguese. The remaining languages that we still need
urgently are:
* Danish
* Greek
* Hungarian
* Indonesian
* Latvian
* Malay
* Norwegian (Bokmål)
* Polish
* Serbian (Cyrillic and Latin characters)
* Swedish
Like I said, any others are most welcome as well.
Fedora-trans-list mailing list
Dimitris Glezos
Jabber ID: glezos(a)jabber.org, GPG: 0xA5A04C3B
"He who gives up functionality for ease of use
loses both and deserves neither." (Anonymous)