Aliás, perdão,
surgiu um imprevisto e não poderei fazer a tradução.
Desculpe pelo incômodo.


--- Em seg, 21/7/08, <> escreveu:
De: <>
Assunto: Digest Fedora-trans-pt_br, volume 52, assunto 8
Data: Segunda-feira, 21 de Julho de 2008, 13:00

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Tópicos de Hoje:

1. Editorial para a Revista (Henrique Junior)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2008 22:14:49 -0300
From: "Henrique Junior" <>
Subject: [Fedora-trans-pt_br] Editorial para a Revista
To: "Fedora Trans" <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Olá, amigos
Eu gostaria de perguntar se alguém poderia traduzir o editorial para a
nossa terceira edição da Revista Fedora Brasil.

Segue o texto:

As the Fedora Project Leader, it's a great honor to be asked to talk
about the project for Fedora Brazil Magazine. In English, the word
'honor' has several meanings. One meaning is the one I just used above
-- a consideration given out of respect or esteem. But 'honor' can
mean virtue or high moral character: in other words, doing the right
thing. And that, to me, is the essential meaning and purpose of
free/libre and open source software. It's about giving people
everywhere the ability to do the right thing, to be creative, and to be

For instance, free/libre and open source software removes the need for
people to illegally download copies of proprietary material just to make
their computers useful. There are free/libre and open alternatives for
almost every possible need. My family and I have been living life
without proprietary software for several years and not missing it at
all, thanks to Fedora. Browsing the Web, writing email and documents,
managing family photos, and enjoying videos and music are simple and
easy. And rather than being isolated from other users, my software
makes me part of a community, with neighbors that share my interests,
and like any good neighbors we help each other. Doing the right thing
is easy with free/libre and open source software.

For years, in businesses, schools, and governments around the world,
millions of people have copied software without entitlements. They have
built costly proprietary solutions built on closed standards that
prevent them from moving and re-using information efficiently. And they
have done all this while feeling stranded and isolated from others in
the same situation. The costs inflicted by proprietary software have
become an enormous drain on the global economy, enforced by greed and
ignorance. But free/libre and open source software offer the solution
-- freeing the entire global information landscape. Now, people
everywhere can be fully equipped with software that meets open
standards, saving billions of dollars worldwide, and becoming full and
equal participants in making that software better.

The Fedora Project is dedicated to spreading free/libre and open source
software. One of the ways we do that is by producing a complete
computing platform approximately every six months. What sets Fedora
apart is that all the software we provide, and everything we use to
build it, is free of cost and legal for anyone to copy, reuse, modify,
and redistribute -- now and always. Doing the right thing means making
sure that when we give you software, you are also free to pass it on to
anyone else. And because we make it possible for people to combine our
software in unique ways, any of those combinations will guarantee the
same freedoms to everyone who uses them or gives them to others. And we
use those same principles not just in our software, but in everything
from our websites and artwork to our tools and documentation.

All of this work is produced by a community that shares a passion for
bringing equality and open standards to homes, businesses, and
governments everywhere. Our community also makes Fedora special, and
you can become a part of it too. Visit
and see how you can be involved in the biggest global revitalization of
the 21st Century -- help us remove fear, uncertainty, ignorance, and
inequality from information technology worldwide!

Henrique "LonelySpooky" Junior
"In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?!"


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Fim da Digest Fedora-trans-pt_br, volume 52, assunto 8

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