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comments should be made in the comments box of this bug.
Summary: New translation team
Summary: New translation team
Product: Fedora Localization
Version: unspecified
Platform: Unspecified
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: medium
Priority: low
Component: l10n-requests
AssignedTo: dimitris(a)
ReportedBy: mohar.darko(a)
QAContact: aalam(a)
CC: piotrdrag(a), fedora(a),
diegobz(a), fedora-trans-list(a)
Classification: Fedora
I would like to create a new Fedora Slovenia translation team.
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Hi guys,
I couldn't find smolt(fedora hardware profiler) on Is it
available for us to translate?
Fedora Project Ambassador & Contributor
Please do not reply directly to this email. All additional
comments should be made in the comments box of this bug.
Summary: [all languages] yum untranslated words
Summary: [all languages] yum untranslated words
Product: Fedora Localization
Version: unspecified
Platform: Unspecified
OS/Version: Unspecified
Status: NEW
Severity: medium
Priority: low
Component: Other language
AssignedTo: dimitris(a)
ReportedBy: lecotegougdelaforce(a)
QAContact: aalam(a)
CC: piotrdrag(a), fedora-trans-list(a)
Classification: Fedora
Description of problem:
When asking for package installation or removal with yum, the user using
non-English localization will be facing the following sentence :
"---> Package [some package] will be [local translation of "erased" or
in which the English words "Package" and "will be" are not localized.
This sentence is not translated either :
"Adding [locale] to language list"
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
yum.noarch 0:3.2.28-14.fc15 (on F14)
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comments should be made in the comments box of this bug.
Summary: [all languages] yum untranslated words
Summary: [all languages] yum untranslated words
Product: Fedora
Version: 14
Platform: Unspecified
OS/Version: Unspecified
Status: NEW
Keywords: Translation, Triaged
Severity: medium
Priority: low
Component: yum-langpacks
AssignedTo: petersen(a)
ReportedBy: aalam(a)
QAContact: extras-qa(a)
CC: petersen(a), james.antill(a),
pmatilai(a), tla(a), ffesti(a),
piotrdrag(a), fedora-trans-list(a),
maxamillion(a), skvidal(a),
Depends on: 666038
Classification: Fedora
Target Release: ---
Clone Of: 666038
+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #666038 +++
Description of problem:
When asking for package installation or removal with yum, the user using
non-English localization will be facing the following sentence :
"---> Package [some package] will be [local translation of "erased" or
in which the English words "Package" and "will be" are not localized.
This sentence is not translated either :
"Adding [locale] to language list"
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
yum.noarch 0:3.2.28-14.fc15 (on F14)
--- Additional comment from aalam(a) on 2010-12-28 20:59:45 IST ---
Bug need to move 'yum' package and 'yum plugins'
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Hi Guys,
Why we mantain the transifex translate in our transifex[1], if it have
yourself upstream project?
Should we remove this project from our infra?
[1] -
[2] -
Rafael Gomes
Consultor em TI
(71) 8146-5772
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On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 6:26 AM, Ilias Romanos <ilias(a)> wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-03-05 at 13:41 +0530, Shankar Prasad Venkateshbhat wrote:
>> HI Ilias,
>> > my name is Ilias from Ioannina, Greece and my FAS username is kboi.
>> >
>> Welcome! Nice to see you here! Since you are from Greece, I assume
>> that you are interested to contribute to Greek Translations.
>> Currently Dimitris Glezos is the Maintainer for the Greek Team.
>> To reach out the fellow Greek Translators please do join the el
>> mailing list as well.
>> To learn more about the translation process involved in the FLP, do
>> visit the Greek version of Translation Quick Start Guide.
>> For any other help, please drop a mail to the list.
>> Shanky
>> --
>> trans mailing list
>> trans(a)
> Hey Shanky,
> Thank you for the welcoming. I've already joined my local mailing list
> and send an introductory mail to them as I was instructed by the
> Translation Quick Start Guide you've mentioned.
> Thanks again,
> Ilias
> --
> trans mailing list
> trans(a)
Please take a moment and read this brief email, as it is important.
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Details". Look for the line that says "Contributor Agreement". On that
line, you should see a new section that says:
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Tom Callaway, Fedora Legal
Fedora Project
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comments should be made in the comments box of this bug.
Summary: Bugfix for glibc entry "nds_DE" in /usr/share/i18n/locales
Summary: Bugfix for glibc entry "nds_DE" in
Product: Fedora Localization
Version: unspecified
Platform: All
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: medium
Priority: low
Component: Other language
AssignedTo: dimitris(a)
ReportedBy: ncfiedler(a)
QAContact: aalam(a)
CC: piotrdrag(a), fedora-trans-list(a)
Classification: Fedora
Created an attachment (id=438687)
--> (
fixed nds_DE from /usr/share/locales
Description of problem:
The actual nds_DE file in /usr/share/locales is obsolete - it is old and wrong.
I edited it and hope for it to be adequate now. The old file seems to produce
errors while setting the locale to "nds" (Low German). I attached the new file
to this bug as a fix.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
/usr/share/locales/nds_DE has some wrong contents
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual results:
Expected results:
ship the new nds_DE in the next release or as an update
Additional info:
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Good day!
----- "daniel cabrera" <logan(a)> пишет:
> So, Yulia, Inna, just to be certain, do you think your team in
> will allow other languages to join you and to use the structure you've
> created? If yes, can we use your repositorys, or perhaps you think
> that it's better host the files somewhere else? And the last thing:
> I've found another translations of man pages in [2] that are
> also related with you guys: Is there somewhere else where we have to
> look for?
> [1]
> [2]
Yes, certainly. You can add new team on [1] and you can also use our repo on [2] (if the name "man-pages-ru" doesn't embarrass you :).
You can also add page in your language with instructions to (ask me about it in private letter).
One can find some details about project [2] in file [3].
There are 3 coordinators (Russian):
kruvalig (Valerij Kruchko)- project [1] on (from Russian Fedora L10N Team);
yuray (Yuri Kozlov) - project on [2] (He is from Debian community);
and I (mama-sun, Inna Kabanova) - I'm responsible for communications with other projects in Russia, with Russian Fedora L10N Team and others. (But if you have some technical questions you had better ask yuray :).
And what about project [4]: it is project of Vladimir Stupin (morbo). He created it to translate into Russian man-pages he want. For the moment projects [1] and [4] are not coherent.
----- "Dimitris Glezos" <dimitris(a)> пишет:
> This effort be created as a global, common project, in order to
> leverage the common toolchain. One repository should be created which
> contains all source and language files. Something like "CMTP: Common
> Manpage Translation Project". We should create a Google Group with
> some instructions posted, etc.
Yes, I think so too. But today we are at the outset and there are a lot of unsettled problems ahead.
> Any downstream distribution which would like to re-use some of these
> translations, could just use this repo as their RPM/DEB source repo in
> their spec files. When we succeed in delivering a first set of
> translations, the package maintainers could be informed about the
> existence of this effort.
> Downstream contributors (e.g. translators of Fedora, Ubuntu, etc)
> interested in translating manpages could be encouraged to contribute
> to this project.
We try to contact with Russian teams from other distribs to invite them into the project.
> > [1]
> My questions mainly revolve around technical issues, like, how do we
> keep these PO files in sync with the source repositories? With my
> (poor) understanding, I can imagine a workflow as follows:
> 1. We create a repo on github/bitbucket/foo which contains the PO
> files.
> 2. The repo contains a text file with direct download links to the
> nroff files of upstream projects.
> 3. A sync script is run every few days which downloads these files
> and updates the PO files.
> 4. A script/Makefile rule is provided to the developer which he can
> run before he releases.
> 5. A new developer can request the addition of his project/URL by
> opening a ticket to our ticketing system.
> Do these make sense?
According to what Yuri's said me about your questions in our project we have only one upstream project ( and we didn't solve the problem of adding a new one. But it's interesting for us. So I ask you, Dimitris, to communicate with Yuri (yuray AT komyakino DOT ru) and kruvalig to take up this problems.
[1] -
[2] -
[3] -…
[4] -
Inna Kabanova / Russian Fedora Team
Hello friends,
I stumbled upon this[1] link posted on Ambassadors list today. It is
about an amazing (French) magazine that is brought out by our friends
at Fedora (France) and aims to be open to beginners, while keeping a
feet into technical issues at the same time.
It would be really great if we manage to translate it to English and
distribute it. Considering PCLinuxOS comes out with such magazine
every month, this place could be a nice start to a Fedora-related
(monthly?) magazine.
To start off, we need to organize a team of people who translate each
article, which has appeared in the current version of Muffin (Muffin
3). You can catch up with `execat' (me) or `slobberbone' or `braoru'
on #fedora-muffin on Freenode to know more.
The project is hosted on Gitorious[3] and has some really awesome
contributors (One even has the username `Pikachu'). Translating it to
english is the least we could do to make the fullest out of the
efforts that have went into this magazine.
This is not similar to FWN, in a way that this magazine has articles
on `how' to get things done rather than `what is happening' in
Daily blog:
Promoting: (pro-GNU/Linux) (GNU/Linux's not Windows)
Hi translators,
Please find bellow an issue for you to handle.
Thank you Philippe to have reported this issue.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Boa tarde.
Meu nome e Philippe e gostaria de so falar que no link abaixo da
página do fedora do Brasil há um erro na parte onde se fala :
Seja um profissional das apresentações e planilhas!
Visite para alguns ótimos e práticos examplos de
tutoriais criando apresentações e planilhas.
Apenas houve a troca do e na palavra Exemplo.
Desculpe o incômodo , mas e que as vezes ninguem encontrou o erro.
websites mailing list
Kévin Raymond