2011/5/2 Kévin Raymond <shaiton@fedoraproject.org>
On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 9:26 AM, dominique chepioq <chepioq@gmail.com> wrote:
> Bonjour tout le monde...
> Je viens de m'apercevoir d'un (peut-être) problème.
> Un exemple sera plus parlant.
> Quand je vais sur la page :
> http://fedorapeople.org/groups/docs/release-notes/fr-FR/sect-Release_Notes-Changes_for_Developers.html#sect-RelNotes-Java
> Il y a
> 4.4.1. IcedTea6 1.10
> Some of the major improvements in 1.10 include:
> Many graphics improvements and bug fixes, including support for
> shaped/translucent windows and hw/lw mixing
> Performance gains with PKCS#11 provider
> Numerous other VM stability and performance improvements that come with
> HotSpot 20
> IcedTea6 1.10 provides many performance and stability and performance
> benefits over the 1.8 and 1.9 series that are in Fedora 13 and 14
> respectively.
> 4.4.2. IcedTea-Web
> In addition to the IcedTea6 update, another major change on the Java front
> is the introduction of IcedTea-Web in Fedora. In previous releases, the Java
> plugin and Web Start implementations were packaged with the
> java-1.6.0-openjdk RPM. Starting with 1.10, the plugin and Web Start
> implementations are now developed independently as part of a separate
> project known as IcedTea-Web.
> In addition to numerous bug fixes, some the major feature improvements in
> IcedTea-Web include:
> NetX and plugin configuration can now be specified via a
> deployment.properties file
> System-level as well as user-level deployment.properties files with locked
> configuration are supported
> Applications and applets can now have a Look and Feel different from rest of
> IcedTea-Web
> Native directories are correctly cleaned on exit
> Cached files with special characters in file names are now handled correctly
> Interfaces javax.jnlp.IntegrationService and javax.jnlp.DownloadService2 are
> now available
> javaws now supports a new -Xclearcache option
> Applications with non-public main classes are now supported.
> JNLP files containing <component-desc> as well as <application-desc> will
> now work
> JNLP files referenced in the applet tag are now parsed to detect applet
> properties
> Applets are now double-buffered to eliminate flicker in ones that do heavy
> drawing
> Not only does IcedTea-Web bring the above improvements to Fedora, it will
> also make bug fix turn-around time much shorter going forward, as it would
> no longer require a JDK RPM re-spin.
> Mais quand je vais sur
> https://www.transifex.net/projects/p/fedora-release-notes/resource/Java/
> pour faire la traduction je n'ai pas de chaîne à traduire concernant le
> passage que je cite.
> Est-ce que c'est parce que le site n'est pas à jour?
> Ou cela recouvre-t-il un autre problème?
> En cherchant un peu il n'y a pas que la partie java qui est concerné.
> Amicalement
> Dominique
> --
> trans-fr mailing list
> trans-fr@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/trans-fr

il faut ouvrir un ticket sur BZ (bugzilla) dans le composant
documentation afin qu'ils mettent à jour le fichier de langue

Kévin Raymond
trans-fr mailing list

OK bug créé ici