Dear Sir,


Please find the updated statement of outstanding payment and shipment status as on date

Please confirm the payment of the shipments that have reached including airfreight shipments.

Best regards,


Tel: 852-2942 0832

Air Export Department

Speedmark Transportation Limited/HKG


請在訂倉時註明貨物是否有電池  否貼正確電池標籤

本公司絕不接受任何虛假貨物申報, (如貨物含有 “”  電池液體粉狀  危險貨 必須如實申報,

及提供相關正確文件。  如因任何虛假申報而導致本公司有任何損 本公司將會保留向貴司追討一切損失的權利。

All the Danger Goods & Battery items has to declare clearly, with related document.  We reserve the right to claim all the liability