Fedora-Test-Website はもう翻訳しました。
但し、Fedora ウェブサイトの下にある
fedorahosted.org と talk.fedoraproject.org が残っています。

Noriko Mizumoto さんは書きました:
ウェブサイトの翻訳 POファイルが準備されています。


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fedora 10 Website Translation
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2008 03:19:45 -0500
From: Ricky Zhou <ricky@fedoraproject.org>
Reply-To: Fedora Translation Project List <fedora-trans-list@redhat.com>
To: fedora-trans-list@redhat.com


Sorry I was late getting the strings ready - these last two weeks were
really crazy.  Anyway, we're going try to do things a bit differently
this time around - the Fedora 10 website is currently in the
fedora-web.test repo (which has already been added to Transifex).

Almost all strings should be updated for F10 now ("Fedora 9. Make
waves." is still in the POT right now, I'm emailing the marketing list
to find out what the new line will be).

For any URLs that were included in the POT, try to make them point to
the translated version of the document, if one is available.

Sorry again for the lateness - hopefully we can still get the website
well-translated in time for F10.  Let me know if there are any

Transifex module: https://translate.fedoraproject.org/submit/module/fedora-web_test
PO files: http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/fedora-web.test/?p=fedora-web.test.git;a=tree;f=fedoraproject.org/po

Thanks a lot,

-- Fedora-trans-ja mailing list Fedora-trans-ja@redhat.com https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-trans-ja

Kiyoto (James) Hashida
Technical Translator

Red Hat APAC
Level 4, 193 North Quay,
Brisbane  QLD. Australia
Mail:  khashida@redhat.com