
Dear Language Team Coordinator,

Zanata user "Saibal Ray" with id "bnin" is requesting to join the bn-IN (বাংলা (ভারত)) Language Team

Saibal Ray has included the following message with this request:

Hi. My name is Saibal Ray. I do work in redhat as a Bengali translator. I would like to join the Bengali - India translation team in order to contribute translation. Thanks.

You can add Saibal Ray to the bn-IN team as translator using the "Add Team Member" action on the language team page and searching for "Add Team Member".

You can click the link below to go directly to the bn-IN Language Team Page. Please reply to Saibal Ray at when you have finished processing this request.

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Ding-Yi Chen
Software Engineer
Internationalization Group
DID: +61 7 3514 8239

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