이종상 wrote:


너무 늦었습니다.


번역자는 Ashuaria Lee 로 해 주세요.


수고들 하세요.


혹 잘못 된곳이 있으면 수정 부탁 드립니다.



앗 감사합니다.

그렇지 않아도 연락이 안오셔서 걱정하고 있었는데

그러면 이종상 님 덕분에 이제 5개만 남았네요  시간 잘 맞춰서 보내주셨어요
바로 올리겠습니다


# ========================================================
#: nss_db-2.1.92-1.src.rpm:1005 nss_db-compat-2.1.92-1.i386.rpm:1005

Nss_db-compat is a set of C library extensions which allow Berkeley\n
Databases to be used as a primary source of aliases, ethers, groups,\n
hosts, networks, protocol, users, RPCs, services, and shadow passwords\n
(instead of or in addition to using flat files or NIS) from programs\n
linked against glibc 2.0.x.


# ========================================================
#: nss_ldap-123-4.i386.rpm:1005 nss_ldap-123-4.src.rpm:1005

This package includes two LDAP access clients: nss_ldap and pam_ldap.\n
Nss_ldap is a set of C library extensions that allow X.500 and LDAP\n
directory servers to be used as a primary source of aliases, ethers,\n
groups, hosts, networks, protocol, users, RPCs, services, and shadow\n
passwords (instead of or in addition to using flat files or NIS).\n
Pam_ldap is a module for Linux-PAM that supports password changes, V2\n
clients, Netscape's SSL, ypldapd, Netscape Directory Server password\n
policies, access authorization, and crypted hashes.


# ========================================================
#: ntp-4.0.99k-4.i386.rpm:1005 ntp-4.0.99k-4.src.rpm:1005

The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is used to synchronize a computer's\n
time with another reference time source. The ntp package contains\n
utilities and daemons that will synchronize your computer's time to\n
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) via the NTP protocol and NTP servers.\n
The ntp package includes ntpdate (a program for retrieving the date\n
and time from remote machines via a network) and ntpd (a daemon which\n
continuously adjusts system time).\n
Install the ntp package if you need tools for keeping your system's\n
time synchronized via the NTP protocol.


# ========================================================
#: chkconfig-1.2.17-1.src.rpm:1005 ntsysv-1.2.17-1.i386.rpm:1005

Ntsysv provides a simple interface for setting which system services\n
are started or stopped in various runlevels (instead of directly\n
manipulating the numerous symbolic links in /etc/rc.d). Unless you\n
specify a runlevel or runlevels on the command line (see the man\n
page), ntsysv configures the current runlevel (5 if you're using X).


# ========================================================
#: nut-0.44.1-1.i386.rpm:1005 nut-0.44.1-1.src.rpm:1005

NUT (Network UPS Tools) provides programs for monitoring various\n
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) devices. Many models of UPS have\n
serial ports that allow some form of state checking. This capability\n
has been harnessed, when possible, to allow for safe shutdowns, live\n
status tracking on webpages, and other capabilities. The nut-cgi\n
package contains the CGI programs needed for checking a UPS' status\n
via a Web browser.